The students had already finished their lunch. Teachers reached a few minutes after the students did so they were still eating their lunch.

It was a fucking big cafeteria. Nothing saw before. It did not have walls at all. Tables were automatic tables that opened on their own with chairs. And close if they sense no human for more than two minutes. 

The cafeteria, instead of walls, had glasses around its perimeter. It was a rectangle-shaped cafeteria but in a circular way. The height from the floor to the top of the cafeteria was somewhere around forty feet high. 

It was fully air-conditioned, but while the winter was taking over this planet. A heater was what was needed more than the AC. and it was present.

Robots were working on the cafeteria's food-making process. Of course, the people who were previously in charge of handling the cafeteria were fired.

Only the manager of the cafeteria was allowed to keep his job. Robots did most of the work, at an insane speed without messing up, the manager just had to stand there.

The cafeteria had two entrances. One side, where students were sitting. They had their separate place to collect the food from. 

On the other side of the cafeteria, teachers were taking their lunch. 

The structure of the cafeteria is something like this. Two hallways on both sides. The shorter sides of a rectangle. The long sides, the length, of the rectangle is where the cafeterias are. 

In a circle, but actually a rectangle. Are you getting what I am saying? Yeah? There is a courtyard in between the circular cafeteria. 

Okay, easy way to explain. Consider two parallel sides. Two long parallel sides of the rectangle. Now to connect these dies from the sides.

There is a pair of two short parallel sides. These are the hallways which are for walking around. You take the left side, reach the students' cafe, take the right, you reach teachers'.

If you continue walking through this hallway, through the cafeteria, you will end up in the second hallway. Which is parallel to the first one. 

Now you got it? Circle but rectangular. I hope you did. If not, then visit my website to learn more. The website's link is in this novel's synopsis. Just kidding.

The students were told to wait in the courtyard till the teachers get done with their lunch. 

It was a nice courtyard though. Bushes across the corners of the little-big courtyard. Grass in the middle of the courtyard [covering most of the area.] and cement pavements on the remaining area.

It took the teachers a few more than five minutes to complete their lunch and gather in the courtyard. After one or two more minutes, Satoru appeared in the courtyard.

He glanced at Ryan, then at Devon. His daughter was also present there. And as Devon had promised Satoru, Devon was standing literally on the other corner of the courtyard with other American students. 

"Check-in in your dorm rooms. Done. Rest, done. Lunch, done." Satoru started, "Training? Not done." He got everyone's attention with that line, "The next thing on our list is to learn about your new Academy, training arena, the building's systems."

No one said anything. Most of them were not ready to move but could not say that out loud. They are on a remote planet no one knows about with a man who can do whatever he wants.

"This way," Satoru turned around. The tree standing behind him started shaking. 

Not long after it started shaking, the tree pulled open. It slid open and an underground tunnel was exposed to everybody.

'Now what kind of escape route is that?' Devon thought.

'His secret rooms just never seem to end,' Ryan sighed. 

"I want everybody to go through this tunnel. It has an in-built escalator which will take you to the Academy directly." Satoru ordered, "Everything you are done eating your lunch, I want you to take this route to the Academy directly." He told.

Students started boarding the tunnel. As soon as they stepped inside, the lights of the tunnel turned on. Bright yellow, orange lights shine in the tunnel.

It took them somewhere around three minutes to see the lighting glow of bright natural light. The escalator pulled them off the ground. 

There stood a big building in front of the students. It was beautifully designed, architect. Just another amazing wonder of the remote city.

From the other side, teachers appeared. How? They had a portal ready for themselves on the other side. Amazing, right?

"This is your Academy. This is the place where you will be taking your theory classes." Satoru came forward, "Behind this is the weapons hall, equipment hall."

Teachers were staring at the Academy with wide eyes. The same was with students, just for taking theory classes [which rarely happens] Satoru had built such a big building. 

What would, how big would be the training arena would be?

"Alright. Sent to your IDs. please check the classes and enroll for the class you want. You can always change this… only once."

Students dug their heads into their ID cards. There were three options shining on their screen. 

Ryan was confused between the two classes. 'Attack class or long-range class?' finally, he decided, 'Gwen's class.'

"What are you applying for?" he finally asked.

"Your class." cool reply.

"Attack or long-range?" Ryan asked. He did not get the answer he was looking forward to.

"Uh… I hate long-range fights. I want to engage in combat fights and kill the enemy myself instead of covering those who fight in this range."

"Attack class it is." Ryan selected the class. Gwen did the same.

"Hm." Satoru hummed, "Alright! I have received everybody's enrollment. Moving to the sub-class now."

Sub-class? Ryan frowned. Ryan was not the only one, everybody frowned at the word 'Sub-class.' we were never told about that.

"Yes, we do have a sub-class. In other words, weapon class. Chose the weapon you want to use and enroll into that class." Satoru made it clear, "You chose the class you liked. But I warn you while choosing weapons, only choose the weapons you really think you have skills for. Not because you like it."

Everybody gulped. They slowly looked at their IDs to take a look at the sub-classes listed down. 



War Hammer






Bow [Only for students who chose long-range class]

Sniper [Only for students who chose long-range class]

Rifle/Gun [Only for students who chose long-range class]





Magic Spells [Only for students with Magic Traits.]

Ryan and Gwen exchanged glances. Ryan wanted to go for sword anyway. He hates short-ranged weapons like a sickle and hammer. 

But he does not like long-range weapons like a spear, greatsword, scythe, whip. Gun is okay but still a no. 

"I repeat again, students." Satoru started, "No not chose a weapon just because you like it. Chose the weapons you think you have a skill for."

Ryan had to think twice, thrice because of Satoru's warning. He knows very well he has no kills for sword art, unlike Gwen.

"I am going for the sword, Ryan. what about you?" she asked after hearing Satoru's advice. 

Ryan gulped, 'Let us fucking do it.' he thought. 

Ryan clicked on the sword option. Another long list of weapons dropped down.


Two-Handed sword



Double-edged sword 

Katana [Single edged, curved swords]

Ryan looked at Gwen once again. He lifted his head as a gesture to ask Gwen what she was going for.

"Two sword style." she smiled, "I want to use both of my hands."

'Right… you do have skills for that.' Ryan remembered.

"So I will choose Katana for now, but will ask the teacher to lend me two Katanas," she confirmed. 

"Alright. I do not have confidence in my sword skills but let us do this." Ryan selected the Katana option.




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