My System & My Academy of Superpowers

Chapter 286 - Fighter Spaceships.

"Do you want to come out and meet the alien? I prefer you do not though,"

"Then do not ask, Ryan." Gwen let go of Ryan, Ryan pulled Gwen away from him too.

"Anyway, I will go outside. I got to shoo them away so that we can spend our time alone in this world."

Gwen again gave Ryan that sexy, naughty look and bit her lip. Ryan rolled his eyes.

'I should not do that.' He sighed and walks out of the room. He saw Gwen go back to her work. She was really curious about the current situation, he thought.

"So… Ary-san was it?" Ryan came out and greeted general Ary. 


"Do you still have to take me with you? I mean, can not something happen?"

"Nah, it is fine. We will leave now."

"But general,"

"Just inform that an animal broke the seal, it is not a big deal," Ary replied to his men.

This was the second time Ryan was not able to understand what the other person was saying. And unfortunately, Ryan's System was not able to help him with the translator either.

"We are not doing our work with honesty."

"I said it is fine. It is my order. Get ready to retreat!" Ary just had to raise his voice a little and everyone got moving. 

They opened the big gate, called their tanks and other vehicles Ryan was unaware of. A few aliens opened portals to go back, the spaceships passed through the portals.

"I will see you around then, Ryan Walker."

"Yeah, sure."

"I do not what should I recommend you. This world is currently undergoing a war. If you come out, you might meet the God of the Underworld which will make things worse. But if you stay inside Disneyland, although this is the government's headquarter, if they saw a stranger like you inside their headquarters they will definitely kill you. But this is the safest place you can be–" 

Ary turned around, Ryan raised his eye up in the sky. Ary's words disappeared because of sudden loud noises. 

"What is that?" Ryan asked. They saw a huge spaceship in the air. 

"That is our space battalion fighter spaceship." It was huge. Nothing like the small ships Ary's men had, "But what is it doing here? We never asked for support." Ary answered. 

"Are you sure they are your men?" A small door of the ship opened and a lot of small ships came out of it.

"Yeah… at least, that is our technology." Ary adjusted his eyes, "Can you see who is inside the ships?"

Ryan adjusted his eyes and tried to take a look but it was useless, "No… it is too far for me, too." Ryan told him, "Is that the government's ship? Maybe they came back to their headquarters."

"The people enter through portals. And they would not call this big spaceship just for the fun of traveling around. Something is wrong," Ary saw the ships leaving the big spacecraft and spreading all over the sky.

"Ary-san, I do not think there are Amryns inside the ship. Their skin color is not blue or green. They look a lot like humans,"

"No way, is this another space alien invasion?"

Ryan's head quickly turned to Ary at once, "You are kidding, right? Tell me you are." 

"I do not know… think, who would bring our spacecraft filled with fighters for no reason?"

"Can it be…" Ryan hesitated to state his theory, "Could they be from the parallel universe? From your parallel universe?"

Ary's head quickly fell down at Ryan, "We- we never thought about that possibility!" 

Ryan opened his mouth to say something but his words could not be heard. A deafening loud sound came from their sides. 

Ryan turned his head in the right direction, towards the main entrance gate… "oh fuck." he saw a big truck, or something like that coming their way. 

Ryan turned his head back, jerked away from his place, leaped forward, and dived in Ary's direction. He pushed Ary down on the ground and rolled on the other side of the road.

"Are you okay?" Ryan got up from the ground and asked Ary who was on the ground below him.

"Yeah, thanks." 

"What the hell was that?" Ryan turned his head in the right direction.

He saw the entrance gate was broken down with a loud banging sound, the big truck-like thing had passed through the gate.

"I think this is an invasion," Ary said as he got up from the ground.

The vehicle stopped in the middle of the lobby of Disneyland. Its doors opened, a big door opened and a lot of people, armed people stepped out of the truck.

"They are fucking humans! This ain't no invasion," Ryan shouted as he took Ary and ran inside the office Gwen was in.

"I can not leave my men out there! Let me go!" Ary struggled.

