My System & My Academy of Superpowers

Chapter 280 - The Streets Of Horrorland.

Ryan took some time to figure out and sort his thoughts that were making riot inside his mind. 

"Professor. Please." Ryan called him, "I really need your help," Ryan did not hear from the Professor at first.

But then, he heard someone sigh in his mind, "Alright, alright."

"Thank you,"

"Your girlfriend is right. You two have slipped through time… and the universe at the same time."

Ryan sighed, he looked at Gwen with affection in his eyes, "You are right." he told Gwen.

She was rather confused though, how can Ryan tell if her theory is true or false. 

"This is the multiverse. I do not have much information about Multiverse… actually, no one does. Scientists who have claimed to travel through time and multiverse or normal people who have claimed to travel through time or multiverse have been ridiculed the whole time."

"I see, but, what exactly is this?" Ryan does have an interest in time travel stuff but right now, his and Gwen's safety was important.

"The future…. Of Disneyland and its multiverse."

"Do you… mean…"

"Ryan, if I continue applying my theory and what you say is true then… I know what this is." 

"What is this?" Ryan turned to Gwen.

"What does multiverse mean?" Gwen asked him.

"It is a hypothetical realm." Ryan replied, "There are infinite numbers of the universe out there from which the universe you and I live in is…"

"Just one. Yes." Gwen brought her hand below her chin, "Ryan, are you familiar with the theory of the parallel universe?"

"The total opposite of what we are. Maybe."

"You got the concept. I believe we are passed from our universe to another universe which… apparently is the parallel universe of our universe."

"But you said we are in the multiverse-"

"Multiverse means, thousands of universe together are called as one multiverse. Like, planets together are,"

"Our solar system?"

"Our solar system and other systems together are?"


"And galaxies grouped together are called galaxy clusters."

"...what are those?"

"Come on, let us keep it simple. Planets, systems, galaxies, clusters, then the universe. Okay?"

"I see, a number of clusters of galaxies together are called as one universe?"

"And there are hundreds of thousands of such universes out there. Now, these universes together make one multiverse."

"Man… that huge?"

"Yes. but we forgot our parallel universe which is present inside our own universe."

"Wait- what does-"

"Totally different. Okay? So imagine Disneyland. It is cheerful, it is crowded, beautiful scenes. That is the Disneyland of the universe we live in."

"Hm, okay. So the Disneyland we are in right now,"

"It is the future of Disneyland and the parallel universe of Disneyland we are living in."

"But why us? Why the hell-"

"Multiverse does not decide who passes through- slips through time. Or universe. It happens to those who are lucky."

"What is lucky in this?"

"Is! We will be the first couples to discover, and unravel the mystery of multiverses!" Gwen shouted.

"...that is that but… we are no scientists."

"And we do not need to be one for unraveling this mystery." Gwen quickly took off her mobile, "I will record everything."

"Your girlfriend… I got to say, she is smart. It took me years to figure out this shit. Man." Professor sighed, "And every one bit of her statements is right." 

"But what does the parallel thing explain?"

Gwen lifted her head off her mobile, "Suppose you have bought Disney's share. Why would have you bought it? Some parameters like will the company be profitable in the future, so on and so forth, right?"

"Yeah, Disney surely has a bright future ahead of it. It will just keep expanding and expanding till it is all over the world."

"Exactly. Many people will visit it, do not you think?" Ryan nodded, "And this, what do you think will be the total opposite of that cheerful, full of people, and profitable Disneyland?"

Ryan's face lit up, "Gloomyness, no people at all, loss… huge loss means shutting down of the company."

"You got it now." Gwen smiled. 

"What about the Horrorland then?" Ryan asked.

"Hmm…. what is the opposite of Horror?"

"Hm, peace?"

"Maybe, okay, approximately. Uh, when you think of horror, what comes to your mind?"

"Ghosts, devils, monsters, beasts."

"Ghosts. What is the opposite of ghosts or monsters?"

"...fairies? Gods, angels?"

"Angels that is. So that concludes, somewhere ahead in the future [as we have slipped through time too] Disneyland in your universe will make another land attraction based on the name of Angels or Fairies."

"Ohh… in the future parallel universe… it is called Horrorland."

"But the main question still stays the same…" he heard Professor's voice in his head, "How the hell did you and Gwen slip through time and universe, both at the same time? Man, you might end up messing up with the space."

