*Knock, knock, knock*

Ryan knocked on Devon's door three times. He stood in front of his door waiting patiently for Devon to open up.

The next day, it was around six-thirty in the morning. Ryan had used the power of his subconscious mind to get up early without any alarm. Yes, exactly, THAT is the power of your subconscious mind. 

No. I am not kidding, it really works. Try it for yourself. Your subconscious mind is– let it be. If someone wants to try, they will. 

"Come on, Devon, open up!" Ryan knocked on the Advance-tier VIP door a few more times.

Ryan had become impatient and started banging on the door till he received a warning from the door…

< Threat level has raised to 5/10. The alarm will go off… >

'Fuck.' Ryan sighed as he bit his lips, 'what to do now?' Ryan started fidgetting around the corridor.

Ryan had woken up somewhere around six twenty AM. he quickly brushed his teeth, took a cold shower, came downstairs. 

Went to the lobby and as expected, there was a receptionist present there. Ryan asked the receptionist for Devon Bostick and Gwen Stacy's room number the same way Devon asked for Naomi's. 

After Ryan received the room numbers, he realized that both off these rooms are far away from his and Naomi's room. It is in the economy classrooms. It is far away from the section Ryan and Naomi was staying in.

Ryan had to active is superspeed the first thing in the morning. He got pretty good cardio done in the early morning. He first reached Devon's room and now here he was.

'Blood? Will the blood attract Devon?' Ryan pulled his black shirt's sleeve up, made a small cut on his forearm. 

"Devon!" Ryan gave him a call and dropped the blood as close as possible to the door. 

"What are you doing, Ryan?" He heard Professor in his head.

"What do you mean what? I am luring a vampire in."

"There is no way a vampire will be lured in with that lousy, old-school trap. They are vampires, not fishes."

"...." Ryan pulled his arm back, drank the blood himself then allowed his System to heal his scratch.

"They are not fish, they have an intelligence of their own. Only a failed one will come aggressively for that drop of blood."

"Ah… failed ones. Yeah." Ryan remembered the time when Brandon or Devon, most probably Devon had told him about the failed vampires. 

"And one last thing. I want you to forget everything you have seen and learned about vampires and werewolves through the movies. Not even half of it is true."

"Wait, every vampire movie I have seen is fake?"

"Of course. Who has met an actual vampire and interviewed what and how it is being a vampire between a bunch of humans and to control those time to time urges of drinking human blood?

"Not even half of what they show in movies is true. I do not consider myself as an expert but I know pretty much about every mythical race."

"Yeah, yeah, no need to brag. I know you know everything."

"Not everything, only the things I have studied," Professor replied and went silent.

"Hey, Devon! Wake up!" Ryan lifted his fist, with all of his might and determination, Ryan landed a firm hit on the door.

< Threat level 9/10. High risk. The alarm will go off even if you break the door. So please do not try it. >

"Devon!" That was enough to wake Devon up. He sat in his bed and looked around. He heard someone banging on the door. Soon he recognized the smell.

'Ew, this smell on me.' Devon got out of his bed and ran to the door. 

"What do you want in the morning, Ryan?" Devon asked as he opened the door. 

"Yo, get ready I have a— what the!" Ryan turned around.

'Turn off my sense! Turn off my fucking senses right now! I might die, I can not take this smell!' Ryan ordered Professor to bring his smelling sense back to normal.

"Ah, sorry. I forgot you are not a vampire,"

"W- what do you mean?" Ryan covered his nose and asked Devon.

"This smell actually… this is the effect of a hangover."

"Hah? That is not the smell of alcohol," 

"When did I say alcohol? This is a hangover of blood."

Ryan's eyes went wide, 'Now that smell is familiar.' Ryan was disgusted for the first time. 

He had killed many humans by now, he had even witnessed the worst type of deaths himself but never got disgusted or grossed out by anyone. 

"First fucking take a bath. You do not want Naomi to smell this." Ryan muttered.

Devon's eyes went wide in surprise, "Naomi? Where?" 

"Just get ready and meet me in the lobby before 7."

"But what? Why? What is happening?" Devon was about to step out of his room and get close to Ryan.

Ryan could not bear the smell of the rotten humans anymore. Ryan activated Blood fists, used the red aura to push Devon back into his room.

"Aah!" Devon shouted in pain when the red aura touched his chest.

"Sorry!" Ryan shouted as he pulled the door close and disappeared. 

'Gwen's next.' Ryan recollected his thoughts as the smell finally started leaving his nose. 

Ryan stopped in front of Gwen's door, he gulped before knocking on her door.

