Ryan was not able to keep his excitement under control any longer. No matter how many times he counted the amount, it still remained the same. 

"Once again…" He hissed, "One… two… three, four, five, six…. And… sev- save- seven!" Ryan grabbed his head, "O- Oh my god!" He acted as if he has won a lottery.

'Wait. I should not overreact.' He finally managed to bring his emotions under control, "It is okay, it is no big amount." Ryan told himself, "They are just a few millions, nothing big." Although he was saying that, a grin was spreading over his face.

"What is taking him so long?" Naomi wondered while standing with the other two. She turned her head to Ryan, she saw him standing in front of the ATM machine without doing anything.

She took a step forward in his direction, "Is he having trouble using the machine?" she wondered.

Gwen caught an opportunity to leave Devon and Naomi alone, even if it is for a minute. 

"Wait, Naomi, I will check what is up." Gwen took a step forward, "I will check on him," Naomi stopped at looked at Gwen.

'Tch. she is just trying to stick to Ryan once again. I will not lose this time,'

"Ah, no, I mean, do you how to use the machine?" Naomi asked, "The ATMs here are a little different than that in the US." Naomi explained, "There is a possibility that you might not be able to help Ryan…" 

"Hah," Gwen smiled, "He does not need any help. If he can decode a VIP room then an ATM machine is nothing for him. I never said I will help him, I said I will just check on him." 

Gwen walked past Naomi, Naomi was frozen in her place because of Gwen's answer, "Ryan does not need any help. And there is a difference between help and check." Gwen smiled and walked away.

'.....huh? Wait, she took the chance again!' Naomi grunted from inside.

Gwen silently walked to Ryan, she stopped beside Ryan and asked him, "Hey, what is wrong?" Ryan turned his head. He was surprised to see Gwen beside him, "Is your bank account not showing up?" Gwen did not poke her head into the screen.

Ryan's heart melted when he saw the cute, pretty Gwen standing beside him. A smile spread over his face. 

"Uh… Naomi…" Devon took the first step towards closing the distance between him and her.

"Uh? What is it?" she did not look at Devon, her eyes were fixed on Ryan.

"Tch." Devon ticked his tongue, he moved from his place and stood in front of Naomi, "This is your first time here, right?" He asked.

Just for the sake of starting up a conversation, he started talking about random stuff with Naomi. Although she was annoyed, she could not just push him away.

On the other side, Ryan threw himself on Gwen, "Aaah!! Gwen!!!" He embarrassed Gwen tightly in his arms, "Gwen, Gwen, Gwen!!" he repeatedly pronounced her name.

"Whoa- whoa, what- what?" her smile faded off, her almost lost her balance before Ryan picked her up in the air, "Damn- never being hugged this tightly before~" her little voice came out.

"I feel like squeezing you till you melt in my arms!"

"...Pfft! What is the matter?" she still was not able to speak clearly.

Ryan released his grip around her, pulled her face in front of him, "Come, see this." Ryan pulled her near the ATM screen, he softly pulled her down and showed her the amount appearing on the screen.

"What?" she glanced at Ryan then at screen, "Ryan Walker's bank account…" she read the text appearing on the screen, "Bank Account balance statement…." she moved her lips as she read the number, "One, two, three…" her eyes went wide with every count, "Seven! One million—" 

Ryan kept his hand ready beside Gwen's head to cover her mouth anytime. 

"Ssh! Dumb girl, do you want other people to find out that your Ryan is a millionaire?!" Ryan whispered in Gwen's ear.

Gwen's eyes went wide with happiness, 'Your Ryan…' she repeated Ryan's words inside her mind. 

"Ah! I am so happy!"

Gwen did not reply, Ryan threw his hands from behind and hugged Gwen against him once again. Gwen's big boobs were hitting against Ryan's forearms.

"Four million thirty thousand dollars…. Holy shit… I can not believe my Ryan is- is a millionaire now…"

"I can not either!" Ryan replied.

'He did not say anything…' a smile spread over her face, 'He… let me call him mine…' she was in a different thought.

"Only if there were no people around, I would have kissed the hell out of you!" Ryan dug his face and kissed Gwen on the cheek from behind.

"But, Ryan," she pulled his arm forward, "Where did you get this money from? I think you had financial problems as a student before,"

"Yes, you are right," Ryan pulled her apart, "My house, it must have been sold."

"Without telling you?" She questioned.

