My System & My Academy of Superpowers

Chapter 321 - Explore The Remote City.

"Let me show you your dorms first," Satoru said. He was standing in the middle of the plaza. 

Students and teachers were surrounding Satoru from the three sides. 

"Take a step forward, make a queue, the road will carry you on itself," Satoru ordered. 

As being told, the students stood in a line. When everybody was ready, Satoru activated the escalator. The road started moving on its own. 

Students were being carried in the dormitory's direction, "I request teachers to stand on that side of the road. Let us introduce you to your dorms."

Satoru got on the road himself. After a minute or so, the road started coming to a stop. It was not moving at an insane speed, to begin with. 

They stopped in front of two big buildings. They were two buildings, one had three floors, another one had two floors. 

"Okay, before you enter your dormitory," it was a beautiful building, it had glass railings inside, balconies with glass as a walled compound. 

It was painted beautifully in white, skin color, "Ground floor, it is registered for boys only. Take whatever rooms you want. On the first floor, unfortunately, we have a lot of boys and not enough girls… so the first floor will be a mixed floor. Half boys, half girls."

Some pervert's eyes lit up, Ryan was not one of them. Cause mixed or not, he has Gwen to sleep with every day. 

"And finally, the second floor is for the rest of the girls." Satoru took a pause, he did something on his pad once again, "Ah, okay." he lifted his head, "Your rooms numbers will appear on your ID card. Please check it out and go to your respective rooms."

Satoru turned away from the students, he turned to the teachers now. Students took a look at their IDs. Most were disappointed cause they were not on the first floor. 

Somewhere even trying to exchange rooms. Which was not possible technically cause the numbers are digital not a piece of paper.

"It would have been better if I was your roommate." Gwen let out a groan.

"At least we are on the same floor. Or should I say, we literally are neighbors?" Ryan said after taking a look at Gwen's room number.

"For teachers." Satoru cleared his throat, "On the ground floor, I, Sadako-sensei, sir Brandon with sir Zahn, and sir Atkinson will stay."

Yes. Their Academy had no principal. Sadako is the principal and the head general both. Amazing, right.

"On the first floor, male teachers. On the second floor, female teachers. I hope it is clear. Your rooms numbers will be sent to you on your mobiles in a minute." 

Satoru pushed his pad back into his dimensional cube. He looked around, most of the students had already left to check their rooms. 

"Uh, could you please inform the students that they have time till lunch to explore the city? I have something urgent to take a look at,"

"I will, sir." Brandon stepped forward, "Do not worry."

'You, yourself are an object of worry, sir Brandon.' Satoru faked a smile, thanked Brandon, and left the dormitory area.

He accelerated the escalator's speed. He disappeared in a second. 

'I need to check the Academy.' He thought. 'Ah, crap. I forgot to tell them where the cafeteria is.' He sighed, 'Tch, I will have to check on the cooking robots too!'

So much work. And the disadvantage was such that he could not ask anyone for help either. No one knows how things should work in this city.

Of course, technical experts will check the machinery and other things but, at last, it is Satoru's city. Who would know the secrets of the Academy besides him?

Ryan entered his room, Gwen went inside her room. Naomi was on the girls' floor. Of course, Satoru does not want her around two vampires. 

Devon was on the ground floor, Rigid, Rosy, was on the first floor. Most of the Japanese students were on the ground and on the second floor. 

Ayami was on the first floor with her friends… she does not have any though. 

Ryan was eager to check who his roommate is. But when he entered the room, no one was inside yet. 

"Oh," he dropped his bags on the floor, took off his jeans, and threw himself on the bed.

"Looks like my roommate is not here yet." Ryan sighed. He spread himself in the room.

'Hah, now that I look back,' the time when he was still with Doc, Gwen, Naomi, Devon… Pete. was on good terms with them. The time they used to spend together.

Shit happened. Doc is not talking to him, not even looking at him. He just upset Naomi a few hours ago, Gwen is now… his girl. Pete is not with him anymore. Devon is a traitor, a vampire, and a boy in love. 

"Anyways," he rose up from the bed, "What are we supposed to do now?" Ryan wondered.

For starters, he got up from his bed and opened his laptop. 'It has been forever.' Ryan thought, 'I should try investing… let us what the market says.'

He opened his broker app and went on surfing through companies, their fundamentals, and his own predictions that he learned through the hundreds of books he read.

He still had not started investing cause, he had no money. His parents never gave him pocket money. But now, he is a millionaire! 

He does not need the millions of dollars he has in his bank, even more in Japanese currency. Which calculates to around 570 million yen. 

'I can invest this money wherever I want.' Ryan thought, 'I do not have any expenses of my own anyway.' 

Knock, knock.

"Come in, Gwen." she punched the password and entered the room.

"He-he, how did you know it was me?" she closed the door behind her.

"Who else would even want to enter my room? You are the only one."

"There were… Doc, Naomi-" Ryan ignored her, "fine. What are you doing?" she asked.

"Trying to invest my million dollars."

"Eh? Down to every cent?" She asked in surprise.

"Yeah. I do not have any expenses of my own so…"

Gwen looked down, "And I was hoping you would take me on dates…" she muttered in a very low voice. 

"Eh~" Ryan let go of his laptop and grabbed Gwen's waist, "Then till I become rich, you take me on dates."

Ryan pushed himself on Gwen, she giggled, "Looks like I will have to work hard now!" they both fell on the bed. 

"Work. right. We have a lot of ways to earn money. I am betting my everything on my fighting skills."

"Ah-hah, I will have to work even harder. I can not let you protect me always."

"I do not mind," Ryan smiled.

"But with both of us fighting together, we will just be able to achieve even more!" Gwen protested.


'You do not know, Gwen….' Ryan thought, 'You are already too powerful, even stronger than me when it comes to sword art.' the images of the parallel world fight flashed in front of Ryan's eyes.

'You are too strong.'

"Ever thought about enrolling for sword art?"


"Your Trait is… martial arts?"


"But you have the talent for sword fighting." 

"Uh? How?"

"Nah, just my guess after I saw you fight in the parallel world,"

"I do not know…" 

"Why do not you try sword art?" Ryan asked.

"Uhm… I do not feel like wielding that long thing around,"

"I am going to opt for sword art though,"

"Let us do this. I should try sword art if you say I have the latent for that,"

"Hahaha, right!"




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