My System & My Academy of Superpowers

Chapter 296 - Dark Tipt Versus Devon Bostick.

Devon selected the Dark Tipt for his battle. It did not take the beast more than ten seconds to appear in front of Devon. From the sky, a few pieces of equipment fell on the ground.

Devon gulped, he felt his heart beating faster. He took a good look at the paralyzed beast. It had no face… or it was hidden under his hood. 

Devon's eyes fell down on the beast's legs. It had no legs and as told by the data, that beast was floating in the air. Its hands were partially skeleton. 

Its whole body was covered in a dark blue color hoodie or something like a cloak, a torn-up cloak. Its face- the place where its face should be was glowing in a bright and dark purplish-blue glow. 

There was a medium-sized dark blue color ball. The data said it to be a shadow ball created from the beast's magic powers. To Devon, it seemed like the ball was still growing in size. The ball's matter sure was fluctuating a little though.

Devon took a step back when the glass-type barrier, although it must be someone's Trait or technology was keeping the beast inside broke into pieces and shattered. 

The little pieces of glass fell on the ground, right in front of Devon's eyes, they disappeared from the ground. As if they just evaporated!

Devon lifted his eyes from the ground, 'Crap, I know literally nothing about this.' He bit his lip in fear, 'I hope there are not some hidden, secret rules that will throw me out of the battle.' 

The beast in front of Devon started moving forward on its own. At a slow pace, it was being blown forward by the air. Devon continued staring at the best, trying to come up with the best fighting strategy.

Devon tried applying his Academy fighting techniques and skills. When the commentator commenced the fight, the first thing Devon did was dive deep into the ground. 

Devon thought he was fast enough, he came out of the ground in the place of Tipt, but to his surprise… his punch went through nothing. 

The beast was standing in front of him. Devon felt something hard pulling him down, he lowered his head and took a look down at his shadow. 

'Is not this extra dark?' he thought. His guess was true. The next second, the black shadow under Devon's legs turned dark blue, before he could move, it burst. 

The dark energy caused a lot of damage to Devon. He was thrown on the other side of the arena. He went down in the earth instead of falling down and taking the hard impact. 

He quickly came out from the other side. To greet him was Tipt standing in front of him with his dark ball held in front of Devon's face. 

'Shadow ball… Tipt's quickest move.' Darell thought as he saw the black shadowy blob disappear. 

Devon panicked to see the shadow ball in front of him. He had read about the ball in Tipt's information data. This was something dangerous.

Devon pushed himself down to the ground. He went down at a mediocre pace but was finally underground. Now there was no way Tipt could affect Devon with his attack now.

'Fuck!' Devon threw his hands in anger, 'This is nothing like those Academy fights! I can not save myself at this pace.' He took a determined look up at the surface. 

He did not see Tipt on the surface and hence decided to jump out of the ground. To his shock, he did not see Tipt anywhere on the surface either!

Devon kept looking all over the area to spot Tipt but he did not see anyone… his brother and other audiences were not a choice to ask where the Tipt went to. 

Devon was about to dip back down in the ground but his mind was captivated by something else… 'What… is this?' He felt something strange in the air. Something was very strange in the air. 

Suddenly the arena was covered with some fog…. Or a dark color, thick aura mixed with the atmosphere. 

These types of attacks do not infect the audience as they have a defensive screen protecting them from everything. This is the same light screen that protects the Aceved from comets and other things. 

No one knows what a light defense screen really is. If this is a gift to vampires by the planet Aceved, or if this is someone's Trait [as no one can have the same Traits as others]. What if this is a blessing from the Vampire legends? 

What if, this is simply another miracle of high-tech technology and that the Vampire council is protecting this secret from everyone. But, why would it? 

Devon started feeling dizzy, he was losing control over himself, 'Damn… is this some kind of poison gas?' Devon thought while trying to control himself, 'I should… go down…' 

He wanted to dive in but was not sure if he should. What if he goes inside and loses his consciousness because of the gas? He will be stuck underground forever!

The waves moving along the air started compressing. Darell kept staring at the Tipt's attack. 

"Dark Shadow Pulse." He muttered. A smile spread over his face, "Surviving this attack… will half-murder Devon anyway." He wanted to throw his arms and laugh.

From the sky, the Tipt came down at an insane speed of 300 kilometers per hour. Because he landed at such high speed, it created shockwaves when he landed.

His shockwaves pushed his dark shadow pulses spread in the atmosphere to compress even more. 

'When the particles of Dark shadow come too close to each other…' The pulses created by Tipt were getting even more compressed. Creating an elastic force, read to blast off anytime. 

'Their particles repel each other.' The next second, Tipt jumped up high in the air. Even more, ripples were created. This was enough to give dark shadow pulse a last final push. 


The air in the surroundings spread further creating a huge shockwave. Devon was lifted from the ground, his body flew with the shockwave like a piece of plastic. 

The dark blue-purple shockwave threw Devon's body away in the air. Devon came back to his senses after the big jolt in his body. His arms and legs came forward but his backside was trying to go down. As if, his butt was pulling his body back while he was trying to resist it. 

Devon crashed against the light defense screen and fell down on the ground. He was not able to use his Trait because as Darell said, Devon barely had any energy left with him.

He lifted his eyes to take a look. He saw nothing but dust in front of him. Devon somehow pushed himself off the ground. Tipt landed on the ground once again. Right in front of Devon.

Devon took that opportunity. He had to. Devon dived down, came up, pulled his fists tight together, with everything he had, with every energy left, with every stamina left, with every single strength point… he threw a punch in Tipt's direction. 

He expected the Tipt to move, considering its speed was 300. But he did not. Devon smiled and increased the pace of his punch.

"No way! Is he going to hit the Tipt?! Is not he going all out?!" A few people in the audience started shouting.

"Does not he know what the Tipt's ball does?!"

"He is a fool! He will die for sure!"

Hearing this, Darell smiled, "Say, dude," He smiled, "Why do you think Tipt's this attack is called as Foul Kill?" 

"Why, sir?" the men behind him asked.

"Because…" Devon's fist went in Tipt's hood, "It guarantees a kill-" 

Devon's hand went past the hood, inside the Tipt's hood. Ryan sensed something boney touch his knuckles. He smiled, 'So you do have a face.' He thought.

"It guarantees a foul kill… every time." Darell completed. 

Devon punched Tipt in the face, Tipt's light body flew away. It smashed hard against the light screen. Tipt slid against the screen and sat down. 

Devon landed on the ground with a smile, "I have done it–" He voice choked, "I- I-" He was not able to speak.

Devon felt his face being pressurized. As if, a huge gravitational force was being acted on his face. Soon blood started coming out of his nose, eyes, teeth fell apart. 

"That fool did not even notice when Tipt planted its shadow ball in his body." Darell shook his head, "Now suffer."

Devon found his body being lifted off the ground. The same as it happened with Tipt, Devon's body smashed against the light screen. 

Blood fell all over Devon's body. 

"Only if he would have lived with me forever now." Darell frowned, "He would have had full knowledge about this." 




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