Gwen pulled her hand out. She kept her head on Ryan's bare chest as she slept peacefully. Ryan was looking up at the ceiling. He had nothing but a smile on his face.

Gwen was sleeping peacefully on Ryan's shoulder, half-naked, after making it out with Ryan. Ryan was no different. Without his shirt and jeans, he was lying beside Gwen.

'How am I supposed to calm my big brother now?' Ryan thought as he felt it getting hard down there. 

Obviously, they did not have sex. They just made out, cuddled all night till Gwen fell asleep. Who knows she might have even cum already, but Ryan was still lying dry. 

Gwen said she wants to make babies, not in the present of course, but in the future. She knew it does not matter what she does, she will not be able to get Ryan fuck her. 

Well, their wet night ended that way. Ryan continued looking at the ceiling with Gwen in his arms.

"She is so soft. Almost like a teddy bear-" Again. Those memories back with Erin. He promised Erin, they both would sleep together, cuddle, he would squeeze her like a little teddy bear….

Gwen's head was pulled upwards, Ryan took a kiss while she was in her sleep. Ryan's hand went down, below Gwen's waist. She was not wearing her gym tights anymore.

Ryan touched her thighs… he could feel the soft velvet-like texture of Gwen's thighs. He continued moving his hand up and down on her thigh. 

"I got to bring Devon back…" Ryan muttered. He moved his hands a little bit too up, he touched Gwen's butt by mistake. He looked down then looked up again.

"I wonder if vampires sleep… maybe they do not." Ryan grabbed Gwen's thick thigh between his fingers, he wrapped his hand around her butt. 'Sorry.' He felt… guilty for some reason.

Guilt? After doing all that? Being just a fricking sixteen-year-old teenager? He should just be grateful and let go of things. How guilty will he be if he takes Gwen's virginity? Let us stay virgins for life.

Ryan pushed off the cover from his side, he used Gwen's butt as a support for getting off the bed. Ryan quickly put on his long track pants, pulled on a T-shirt, and walked out of his room. He made sure to lock Gwen inside. 

'She is… she feels like my responsibility now…' Ryan sighed, and a smile appeared on his face. 

Ryan walked down the stairs, changed the paths, and took the way where Devon and other people's rooms were.

"I wonder what is Doc up to nowadays?' Ryan wondered as he walked through the hallway, "We have not seen each other for a while now," he continued walking.

As it was just evening, there were bright yellow and white lights turned on through the hallway. It was not dark outside yet, but it will be dark anytime soon. Before it gets dark, Ryan wanted to have a little chat with Devon's mentor.

Ryan looked around, 'The lady said sir Brandon's room was next to Devon's- Ah.' he stopped when he recognized Devons' room. Ryan took a step closer.

He looked left, then at right. 'I am betting on the right side.' Ryan pulled his lips inside. He landed a soft then a hard knock on the door. 

"Hello?" Ryan called from outside. He received no response from the other side.

'Damn, I should have just asked the receptionist the exact room number for sir Brandon's room.' Ryan did not go to the reception, he was remembered the time when that receptionist lady was muttering the names of people while going through her digital hologram data.

It went something like, Russell, Rosy, Brandon, and Devon. Brandon's room was booked before Devon's room. Although he is a Head general and should have a different room for himself, he was given the room beside Devon.

Ryan knocked harder. "Hello? Sir Brandon!" Ryan gave him a call. He continued knocking on the door, "Fuck, why do I never get a quick reply from people inside the room?" Ryan bit his lip in frustration.

"Cause you knock on the wrong door, boy." Ryan turned immediately after hearing that familiar voice.

In front of him was, "Sir Brandon?" Ryan's mouth opened, "I- I?" Ryan pointed his thumb at the door behind him, the one he was previously continuously knocking on. 

"Come on in, boy." Brandon took a step inside his room. He was wearing jeans and a normal shirt on top. Ryan took a last glance at the door he was knocking on before leaving.

"Close the door," Brandon ordered. He took a seat on a chair that was present in his room, he pulled out a hand lighter from his pocket, a cigarette in his mouth.