"Tch, let us go then." Ryan decided to go along with him. He was about to step out when Gwen grabbed him. 

"Ryan, this is bad. There is a war going between Masters and Royal families." She told.

"Yeah, yeah, I know!"

"And this is the government's headquarters!"

"I know that too!"

"The Royals have found about their hiding place, about government's hidden headquarters and this is them attacking the government's headquarters!" 

"Yeah, yeah I know- wait what?" 

"Yes! This is bad, if the Royals have attacked the enemy's headquarters then, believe me, they are here for something big. They would not go back without doing any big damage."

Ryan gulped, "We will see." Ryan moved towards the door once again when Gwen pulled him once again.

"Please, do not die." he saw light tears in Gwen's eyes.

"I am immortal… or, I can not die yet if I died, then who will look after my Gwen?" Ryan smiled, "Do not worry." He ran out of the room. 

"Ary-san!" Ryan called from a distance. Ary was not able to hear Ryan. Ryan saw a man aiming for Ary from around the corner, "Ary-san!!" he shouted even louder but Ary was busy running.

Ryan heard a gunshot, a laser type, a long bullet coming out of a man's machine rifle run. 

Ryan clicked his tongue, stopped running. He threw his arm forward, aimed for Ary's head. Before the bullet could, Ryan's web reached Ary's head.

Ryan did not delay a millisecond, he quickly grabbed the web and pulled Ary in his direction. Ary's body jerked, he fell to the ground, Ryan used all of his strength to pull Ary.

The missed bullet then went ahead and peered a human. A metallic sound came when the bullet hit a human's combat suit. From inside, the man's body glowed bright orange.

Next second, boom! The human's body burst into a thousand pieces. Ryan gulped, my System would not be able to heal me back from that.

'Technology has developed a little too much.'

"Ary-san, they are the Royals, they somehow found about the government's hideout and are not attacking them with everything they have."

Ary was breathing heavily, "why? Why is this happening?" he got up from the ground, wiped his sweat, "This is really fucked up! I can not see my men dying right in front of me."

"Then do not." Ryan told him, "Do something. Do not watch your men dying," Ary looked at Ryan.

"Fight them?" 

"I am with you, I will cover you," Ryan affirmed. 

"I am lucky that I had a chance to meet the younger and the opposite version of Ryan Walker." 

"Do not say that. We will make it alive, we will survive." He knew it was pretty impossible to survive the attack.

Ary nodded and ran toward his men. Ryan pulled his arm forward and pointed at the human. 'Why am I aiming for the Royals?' Ryan questioned.

Ryan shot his web, pulled his arm with all of his strength, the human lost his balance, fell on the ground, lost his gun, and came in Ryan's direction.

Ryan activated his blood fists. With all of his strength, Ryan punched the man's helmet. Crack. The helmet was as it was before. 

'My fists would have broken.' Ryan thought. He realized the helmets were not just normal helmets. They were made of something strong and powerful. 

Ryan did not stop hitting, he continued smashing the person's head over and over again. He finally managed to make a small hole in the helmet's glass. 

Ryan pushed his arm through the glass, he pulled the helmet off the man's face. He landed a hard punch in his face. The man was helpless. 

"Ryan, go for Blood Simmer."

"I see." Ryan landed another punch, then he threw the man away from him, out in the field. 

"Burn the person to death," Ryan ordered. 

"On your left!" Professor shouted. Ryan did not move. He sensed something coming in his direction from the left side.

Ryan raised his arm beside his ear. Then turned his eyes, he saw an orange laser against his blood aura. Ryan quickly brought another arm to block the beam of laser. 

Ryan was facing a problem standing against the laser shot. The laser managed to break through his left side blood aura. Ryan decided to throw the beam away. 

He slowly started applying force against the mean with his right hand. Ryan jerked his arm and threw the laser above his head. 

Unfortunately, Ryan was only a few milliseconds late. The laser broke his second aura protection and pierced through his wrist. 

< Regeneration activated >

Ryan found his arm growing back at an insane speed. 

'Who did this.' Ryan lifted his head at a man in front of him. 




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