Ryan got up from the chair, he looked around with an open mouth and surprised eye. Ryan kept the menu card on the table and started running out of the cafe.

"Come, Gwen." Ryan touched Gwen's arm before going out of the cafe. 

Gwen had no choice but to follow Ryan, it was not like she did not want to, she wanted to follow him too. Gwen and Ryan both came out from the food street. 

"The office is far from here, we will not reach in time." Ryan looked above him, there were a lot of tall buildings or architect designs. 'Maybe…' Ryan thought.

"What?" Gwen asked when she saw Ryan was deeply thinking about something, "Let us get going before they call our name once again,"

'They only called mine though,' Ryan let go of that idea and started running with Gwen. They passed through the crowd,  stalls, balloons, and Disney characters. 

After running for at least three minutes, the world Bazaar was finally in their sight. Behind the World Bazaar were the offices and ticket counter. 

"We repeat, Ryan Walker is requested to report at the main office near the exit route as soon as possible. If Ryan Walker-"

"Stop fucking taking my name! I am coming," Ryan shouted while running towards the office. Gwen quietly followed him without feeling ashamed of running in front of a huge crowd.

Ryan stopped and started looking around after he reached the lobby area. There were somewhere from three to five offices in the area. 

He remembered the time he was in the parallel universe where this same office was dull, gloomy, not decorated at all, dark, and was falling apart.

The same office right now, in front of him, was very cheerful, decorated with Disney characters, lots of brightness. Easily attractable for kids. 

"Which is the main office?" Ryan kept looking around the offices to spot the main office, "Forget it, I will just ask someone–"

"That one." 

"Huh?" Ryan took a step forward and stopped, he turned around, Gwen was pointing in a direction of an office.

"I think that is the main office," 

"Oh," Ryan glanced back and forth at Gwen and the Office she was pointing at, "How- do- you….? Never mind," Ryan took off running towards the office Gwen pointed at.

Behind him, Gwen grabbed her head in between her hands, "Why do I know it? What is this feeling?" 

The door of the office was already open, Ryan banged on the door as he slid across the floor to come to a stop. He was panting for air when he reached the office.

Ryan lifted his head, "I- I am Ryan…." He saw a familiar blonde girl in front of him, "Eh? What the?" 

"Thank you, ma'am." Naomi turned to the receptionist and thanked her, "See you later,"

"Yes, ma'am, it was our pleasure to help you find your boyfriend." The lady smiled back at Naomi then in her little voice, she muttered to herself, "He came running like his life is at stake." She giggled.

"Naomi? What the heck? Were you the one who-" Naomi walked towards Ryan, She grabbed his arm. Took Ryan out of the office with her.

"Calm down,"

"No, tell me, why the hell would you do that? Do you know how embarrassing it is to hear your name in a missing announcement?"

"Sorry, sorry! Fucking calm down, okay? I have something even more terrible than this with me." Ryan stopped talking.

He turned his eyes to her, "Where is Devon?" he asked. Naomi felt her heart jump a beat, "Why is he not with you?" 


"Ryan… and Naomi? Wait, was that you who-"

"Oh please!" Naomi shouted, "Why the hell do you expect me to search the whole fucking Disneyland for you?! You go missing on your own and want others to find you the hard way?"

"They both are definitely together." Devon's swords ranged in Naomi's ears. She tsk-tsked at that thought.

"Okay, okay, sorry." Gwen pulled her hands in front of her.

"Will you please tell me what happened?" Ryan came closer to Naomi and asked with even more seriousness, "I swear if the reason you did this for is not a valid one, I will get angry."

"It is Devon." Naomi took a pause, "A few people said they will show us around a new ride of Disneyland, they were wearing the same uniform as other workers."


"They pursued us so hard that although we did not want to, we were being pulled to the spot by them. They took us to a remote corner of Disneyland."

"And you still went with them even after things got this suspicious?"

"We stopped, but it was too late. The people pushed Devon through the portal. Although the portal was open for the next few seconds, Devon seemed to be in pain and could not get up from the ground."

"Tch. who were these people?" Gwen asked. Ryan already knew the answer to the question of who the people were… or might be.

"I do not know. They were just some random people. They pushed Ryan, were about to push me too, but fortunately, they were not strong enough,"

"So you killed them?" Ryan asked.

"Of course, not. I just electrified them, they lost their consciousness. I threw them in a corner and ran directly to the office to call you."

"I see…" Gwen nodded.

"Did you kill the two men?" Ryan asked.

"N- no, I did not, I just said-"

"How can you be so careless?!" Ryan raised his voice, "Where are they? Where is the corner, take me there, we got to kill them before they gain their consciousness." 

"Eh- kill them? How can you say that so casually?"

"Because they are our enemies," Ryan threw his face in front of Naomi's face, he hissed in anger, "Where are they, Naomi, we got to hurry up."

This was her first time seeing this side of Ryan's, that side partially scared Naomi. Gwen stood there listening and watching everything without doing anything.

"I will take you- there…" she muttered in a sacred voice.

"Come on then." Ryan grabbed her hand, "Where?"

"This side," Ryan was pulling Naomi all the way to the remote corner they were taken to. It was close to the World bazaar though.

"Did Devon say anything to you before disappearing?" Ryan asked on the way.


"Nothing? That is strange… I wonder what place he was thrown to…"

"Well, he recognized the place that was on the other side of the portal, he was shouting about something like…. Aved? Ved? Aceeved… what was it…"

"Aceved?" Ryan completed it for Naomi.

"Yeah! Aceved it was." Ryan's eye went wide.

"Now it makes sense… Darell."


Devon got up from the ground. He looked up at his brother and his men. There were a lot more people in the stands who came as an audience.

"So you were the one who planned all this." Devon started, "Why the hell pull the innocent Naomi in this though?" 

"To get my revenge. You killed Stanley!!" He shouted. Devon looked down.

"Let me go."

"Of course. But first, you will have to entertain us a little in our little secret private Beasts' Taming Arena." Darell laughed, with him, his men laughed too.

"How?" Devon looked around him, "In this arena?" As if he did not know the answer already.

"See, you are going to die anyway. But now it is up to you to choose which way do you want to die. You have two options, Vampires or Monsters?"

Devon's heart started beating. He could sense the danger already. There were tens of vampires who were with Darell and ready to attack Devon any time on Darell's sign. 

"Look, dear brother, you are definitely dying. Either from my hands or from a beast's hands."

Devon gulped. A fight against Darell was impossible to win for Devon. But a fight with a beast… Devon had a few chances of winning.


"I knew you would choose that. See, how well I know you?" on Darell's sign, a big digital screen appeared on all four dies of the arena. And one little screen in front of Devon.

Devon glanced at the screen. It had three dangerous, scary, and gross-looking images on it. There were the names of the beasts below their image. 

Not just names and images, the screen had a full description of that beast with its stats. Speed, strength, Mana, ability, level, most important… Tier.

"Come on, Devon." Darell spread his arms wide once again, "Chose a beast you want to die from. This will be your first and the last fight with a beast- wait… not first maybe," A sneer appeared on Darell's face, "But definitely, I will make this the last one for you."

Devon looked closely at the screen.

"How lucky, I am making your place of birth… your place of death. Born and die in the same place. So lucky." 

Devon got offended because of that. Although his mother is a human and gave birth to him in his arena, she still is his mother who has loved him since his birth. 




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