Ryan closed the door behind him. Brandon offered him a chair to sit on. Ryan glanced twice before taking a seat.

"So?" Brandon lit his cigarette, "What is that you wanted to talk about?" Brandon pulled the lid close to his lighter. He lifted his cigarette out of his mouth and let out out the smoke.

Ryan kept staring at the old age lighter that was in Brandon's hands, "Is that item made from beast core too?" Ryan asked, he slid the chair to take a seat.

Brandon brought his eyes down, "Yeah… Dear to me." Obviously. NO one would use that old lighter at this age. That was from somewhere around 2022 or 2023 age. 

"By the way, where is Devon? Is he not with you?" Brandon put the cigarette back into his mouth and took a sip in. He kept pulling and pulling it inside. 

"Devon was pulled into a portal by his brother. He was forcefully thrown in Aceved… alone."

Cough, cough, cough!!

Brandon choked on the cigarette. He started coughing like a maniac. The cigarette dropped from his hands on the floor. Smoke was covering Brandon's whole face and nose. 

"W- w- water!" Brandon stretched out his hand, asking for water. 

Ryan got up, took a bottle that was lying on the top of the table, brought it to Brandon. Brandon aggressively drank half of the bottle within a single go. 500ml in a single go. 

He pulled the bottle's mouth away from his mouth, Brandon was still panting and gasping for air. "A-are- are you serious?" He asked. 

"Ah? Hm." Ryan gave him a nod. "I am serious. I know it myself. Devon has been taken to Aceved. He is in danger." Ryan told him in a serious tone, with a serious expression.

"Fuck! Fuck!" Brandon got up from his chair and kicked his legs around the room, "Just what the fuck is going on here?! Why is this fucking! Argh!" 

This was the first time Ryan was seeing Brandon go through a mental breakdown. Brandon was acting like a little kid who lost a game.

'All that is fine but…' Ryan thought while looking at Brandon, 'Do vampires choke on smoke? I mean, do they have lungs?' Ryan had a difficult question in his mind.

Vampires were half-dead but, do they have organs still functioning in their bodies? Cause they do not need oxygen to live, water to drink, food to eat. All they need is blood. But they can eat whatever they want. 

And… yes. They have to use the restroom and washroom. They get an erection too. So there is blood pumping through their reproductive organs at least.

"What shall we do, sir? Do you have anything or idea about something through which he could bring Devon back?" Ryan asked. 

Brandon turned his head to Ryan, "No." He replied and went back to his groaning and grunting in anger.

"Uh, can not you hire a portal user or something?"

"I do not have that much amount of money. We are not even sure if he will be able to send us to Aceved." Brandon replied in a frustrated tone now.

"Does not the government lend head generals portals or something?" Brandon turned to Ryan, "Maybe you could ask them for one?" Ryan suggested. 

"That is the problem. If I do that then they will file an inquiry on me." Brandon looked away with an upset frown, "They will ask me what I was doing with it, why did I take it, what did I do with it, where it is right now, etc. I will be pulled down deep into trouble if they found out about Aceved and vampires."

"Okay, using a portal to travel to Aceved… the government will also discover the truth."

"Not just that, if the government finds out about it, I will be killed in the vampire world too. I will be dead anyway. Or worse, they will demote me to a punished shadow in Aceved." Brandon had nothing but fear in his mind.

"I can understand the government finding of vampires. But does not high executives masters already know the fact that vampires exist?" Ryan looked up at Brandon with a question mark on his face. 

"Huh?" Brandon turned to Ryan, he had an ugly frown on his face, "Who told you that shit?" Brandon's frown increased, "How and why would the higher masters know about vampires? They will be killed instantly."

"Eh? But- can not powerful, strong people sense vampires despite being humans?"

"Aah… that…" Brandon lifted his head and let out a sigh, "Nah, not everybody can." Brandon confirmed, "Only a few can. They are rare and it happens mostly by luck, but" He looked with his one eye, "Intense training will work if you want to." 




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