"Gwen. Gwen." He called her twice and waited for her answer.

"Who is it~?" he heard Gwen's sexy yawning moan from the inside.

"Ryan. please open the door." 

He received no response, instead, he heard some struggling sounds from inside. What is going on? He wondered.

He was about to give Gwen another call and knock on the door but suddenly the door opened. 

"Ryan~~" she did not even let the door open fully, she pushed herself out of the little gap and threw herself on Ryan.

"Aah…" Ryan was not ready for this kind of attachment, and love right now. He almost fell in the middle of the lobby with Gwen on his chest. 

"I missed you so~ much!" Gwen continued hugging him by his neck tightly. Ryan did not hesitate for another second, he grabbed her by her waist tightly.

"I know, I am here to pay for that." Ryan smiled.

'Please god,' Ryan started praying, 'Please do not let my relationship with Gwen turn into something like that again.' Ryan prayed.

"Haha!" Professor laughed, "God if fucking selfish! He would not listen to your prayer. So the time you pray for a thing you want, you lose it before even getting it."

"Okay, remove God and add Devil there then."

"Humour! Like it, like it." 

"Can I kiss you?"

"Hah-" Ryan was caught off-guard, "What? Here?" 

"There is no point in asking you," Gwen pulled her head away and threw her lips into Ryan's lips. 

There was no reason for Ryan not to kiss her back. Gwen grabbed Ryan between her thighs, she spread her long legs around Ryan's waist. 

Ryan's hand unconsciously let go of Gwen's waist, instead, it slowly started reaching Gwen's thigh. Ryan's right hand was now grabbing Gwen's thick thigh.

Ryan knew they might get in trouble for doing it in the corridor, he pushed the door behind Gwen and instantly went inside the room. 

< Kissed Gwen Stacy, a nine-star woman. Gained 90 Exp. >

Gwen was literally pulling Ryan down on her, she used her legs and arms to pull Ryan down as they kissed.

"Just do not go and have sex while I am still here, watching everything."

"As if," Ryan replied.

Gwen stopped kissing him, pulled her lips away, and threw her head beside Ryan's head as she hugged him.

"That much love…."

"Do not ruin it by saying something corny." Gwen grabbed Ryan tightly for the next minute.

Ryan too enjoyed squeezing Gwen's thigh. "You should wear baggy and loose clothes while you sleep," Ryan remarked.

"Nah, these gym tights are not that tight. And the T-shirt… as you see, it is an extra-large size, I need a medium." Gwen came off Ryan's body.

"Do not you have anything besides gym tights? I love them though," Ryan dropped Gwen on the ground.

"Where were you yesterday? I did not see you the whole day!" Gwen complained.

"Ah. I just- I was just, I was with Naomi, her father had invited me for lunch but unfortunately, we were kicked out by her mother."

"Hah? Why?"

"For various complicated reasons. Leave it,"

"If you say so,"

'She is not jealous. Amazing, now we see some progress lord Devil.' 

"Why so early?" Gwen asked, "Why are you here so early?"

"Ah, right." Ryan moved closer to Gwen, he had to lean down a little.

"Hm?" Gwen was startled but did not move her head, she thought she might receive yet another kiss from Ryan.

"But before that, the moan you let out when I called you."

"Moan? Hah, I was just yawning–"

"It is illegal for anyone else to hear it. What if it was someone else outside beside me? Would have you let them hear this sexy moan? They would have anyway."

"....I was just… fine." She looked down.

Ryan lifted her face by her chin, brought his mouth close to her ear, and whispered….

"We are going on a double date. You and me; Devon and Naomi. Let us enjoy our day together." 

That brought… a lot of joy over Gwen's face.




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Yo, it's reset time. A new week with a new motivation to work!! Here are the goals to hit, let us kill our target!

Weekly Goals for this week:

Gifts: One extra ch. for 3 gifts by loyal readers worth 300 coins and above. 

2. Power Stones: 50 Power Stones = 1 extra Ch. [we were not going above 50 for a few weeks now so I decided to decrease the goal's value]

3. Golden Tickets: 4 Golden Ticket = 1 extra Ch. (Hit last week. Thanks to Lucas Senna, hope I am right.) 

4. Win-Win Mission: 5 Privilege chapter unlocks = 1 extra Ch.

Monthly Goals for this Month:

Gifts: 15 gifts by loyal readers worth 300 coins and above = Two chapters. (This is monthly.)

Golden Tickets: 15 Golden tickets = 1 extra ch. [6/15. Close!]

Win-Win Mission: 150 Privilege chapter unlocks = 2 extra Ch.

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