My System & My Academy of Superpowers

Chapter 341 - To Save, Protect First.

Ryan dodged the lollipop which was shot in his direction. He was feeling the fatigue slowly reaching his heart but his senses were still active… thankfully.

"What the, a lollipop?" Ryan frowned, the lollipop went past him, Ryan took a few steps back. The lollipop was about to hit the bot but-

With a single flick of its finger, he changed the course of the lollipop. Ryan quickly pulled up his fists and protected himself from letting the lollipop pierce his skull.

The candy covering the top of the lollipop's stick, as soon as it struck Ryan's blood aura, fell apart with the little crystals falling all over the ground. 

'T- This power?!' Ryan's eye went wide, "Yet this lollipop is opposing the gravity, how powerful is the robot?!" Ryan grunted.

The lollipop was accelerated in their direction because of the gusts of wind. But with a single flick, it was opposing its main force. 

As if humans were opposing the gravity on earth. Instead of staying on the ground, they were going up and up in the air with every step.

Ryan was about to step away from the gusts' path but the robot suddenly pulled out its arms, the two metal rods were covering Ryan's side. 

And that was not the only thing, the gusts of wind were also constantly changing their path while moving forward.

'Huh? Did they just slow down?' Ryan wondered when he noticed the gusts were stopped in the doorway past the dead lady. They were moving at a very slow pace.

For once, Ryan thought he saw the gusts glitch. The pixels appeared and disappeared before Ryan could verify anything. The bot was also wandering around Ryan.

Ryan pushes hard against the bare stick. 'If two powerful forces push each other… they can not beat each other.' Ryan thought, 'Only if…' He then continued, 'You change the direction, you will have a chance of beating a powerful force.'

Ryan tilted his arm a little. With a jolt of pain to his arm, the stick went past his arm. It bolted from Ryan's aura and hit the robot directly in the face.

Beep, boop. A few mechanic sounds were heard from the robot.

Soon a few sparks of shot circuit came out of the robot. Ryan took a step back both because he was scared and the recoil of the lollipop. 

"Sir, we- we are failing once again…"

"We still have not failed! Come on!" The man in the meta room smashed his hand against the wall, "Get fired up, people! Show them what the Meta team can really do!" the continued shouting, "Counter the problem head-on. Bonus for whoever deals with this bug!"

The people sitting in the meta room with big digital pads in front of them suddenly got fired up. Everyone got back to their work.

'I do hope this is a bug though…' The main master thought, 'This has to be a bug… but if this keeps happening, what will happen to the Metaverse's future?'

The bot in front of Ryan stumbled over itself and landed hard on the wall behind it. Soon the things got disturbed inside the robot. Although Ryan had landed not a single attack on the robot, it was already destroyed.

Ryan brought his bloody arms in front of him to cover his face. A small explosion came out from the robot as it was being destroyed because of a lollipop stick.

'World-class combat robots?' Ryan thought, 'Pretty weak for a world-class robot.' Ryan scoffed. 

"Alright students," Satoru told them, "After you if luckily, manage to escape the third stage, you will have to face the fourth stage then, which will be, A combat with our robot."

The students were confused, how come another robot? 

"Nah, Nah. Not a robot as the first stage one. You will realize what the first stage robot is anyway," he coughed, "This robot will be a World-class military robot, usually used in battles. You will have to beat this, special combat robot to pass to the fifth stage." Satoru completed.

Ryan deformed the X he had formed with his arms. Ryan glanced behind him, the gusts were pretty close. Ryan did not waste the time. 

Ryan jumped over the destroyed robot, the door behind the robot was slowly sliding open. Ryan grabbed the door and pulled it open with his hands. 

Ryan quickly stepped through the door, he was about to pass fully when he sensed a strong, cold wind against his nape. He glanced anxiously, the gusts had regained their speed.

"Sir, we failed this time too."

"Tch! That is not the reply I want! Keep trying, my men!" The Metaverse Master ordered.

Ryan quickly stepped to the other side, pulled the door closed. One thing for sure, he knew the door will not be able to hold the gusts of wind. 

The door would not handle Ryan's attack, there is no way the door will be able to take those strong attacks head-on. The gusts accelerated once again.

Ryan pulled out his hands in front of him, he pulled his fingers back and started shooting the red web at the door's corners and gaps. 

Spat, spat, swap, swap.

Ryan covered the whole door in his red web, by shooting the web non-stop. Ryan then turned around hurriedly, only to see another door in front of him.

"I can not damage this door," Ryan muttered. He looked around and saw the trigger to open the door. He pressed the button with his palm and the door started sliding open. 

"Ryan, you are using a lot of webs, you might tire yourself out before you even complete the test. Hold back from using that skill too much."

"Ah, fuck, I have no other choice!" Ryan closed the door behind him. Ryan turned around when he heard a loud bang on the fourth stage's exit door. 

'Ah, I can not any risk.' Ryan turned around and covered the fifth stage's entry door with his webs. A door was covered in his webs, again. 