"Gwen, shall we take a look outside the Disneyland? We will get a clue of what is about to happen to our universe in the future…"

"Mind-blowing idea, and perhaps check the present date too." Gwen rushed outside the bazaar, Ryan followed her. They walked calmly across the ruins of Disneyland.

'This might be the worst future ever. How can something as successful as Disney could crash?' Ryan wondered.

Walking ahead, they soon reached the main entrance gate of Disneyland.

"Wait, this gate was never here- oh, parallel. I see." Short gate, no gate means a big gate. 

"The parallel universe seems messed up to us, but it is normal for the people who live here. Our universe will be messed up for them." Gwen told Ryan as he walked past her.

Ryan hummed, he grabbed the big gate by his hands and tried pulling it. The gate budged but did not open.

"Hmm. it is locked from outside," Ryan reported.

"Is it past the working hours?"

"Nope. No one works here," Ryan concluded, "This park is shut downed."

"Eh? The Disney? How could-"

"It is the parallel universe," Ryan explained, "If Disney makes billions in our universe and if this universe is parallel to our universe then the Disney here has lost billions and is not profitable- it has gone bankrupt." Ryan sighed. 

Gwen gasped, "Is that why the whole Disneyland is filled with robots? They were robots left working here while the humans left this property…."

"Yeah. That must have happened." Ryan nodded, "I will try breaking this gate," Ryan shook the huge gate with his hands. It made a loud rattling sound.

"Wait, what is that?" Gwen pointed, Ryan glanced at her.

"What?" He followed Gwen's finger direction.

"That black thing." She passed her little hand through the grills, held a tablet-like thing in her hand. 

"Is that some kind of Ipad? Or a tablet?" Ryan wondered.

Gwen pulled the thing but it did not come off, so she turned it around, "It has something displayed on it." she reported.

"Blood fists," Ryan went forward, grabbed the tablet from where it was attached to the gate.

< Blood fists activated >

Ryan pulled the tablet with all of his power. It made a fusing sound but came off from the door. Ryan pulled his hand back from the grills.

"It has dates!" Gwen cheered up, "Let us see," she bent her head to take a look at the tablet.

"Opened: 15 April 1983…" Ryan read, he moved his eyes down, "Sealed by the Government: 11 October 2076,"

"Does that means it is 2076 right now?" Gwen raised her head and looked at Ryan.

"Probably not. This is the date they sealed this property, we do not know what the current date is–" Ryan raised his head when he heard a loud buzzing sound.

"What is that–" The sound suddenly increased. It turned into a loud siren buzzing and making that annoying sound. 

"Maybe because I pulled this thing," Ryan ticked his tongue.

"Man, Trait masters might come, or the government executives might arrive anytime, we should hide," Gwen suggested.

Ryan looked at the tablet-like thing the last time before throwing it away, 'Nothing important.' he muttered. 

"Come!" Gwen pulled Ryan with her. The siren was loudly alarming everybody who wanted to be alarmed. 

Gwen and Ryan ran through the world bazaar, the ran through the Horrorland, continued running, continued running till they reached the Fantasyland.

"The castle!" Ryan pointed, "It will take them forever to track us there!" 

Gwen agreed, they burst towards the castle, "I just hope it is not close." Gwen muttered.

They reached the Cindrella castle, unfortunately, they found a wooden door standing in front of them.

"Tch! Imma break it," Ryan jerked his body forward, he lifted his leg and landed a hard kick on the door. It did not fall apart.

"Let me," Gwen moved forward, she used her Karate kick to try and open the door but it did not open, "shit, it is hard a steel!"

"Steel?" Ryan moved forward, he touched the door.

< Beast equipment enchanted VIP room >

< Do you want to access the room? >

Ryan sighed, "Thank god we did not use our fists. Yes." 

< The code is 1905723 >

'That long.' He thought, Ryan quickly punched the numbers on the digital pad.

"They just made this look like it is wooden, it is a VIP room!" Gwen grunted, "Seriously?"

The door slid open, Ryan pulled Gwen inside, "Fuck! It is fucking dark!" Ryan groaned angrily.

"I- I will light the flash of my mobile," she took her mobile and turned on the bright white flashlight.

"Cool." Ryan started running inside with Gwen taking lead. They climbed the stairs, went upstairs.

"In some corner," Ryan recommended their hide position.

Ryan sniffed a few times. 'What is that strange smell?' Ryan stopped running, he turned his head in the left direction, 'Man, this is disgusting!' 

Nothing was clear but he smelled something disgusting, very disgusting. He took a step forward in that direction. 




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