My System & My Academy of Superpowers

Chapter 27 - Dreamt About The Past.

[ Ewrites: It was 'cause I was mad at you…

Believe it or not, I was never mad at Ryan for anything till now ]

[ Loon: what is the difference between mad and being angry? Almost the same

But read this now 'he will text if he wants' that tell you are angry ]

[ It says nothing about being mad at him…

I was never angry or mad at him or whatever ]

[ So now he's not texting you, what will you do now? ]

[ Wait? I suppose ]

[ Just wait? Should not you text him even more texts? ]

[ I'll text him if he doesn't

Obviously ]

[ Continued u guys

Light years would pass but no one will confess

Continue ur thing ]

[ I guess confession is a man's thing to do

He better do it ]

[ again lemme ask what after he confesses? ]

[ As I said, it's just too complicated ]

[ Still, hypothetically speaking will you accept him? ]

[ I will? ]

[ Just be grateful and accept him ]

[ I will maybe? ]

[ so people get nervous in front of the one they like

You will?

Will you?

Yes so ppl get nervous in front of the one they love and hence can't be free talking, they stutterer, and shit ]

[ Yeah ] she replied to my question asking if she will accept me. I saw myself too happy.

Some time went by but I still didn't felt like texting her back cause she had hurt me very badly, I wanted to text her but I felt good not texting her knowing it might lead to bad things and I might never forgive myself for this still it felt good for some reason to ignore her like that.

[ wow great, he isn't responding


He better has a good excuse for this ]

She attached a crying bunny GIF, that was cute I muffled, then she continued:

[ and ouch, my pride

Whut do I now….

T^T ]

[ Keep trying I guess ]

Then she nagged about how I am and I replied sarcastically without replying to her from my original account.

[ fuck it I'm not gonna stay like this ]

[ ? ] she suddenly took a change of flow.

[ Lia ]

[ yes? ] I was thrilled cause I know when she texts like this are where the climax comes.

[ you seemed to want to hear this

I like him

A lot

As much as he does


Now he better text me back ]

There was no way I could not text her after reading this. I fucked up my mind and emotions I went out of control. This was it!! Her confession! I made her confess first! Before me! I made her do it!

That time I had this one thing 'I will make the girl I like confess first' I was stuck to that one thing and now I was very happy I was able to do it, more than that I was happy she likes me even though I had a hint.

So yeah, I texted her we talked resolved the matter then she came back to Loon telling her that the matter is now sorted I realized there was something missing with her.

[ Most of the times we end up arguing or he sulking I wonder what I should do I do try my best to keep him cool and calm but… ]

[ Yeah so the time u two text

Don't forget to flirt ] To be honest, I was embarrassed while saying this.

[ Flirt? Sure lol ]

[ lmao

Just wanted to ask tho E

R u mad at Ryan? ]

[ I wasn't mad

I was just disappointed and worried at the same time and maybe sad

Not so easy to get mad at my idiot ]

'She called me that! Fuck she called me that! 'My idiot!' which in Japanese means 'Baka!' I was waiting for this I wanted a girl to call my Baka and she did! Moreover, she said 'my idiot'! That's it. I can die now,'

Was exactly how I was feeling that time.

[ ut the only thing I can tell u is to FLIRT at the insane level

Coz no other chance or option I see here so just FLIRT and FLIRT.

And after u flirt with him, be sure to ask him y he did all this

K I am out ]

[ Oh Okay


0.0 I'll try ]

[ so I talked with Kat about you she said that 'young girl's hearts are fickle and they tend to go after the one who gave them lots of attention' what do you say about it? ]

[ Well my heart is not fickle I don't like him cause I got his attention but I just like him from my heart ]

[ It better be true

Ask urself will u get bored with Ryan? Will u think things not gonna work out with Ryan? ]

[ Why is it that you ask if me I'm serious, if I'll ever leave him, or if I'm playing with and won't get bored?

All I'm worried about rn is what if those happen with him.

I won't get bored of him 'cause I'm serious about the whole thing if some situation comes up and we end up being in a long-distance relationship, I don't know what's gonna happen and I'm worried about that

'Cause it could get hard at times Don't take it like I'm using it as an excuse ]

[ Ryan has given out more than enough proof for showing how much he likes u but here u….

Many ppl say that but when time passes they forget that they said this and their hearts slip ] I was insecure so I tried asking her such things.

[ hear me out then, this heart ain't gonna slip ]

[ All I wanna say is don't let go of Ryan I am sure he will be with u for years to come

I don't think u love birds will meet anytime soon which means Ryan is 24 or 25 with a decent job ]

[ it's disappointing that you're so sure about him and doubt me ] well that's because it's me who's saying it. And I know what I plan on doing.

[ You won't meet for at least 10 years in the future ]

[ ….yeah, maybe ]

[ But what if you changed your feelings or mind in the next few years? ]

[ That is just no possible 'cause I like him for crying out loud?! ]

I woke up suddenly finding myself gasping for air. I looked around myself I was sitting in the infirmary it was evening already Doc was not there.

My breath slowed down to normal, "That was a horrible dream. She's my girlfriend… she's a liar. You liar. This hurts more than my wound." I got up pulled the blanket off me.

Thankfully I was wearing my clothes this time. I got up on my instincts then walked to my room, I opened the messaging app, I texted her:

[ Yo. Are you free? Let's talk

We are not getting much time to talk anyway

I am free right now so text me anytime ]

"Ah, she's offline."

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