"Tell me," Doc asked, "You got wounded that day, I healed you with everything I had but was not able to heal your wound totally, the next day when I striped you in your sleep the wound was gone from your chest,"

"Huh? Just what kind of relation do you guys have?" Gwen asked.

"Huh? He's a student, I am a teacher, I am a doctor,"

"No I mean, you stripped him? You are physically intimate with him too, when he was hurt you were overreacting too, just what kind of relationship do you have? Are you siblings?"

"Aah? Did I? We are not siblings, we are not cousins either, Haha," She was faking it.

"Yes, Nevermind," 

"When I looked in the blood bank a blood capsule was missing and now you went to fight those bullies with a body this fragile, but you still managed to knock that guy out without any trouble, even when you got your face smashed up pretty bad, no person would have been able to stay conscious but you did, just what is your mystery, Ryan" She moved a little away from me. 

"Knew it. I knew it! I knew your wound was gone, it was you that night! Now it is fucking confirmed! Totally confirmed!"

"Gwen? What is it? Is this what you came for to talk about today?"

"Yes, Dr. Mary this is what I came here for today. I wanted to tell you about Ryan,"

"Gwen!" I shouted.

"Dr. Mary. The day Ryan got his conscious, later that night I was walking around the school building when I saw the infirmary lights on and the door opened, I walked near the door to see what was going on there I saw a man, a tall man standing there, he had pretty good build too I thought it was a Mafia who entered our Academy so I hid behind the door and watched what he was doing.

I saw that he went inside the infirmary, came back with blood capsules in hand and a syringe. He injected the syringe full of blood into his arm, then he took off his T-shirt. I saw a huge wound on his chest. That's the time I confirmed it was Ryan. Cause Ryan was the one who got into a Mafia fight, soon his face became clear. It was Ryan. There-" She pointed at the mirror in the infirmary. 

We all glanced at the full-body mirror, "That's how I saw his reflection in the mirror, then suddenly his scar started healing, is started closing in and after a few seconds, it was totally healed. I was freaked out thinking he was a vampire. Cause see after superpowers became a reality even fictitious things like folklore also seem real, everybody has at least heard his name for being the weakest, I knew he had good senses as his superpower. Then his scar healed, he is fast too as we all know that's what a vampire is, more to add, Ryan even injected blood in his body, vampires need blood yeah? 

I ran away from him. I made a sound while moving Ryan caught me. He chased me, he was too fast for me so I just hid somewhere behind a pillar, that's it," 

"So, Ryan?" Doc stared at me. I moved my eyes at her. She was close to me I didn't fret. 

"Hm," I nodded, "This all is true except the vampire part,"

"Say..." Doc leaned against me, I leaned back away from her, "Is it true? Are you a vampire?" Doc put her hands on my shoulders. Her glare pierced right into my eyes, "Say? Really?" She started shaking my shoulders.

"It is true- but I am not a vampire-"

"Ahhh~ if you are a vampire then please bit me here!" she revealed her long neck.

'Beautiful, sexy,'

"Bite me here! Make me a vampire too! I wanna stay young forever, I wanna become immortal just like you!"

"As I said, I am not a vampire! And why do you wanna become an undead anyway?" She kept shaking my shoulders.

I glanced at Pete, he was freaked out than anyone. Gwen got up from her chair. 

"There's no way you can hide it anymore Ryan. I know you are a vampire. Don't worry I won't tell anyone about it cause if I did you might just kill me, I can't win against you," She strolled around the infirmary, went to a table on the infirmary's right side. 

"Doc, one minute," She stopped shaking my whole body, "I am still a patient, my body is fragile," 

"Oh sorry," I got up from the bed and moved towards Gwen. Gwen sat on the table and continued nagging.

'I am gonna play with her, I am gonna tease her a little bit.'

I continued walking towards her, stood in front of her with a few centimeters gap between us. She had her eyes closed and continued saying am a vampire. 

There was the blood bank above the table, I leaned forward over her, she opened her eyes and gasped after seeing me close to her.

I took a B positive blood capsule from the shelf, a syringe down on the table, did the process, and injected the blood into my body. I went to a sink next to the table, washed my face, my hands, washed all of the blood from my face. 

< Healing activated >

< HP: 15/15 >

< Blood level: 15/15 >

"Now, look at me. My face is all good right? It is healed, I have healed my face,"

"S- so now you are claiming you are a vamp-"

"Yes! I AM A VAMPIRE! I AM HELL OF A VAMPIRE!" I said in loud voice, "And all three of you know my secret now," I glanced at everyone in the room, "I can't let you guys walk away with my secret,"

"Ryan?" Doc spoke. 

"Pl- please! Leave me! Don't kill me," Pete started begging for life.

I moved towards Gwen, close, close, closer to her.

"Say, Gwen. Do you know how powerful we vampires are? We have superpowers, I can snap your neck, your whole body into two in just a blink of an eye, you know that? What if..." I grabbed her by her waist, "... I bit your neck and suck all of your blood?" Grabbed her hair with my right hand, pulled her neck on the right side.. I opened my mouth to suck her blood.

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