"Oh crap…." his expressions fell, "Fuck, I have not checked my mails since forever!" he exclaimed.

"Ah-hah, seriously, Ryan… before you get excited over this money, make sure where it came from first."

"Uh, Devon, I think we are getting late." Naomi avoided Devon's other question, "Ryan is taking too long now."

"Oh…" Devon looked away, "Sure." Naomi walked past him. 

She saw Gwen standing beside Ryan in front of the ATM machine.

"Are you done yet?" Naomi asked, "we are getting–"

Ryan and Gwen both turned around at once, Ryan turned around with money in his hand and a smile on his face.

"Here are your 7000 yen." Ryan handed Naomi the money.

"Oh…" she accepted the money and put them into her wallet.

"Shall we go?" Gwen asked.

"Waiting since forever, Ryan, you just took forever to withdraw this 7000 yen," Naomi remarked. 

"Yeah, Ryan, you sure took your time," Gwen turned her naughty face to Ryan.

"L- let us get going." Ryan started walking towards the exit.

The door slid open, Ryan passed through the door, everybody else followed him.

And the next second, they all were standing in the world bazaar.

"Huge!" Gwen gasped at the sight, "And pretty." she added.

"Here is the map for this section of Disneyland, you can access it through your android mobiles too." Ryan heard a robotic voice. 

At first, he thought it was his System but actually, it was an actual robot standing behind him. 

A robot of Minnie mouse, the robot was holding a piece of paper in its hand. Ryan accepted the paper, it was actually the map of the World Bazaar. 

After handing the papers to everybody, the robot walked- or- rolled away on its own to other people at the entrance. 

Ryan took a look at the map, it had the names of souvenir shops listed on it. Below it was the names of cafes and restaurants listed one-by-one. 

Ryan turned the page, behind the page was a big map, drawn with cartoon design which told the whole story of the World Bazaar.

"We ate recently so I ain't even going to look at the cafes." Devon shook his head. 

"I do not see anything special on this…. They have attractive names but, why are we here when the rides would be even more amazing?" Ryan lifted his eyes and asked Naomi.

"Because, many or almost every ride, every public attraction in Disneyland looks amazing only at night,"

"Ryan, I do not want to ride the Pirates of the Carrabien ride at night. Let us visit it first."

"Guys! You do not understand, it will be much more fun to go for the outdoor rides in the evening. For now, let us explore these indoor attractions!"

"I agree with her." Devon joined in.

'Tch. I thought this bazaar would be crowded…'

"Okay, let us split then,"

"Sure." Naomi walked near Ryan, "Where should we go first?"

Ryan's mouth dropped open. Devon and Gwen exchanged glances.

"Where?" Naomi asked again.

"Uhh, this." Ryan placed his finer on of the thing on the map.

"Toy Station? …sure." Naomi started walking.

Ryan turned his eyes to Gwen. He raised his eyebrows, pouted, and made a gesture to Gwen.

She raised his thumb to indicate she understood Ryan's gesture. 

Ryan was forcefully being taken to the Toy Station store in the world bazaar. It was full of legos, and toys for children. 

"Aw, look at this," Naomi quickly ran up to a lego stand and pointed at a little lego squirrel, "Cute, right?" she asked, Ryan, nodded in reply.

"Ah, let us check another shop,"

"Oh… okay," Naomi and Ryan walked out of the store. 

Ryan searched for a crowded area to get lost in. Finally, he saw a bunch of middle school kids. Probably they were on a school trip.

'Never had that kind of luxury in our time,' Ryan searched for Gwen. 

Their eyes met, she got what Ryan was implying for her to do.

"That shop," Ryan pointed towards the shop the bunch of kids was entering. He then looked at Gwen.

"Wa- wait-" Ryan rushed before Naomi could catch up. He strode inside the store, Naomi followed him, soon did Gwen and Devon.

"Ryan?" Naomi looked around, the store was filled with kids, she could not spot Ryan.

Ryan from the other side went around the store and came out from the other door.

On the way, Gwen and Devon were already waiting for him. As soon as he stepped out, Devon was ready to step in when Ryan put his hand on Devon's shoulder and stopped him.

"This is your chance. If you lose it, you will lose her. Grab it." 

Devon nodded to Ryan's advice, "I got this one." He brought his fist up near his face.

"Good, meet you in the evening then." Ryan gave Devon a shove and walked out of the store. 

Ryan grabbed Gwen's hand and at his top pace, Ryan walked away with Gwen.




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