The second gust, as Ryan had already guessed and knew, busted the door open. It went straight and hit hard on the fifth stage's entry door. 

Ryan panicked. The side webs were torn apart a little. "Fuck, fuck!" Ryan looked around. The door to the exit was nowhere to be seen. As if it will be visible anyway. 

Ryan pulled his hands in front of him again, ready to provide extra support to the door. 

The fourth stage's door was not able to hold the gust. But as soon as the second gust collided with the fifth stage's door, it disappeared with impacting a good enough damage.

"Do you think the third wave will be able to burst open the door?" a few teachers, who were watching this life started discussing. 

"I do not think so, the door will be able to take the-"

"Of course not. Of course, the door will fall apart. The third one will definitely get the student." Another man interrupted.

Ryan felt a stinging pain in his wrists after shooting a few webs. Ryan quickly grabbed his wrist as his veins were killing him.

"Why does it hurts?!" Ryan screamed.

"Uh, looks like you have reached your limit, Ryan." Professor replied coldly, "I warned you."

"I will surpass my limit then!" Ryan lifted his hands to shoot more web. Nothing came out but he felt another session of stinging, unbearable pain.

< The host has reached the Red Spider's Web skill's use limit >

< The host has surpassed the limit to generate webs. The host does not have any more blood in their body available to use the Red Spider's Web skill to generate webs. >

< To maintain a proper margin of safety, a small amount of blood is stored for an emergency. Can not use to use a skill >

The message flashed in front of Ryan's eye. He listened as the slightly female voice reverberated in his mind. 

'Shit… this can not be… happening.' Ryan had tears of blood in his eye. When everything seemed hopeless, Ryan heard someone's steps.

Tap, tap. 

"Yaare, Yaare," A man, a tall man with long legs, broad chest, powerful muscular body fit appeared out of nowhere. 

He stopped right behind the big gust of wind that had hit the fifth stage's entry door. 

"This smell…" Ryan raised his head. Before he could figure out who it was, Ryan's senses finally stopped working.

Yeah, they do. This happened before too. But when Ryan is tired, exhausted, fatigued, his Traits stopped working. Mostly his senses and clairvoyance. His super-speed still worked…. Sometimes.

"Tch, trouble everywhere." Satoru clicked his tongue. He opened his wide arms and spread them wide open.

His only target was nothing but the gust of wind that was trying to penetrate the entry door. Satoru closed his fists, pulled the arms near his chest.

"Ripples…" he muttered under his breath, "Hydro Ripples of Leccy!" Satoru let out a small shout as he threw his arms open. 

As soon as his arms opened, a light, then dark series of ripples generated from him.

'I have no choice.' Ryan thought to himself, 'All I can do is… hide!' Ryan run inside the room, searched for the safest place, and hid in a corner of the room.

A series of blue ripples soon filled the room. It cut through walls, it cut through the broken door. It went straight ahead at the gust of wind.

Satoru raises his eye and looks forward. The ripples he had generated were flying in the air. Satoru's eyes met with the repels.

And boom! The ripples sliced off the gust of wind into two at the same spot. The gusts then disappeared from the sight. 

Satoru's eyes were fixed on the door. The door was turned into ashes before it could even be all on the ground. Ryan panicked once again.

'Am sure this time,' Ryan got up from the ground, pulled himself together, and ran to the center of the hall, "This voice…" Ryan thought.

"Well done. Till next time." Satoru turned around and was ready to teleport back to the real world without his costume on him. 

Ryan came out of the corner. He was sure from that smell, it was not anyone, it was no other than Satoru, Ryan was sure of it. 

He dashed through the door. He saw that the doors were open. It had no trace of being a fight here. "What… where did he go?" 

Ryan knew what happened. He was sure what happened to the gust of the air created by Nanami Hinami. Satoru perform something or did something which then destroyed the gust of wind.

"Satoru-san…" Ryan muttered, "He helped me?" Ryan wondered. He was not expecting anybody's help. Not especially Satoru's help. 

Ryan entered the fifth stage's door. Just what he expected from the Academy, there was no door to exit the fifth room. Why would there be?

Only if it was not for Satoru, Ryan would have met the same fate as the lady. Her body was shattered all over the ground. Satoru took a glance at her before leaving.

He sent the medics to… gather her body. Her legs were blasted away because of the gust. The first one which hit her face, her bones were spilling off her face. 

There was no flesh remaining on her face, only blood and bones all over. The white bones which covered her face, her cheekbones, her skull. The eyeballs were half-damaged and out of the socket.       


Chapter Preview Ahead!

Thanks to Satoru, Ryan has managed to escape Hinami's attacks. Ryan moves forward towards ending this test once and for all. His next stage will be the fifth and the last stage. He has to defend himself against some strange kind of robot.   

Stick along with Ryan as he climbs up the stages of the Trait level Test.

In the next chapter of My Ring System- Chapter 341 Defense Against Robots.

Will Be Continued...!               

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