My System & My Academy of Superpowers

Chapter 263 - Love Is Bigger Than Patience.

Ryan picked up his backpack from the floor. He looked around to see or sense Darell's presence. 

Darell would only probably be here after so much time. To respect the dead and cry in grief, Ryan knew Darell will have to go back from where he came.

Ryan was not sure where he came from, where he went, where is he staying in Tokyo. All he could do was make guesses. 

Ryan sniffed the air a few times.

< Enhanced smell sense activated >

< Clairvoyance activated >

'Would have been better if these skills were combat skills.' Ryan shook his head as he turned to the right, dark hallway. 

To activate two skills at once but no need to use his blood for the activation was a pretty good deal. 

Because activating a combat skill it costs Ryan blood from his Blood store which reduces gradually if he keeps using his skills. And for activating two at once? Ryan might lose all of his blood.

Ryan continued to walk in the direction of the hallway which leads to the abandoned cabin area. He entered the hallway, kept his skills activated and his senses sharp.

Ryan shook his head when he did not sense Darell's presence. Although Ryan was able to sense no one ahead, he did not dare to cross the hallway and enter the back area of this dormitory.

Ryan would not go there just to check whether Darell is still in the dormitory or not. That would too risky, so risky that Ryan might lose his life. 

He decided to abandon that idea when he reached the edge of the corridor. Ryan lifted his head up and down to look into the darkness.

It has been more than two hours since the sun went down, it was somewhere around seven PM, it was getting late. 

The dormitory was undergoing a renovation and the lights were broken. So the only lights they had were the hand lights for helping laborers see their things and Trait users to flash on the work the laborers are doing.

The outer area of the dormitory was not lighted, it was really dark because of the night and no light. Ryan could not see anyone nor sense anyone.

Ryan tugged the strap of his bag, pulled it forward on his shoulder, "Scary." Ryan muttered as he turned around.

He deactivated his skills, kept his senses activated.

Ryan walked slowly through the hallway for a few feet then… 

< Superspeed activated: 85 kilometers per hour >

He started running at his top speed. He did not look back even once after he started running through the dark hallway.

'Fucking scary!' it sure was a scary, mysterious experience. Only if Darell had appeared out of nowhere, Ryan knows what would have become of him.

'Shit. those guys should have killed him while they had the chance to. This might get scary in the future.'

Ryan had already calculated the possible future actions. Darell would come back to them with the motto of getting his revenge. That would put Ryan in great danger.

Next, he might come with a unit of his own and kill Ryan, Brandon, Devon at once by cornering them with a group of eight to ten powerful Elite vampires. [This might be the most possible way]

The third and the last possibility Ryan could come up with while running out of the hallway for his life was a simple but expensive way of killing him.

Do what Feore's father and the mafia did– or tried to do. Assassination. Kill him silently without letting anybody know. The best yet the most expensive option [Private assassins have high rates, yes.]

He stood in the plaza out of the lobby. He was standing there panting for air from running a few meters at 85 KMPH and a bag on his back.

'I really need to increase my stamina stat.' Ryan thought in his head.

He lifted his head after panting for a few seconds. He had sorted- got out of the vampire business for now, at least. He decided to wait for Brandon and Devon.

Ryan looked around and saw a wall to lean against while he waited for them to come. He can not leave the Academy on his own, he does not know where the hotel is. 

Ryan wiped his sweat from the forehead, 'Stamina.' He muttered inside his head.

He wanted high agility stat, he still wants to get faster than his opponents. In the heat of raising his agility, he totally forgot, to run faster and longer, he needs stamina.

He totally blinded the stamina stat as it is already near a hundred. But when he ran at the speed of 85 [New speed after killing Stanley] he found it hard to run after a minute.

"My stamina is exactly hundred then why am I having trouble while running? Are not a hundred stamina points enough? They are high! They must be!"

"Ah… I should have cleared it for you sooner but I never knew you would go through some shit in your life this quick. This is a part of your physical training. No, we should really get training."

"Yeah, we will. But for now, answer my query," Ryan demanded.

"Fine, fine. Ah, for your agility to keep up with your stamina points so that your agility does not beat the stamina, or your stamina does not beat your agility, there is a specific ratio to follow,"

"Let me hear it out," Ryan told him. He leaned against a wall, kept his back down on the cement pavements leaning against the wall. 

"Your stamina should be double of your agility."

"Hah, double? Seriously? Do you mean, for my agility to work in sync with my stamina, my stamina should be above 170 points? That is insane–"

"Listen to me first, boy." Professor shut Ryan down, "If your stamina is below the double amount required you will get tired- not really, but out of stamina from excessive running in Stamina minus Agility multiplied by 10. Seconds."

".....maths? Can you do it for me?" Ryan was annoyed to see maths' calculations here too.

"You will be out of stamina after 250 seconds. But if your stamina is equal to your agility then you will run out of stamina in Stamina plus Agility divided by two minutes."

"Again, I need answers not mathematic..."

"If your agility reaches 100 points. You will be out of stamina in only 92.5 minutes or 5550 seconds."

"That is more than enough time."

"Yeah, but before you can have that more than enough time, increase your stamina stat first."

"I know, is there any shortcut to upgrade my skills?"

"Oh, of course, there is. Train hard. Complete quests level up. These are the three shortcuts. The rest of the options are a little complex and hard to do."

"I know these already-"

"Well then, banzai! You are at advantage. Start acting instantly!"

"That is not what I-" Ryan suddenly came to a pause, Professor's voice disappeared.

"Ah-hah. I knew it was you." Ryan lifted his head to see a beautiful, thick lady in a pretty dress, "Come on, come inside the car. I was waiting for you like, forever!"

Ryan's mouth dropped open, "what are you doing here? I told you to go ahead without me and–"

"Do you even know the hotel's address?" Naomi asked.

"I- I- I would have asked someone."

"Go to the hotel and then wait for you inside the small hotel's room, not even knowing if you will come or not. I better wait for you near the car till you get your things done with your imaginary 'Gwen' and 'Doc'."

'Caught already?' Ryan bit his lip.

"Come on, now. Let us sit in the car." Naomi turned around and waited for Ryan to reply.

"Wait, Naomi, do you mean that you were waiting outside for the whole time?!" Ryan exclaimed.

"Why are you so loud? Yes, yes, I was, I was."

"For two whole hours!"

"Yeah, yeah! Now shut up and get inside the car. Be sure to shift in, I will be sitting beside you." Naomi looked down. The typical shy pose a girl can show. 

"....for two hours….?" Ryan still found it strange- weird, he felt guilty. He made a woman wait for two hours. 

'Even when he could have left me and go ahead…' Ryan thought as he sat inside the car. He quickly went inside to the right side, he made space for Naomi.

Naomi elegantly shifted inside the car and sat beside Ryan on the leather seat. Ryan found him smiling the next second.

'Now this is someone whom I can trust.' Compared to Devon.

"Fuck, Ryan, do you really want to get in trouble with Devon? Why would you do that even after knowing about Devon's feelings?" Brandon thought as he stood out in the plaza, "No wonder Devon takes it personally and gets hurt."

"She… she is Naomi, right?" Devon asked Brandon, he lifted his finger to point at Naomi and Ryan who just got into the car.

"No! It is someone else! Haha!" Brandon knew this would fail.

"H- how could he do something like that? We were supposed to go to the hotel together but… he is going with Naomi, why?"




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