My System & My Academy of Superpowers

Chapter 283 - Red Crimson Spider Web.

Ryan jerked his body and lifted himself up high in the sky. His feet lifted off the ground and now he was in the air.

Ryan was running down the hill with a slope going downwards, this added acceleration to Ryan's speed. There was a clear downslide in front of Ryan before the blue aliens.

"Fighter spaceships, up in the air!" The Alien general ordered his troops.

As soon as Ryan jumped in the air, five Fighter spaceships appeared from behind the Head general. 

They were relatively small ships, like around the same size as the shabby cabins of the Academy. Maybe a little smaller than them. 

Inside the Fighter spaceships, were sitting five blue aliens with no nose, no ears, blue skin, and green ball eyes. Just like the eyes that have seen a nuclear blast. 

'Fighter spaceships?' Ryan pulled his arm out, pulled his fingers back to shoot webs out of this wrist.

< 1 Health point for one web used >

With that message, a red color web came out of Ryan's wrist. Ryan had aimed for the Fighter spaceships but it did not reach them.

"Tch, what?" Ryan landed down and continued running ahead. In front of him was another high steep. 

"Hold longer, the longer you stress your wrists the longer the web will go. As soon as you pull your wrist up, you would stop shooting the web."

Ryan did that again. He aimed at a blue alien in front of him and pressed longer. The Head general and other aliens kept staring without knowing what just happened.

Ryan's web reached a blue alien, but… instead of his head, it fell on the alien's stomach. The loopy, lousy web, formed a downward loop.

"What the fuck in real?"

"Quick, grab the web and pull it!" Professor instructed.

Ryan did as told, the web detached from his wrist, Ryan turned his hand in a clockwise direction and grabbed the web, turning his hand around again. 

With all of his force, Ryan pulled the web in his direction. The alien, without anyone knowing what happened, was pulled in Ryan's direction. He fell on his head on the ground. 

"Now what?"

"Keep pulling!"

"But spider does not do that!"

"Then your first jerk, your first pull should be powerful enough," Professor told.

Ryan stopped running and pulled the alien in his direction. The alien was struggling to get the sticky web out of his face while shouting in his language.

"Activate blood fists,"

< Blood fists activated >

"What was that for?' Ryan asked when Professor directed the System to activate a skill for him. 

"Just see," Ryan kept pulling the alien.

"Sir, what do we do?" The alien general did not answer. He stood there observing the human and his skills. 

Finally, Ryan managed to pull the alien close enough to him. Ryan started running again, he kicked the head of the alien while on his way. The alien flew high in the air, like a decent height. 

"Now everything is up to you," Professor leaned back in his chair.

Ryan nodded, he was clear about what he was doing and had a clear picture of what he wanted to do with his skill. 

His blood fists were still active, he had the blood aura surrounding his forearm. Ryan was standing on the peak and there was a low steep down in front of him.

Ryan jerked his body once again, with his acceleration, Ryan jumped high in the air. Ryan gulped, he had reached 9 feet high in the air. 

"Spider webs." He called out his webs.

Ryan pulled his arm from behind, with his aim being the alien spaceships, Ryan pulled his wrist down. A thick red color web came out from his wrist. 

This shot of the web was not lousy, it went straight ahead and got stuck on the medium-sized alien fighter spaceship. Ryan jerked his arm, grabbed the web, and pulled with all of his strength.

He brought his second arm forward and shot his web. It got attached to another spaceship, Ryan pulled that web too.

Because of his momentum and the additional force from Ryan's side, Ryan took a high flight in the air. He let go of the webs, now he was jumping above the spaceships, somewhere between 29 to 35 feet high. 

"Man, Peter feels this good while doing this!" Ryan wanted to scream in happiness only if aliens were not in front of him.

"Head general, what do you plan on doing?! The crisis is at hand!"

"Do not do anything," he replied, "I want this human alive." 

The alien Ryan had kicked up high in the air was now at the same level as Ryan. it was actually going down. Ryan quickly leaned down and grabbed the alien's head between his hand.

"You ain't no superhero, do not plan on landing this way," Professor warned. 

"I do not." He actually did though. 

He was imagining himself as the spider-man, Peter lands on the ground as if it is nothing but that was not possible for Ryan, he forgot he really ain't no superhero. 

Ryan continued diving downwards. The alien in Ryan's hand was actually unconscious, he was making no moves. 

After Ryan was below the spaceship, he aimed his web at another fighter spaceship. 

"Dodge it!" The captain of the fire force ordered his man who was under Ryan's attack.

After the web has been shot, it took time to reach the spaceship from the distance Ryan was from the spaceship. It was not that hard to predict the web's direction and dodge it.

Ryan released his web, he aimed for another spaceship and shot another string of web. The alien was not ready for the sudden change.

Ryan's got his hand on the spaceship. Ryan grabbed the web and pulled with all of his strength. The spaceship did not move, but Ryan got another boost of force.

He went up in the air and towards the spaceship at a higher velocity. Ryan turned his body in the air to gain even more momentum. 

With the force, velocity, and additional momentum, Ryan got a good kick start. He swung his body around in the air. 

He brought the alien up. Ryan was coming down and aimed for the spaceship. He was falling down when he took another turn in the mid-air.

With the momentum, Ryan landed hard on the spaceship. Blue blood spilled all over the spaceship's glass. 

When Ryan turned around, he had pulled the alien's head above him, when he came down, he moved the alien's head with him, with all of his force, he smashed the alien's head on the spaceship's front glass. 

He did not stop there, he continued falling down from the side of the spaceship, this way, Ryan did not get spoiled with the blood. His fists were covered in blood aura and his body was already below the spaceship. 

Ryan let go of the alien's head as soon as he made the powerful impact on the spaceship's glass, which, obviously did not have a scratch on it. 

< First time killing an Amryn. Gained 2,500 Exp. >

< The first person in your universe to kill an Amryn, bonus 4000 Exp. >

Ryan was falling down, he quickly shoot his web under the spaceship, swung through it, and came down slowly. 

"Mind-blowing," Ryan muttered. 

He lifted his eyes and saw the alien general in front of him. 'He is taller than others.' The head general was taller than Ryan.

Behind the Alien general were five fighter spaceships. There were nearly nine footmen around the general. 

"I hope I can defeat them."

"Never underestimate a Head general. He is as strong as Brandon Fraser."

"I see." Ryan muttered, "This alien might be even scarier but I have no choice." 

Ryan walked further, he went past the office cabins, "Gwen, hurry up." he spotted Gwen inside one of the office cabins.

She looked in Ryan's direction, nodded, and went back to her work. She was doing something with the computers. 

"Uh… Human." Ryan's eye went wide when the alien talked, "I am Batallion five's head general, Ary Flaw."

Ryan stopped walking, he twisted his fists and his neck, "And?" Ryan asked.

"You have intruded into a property sealed by the government. We can not let you stay inside any longer. Please come out with us or we will have to kill you." The head general told Ryan in Japanese!

'How is he able to talk? Does he has some translating device on him?' Ryan wondered. 

"Are you the government?" Ryan asked, "Is your race the government on Earth?"

"....are you dumb? Or are you saying that just to disrespect our race?"

'...what? I am just genuinely asking, man.' Ryan frowned. 

"Professor, please tell me the best strategy possible to fight against a Head general."

"Alright, I will look into it. Please buy time." Professor started looking at Ryan's current skills, and stats. 

"Looks like you are not going to come with us. Alright, I have no other choice." He turned around to his men and spoke in his language, "Attack." he ordered the space fighters. 

"Whoa, whoa, wait! I just want to know if your race is the government here,"

"You really are mocking us,"

"Man, no! I am from the future!"

The general froze.




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