There were two big ones in front of Ryan…. Two big, big, big ones were sitting right in front of Ryan's eyes. Ryan could not hold himself back from touching them anymore.

Ryan gulped a hard one, he felt his whole body getting warm. He could feel himself losing his strength from within. 'I think… I am tired.' Ryan thought.

He moved his hand and grabbed the first big one, slowly he grabbed the other one. "How the hell am I supposed to?" Ryan spoke.

"The sixth stage," Satoru continued, "I know this is a surprise for you, but that is the main point. For calculating your Trait level and making it most perfect, you will have to go through the last- I promise, the last stage."

Many students, obviously, were not happy with that. There were a few who managed to reach the fifth stage, some were still stuck with the instructor, some had fighting spirit while some were just with the 'My life has ended' mindset. 

Then there were a few people, like Ryan, and Gwen who had managed to reach and clear the final stage- the second final, okay, the fifth stage of the test. 

Gwen was not annoyed by the fact that she will have to go through one more stage. Ryan did not have any problem with it either, he is a stoic after all. 

"We have a total of 4 students who have cleared the fifth stage of the Trait level test." Satoru informed, "For those four students… and for everyone who will reach the sixth stage sooner or later…"

Satoru took a pause before continuing, "You will find two big cubes in front of you as soon as you pass through the fifth stage's exit," He continued, "This is not a stage you will have to clear or something like that, all you got to do is, attack those two cubes with everything you have."

Four students, only four students had cleared the fifth stage. Two of them were Ryan and Gwen. The other two were Japanese students. 

"The first cube, attack it with your raw strength," Satoru told the students, "The second cube, attack it with your Trait. You will have three chances, let us see who will be able to break the cubes."

And now, Ryan was standing in front of those big ones… big cubes. Throughout his time staring at the cubes, Ryan had only one question:

Would not they break if I hit them way too hard? Why does Satoru-san want us to break the cubes? It did not take him long to realize this was a way to check your raw strength and Trait strength without any pressure of being killed by an enemy. 

'Three chances, huh?' Ryan started moving his hand. He turned his hand into a fist and brought it near one of the big ones. 'Will it even be able to–'

Ryan felt a chill running down his whole body. 'What the…?' his body was vibrating in the air.

He punched the cube with his fist, instead of the cube falling into two, Ryan felt the vibration of hitting the cube flowing through his body from his fist.

"Ouch!" He then let out a shout when he realized his fist was broken. 

< HP: 85/100 >

< Blood level: 0/100 >

< Blood store: 0/225 >

Ryan pulled his fist away from the cube when it was finally healed. Although he was being healed by the hard impact of his knuckles and wrist, Ryan could still feel pain in his fists.

'God, why does this hurts even after it is healed?'

"Durability, Ryan." Professor replied unexpectedly, "It all depends on your durability."

"Do you mean I am not durable enough right now?"

"No. I mean, yes. You are getting hurt at the same spot over and over, the System heals it but your wounds and not fully healed after being hit again at the same spot within another minute," Professor tried explaining.

"Fuck, I would not be able to continue this anymore then…" Ryan glanced over at the two big ones sitting in front of him. Although they were big, they were soft… not! They were hard as fuck… wait, no, hard as a rock.

Two more chances left with Ryan. Ryan lousy kicked the first cube. He did not mind giving his best. As expected, nothing happened to the cube.

'Do not mind, I will break the next one,' Ryan clenched his fist in front of his face and looked at the second big one. The first cube went inside the ground after taking three hits from Ryan.

His fist turned to red, flames sprouted from his right hand till the flames calmed down and went back to normal blood aura.

'Am I only seeing things or is the thickness of blood fists a little… less than before?'

"Hmm… looks like it," Professor agreed, "You might be exhausted, are you about to reach your limit?"

"Huh? How would I know?"

"Who else would know it better than you?"

"Even if I am past my limit, if I see a bloody vampire, like sir Brandon, I would still run faster than him for my life."

"…" Professor shook his head, "Anyway, go ahead." Professor gave him the green signal.

Ryan punched the second big one… cube. 


Nothing much happened. Ryan felt another ripple of vibration through his arm. He ignored it and punched the big cube once again. 


"Ouch!" Ryan let out a small moan in pain, "Damn, man…" Ryan lifted his fist for the third time, 'This time… I will get it!' Ryan aggressively punched the cube.

"Mother fuck–" Ryan screamed and stopped in the middle.

"Mind your words, kid," Professor told him, he was his father anyway so it is his responsibility to stop his son from cursing at the top of his lungs.

"Fuck!!" Ryan did not stop he grabbed his right hand in his left hand, "Shit, shit, this hurts! Oh my god, this is burning, heal me, System heal me real quick!" Ryan shouted loudly while ordering the System.

< HP: 60/100 > a message flashed.

< Right fist healed >

This time, as Ryan was out of both blood storage and blood level, the System had to use Ryan's blood from the health points to heal his broken wrist. This decreased his HP a little but healed his fist.

With a ding sound, a door started opening in front of Ryan. 'Fuck, I am getting out of here.' Ryan threw his fist and walked out of the room.

"Congratulations! You have successfully completed the Trait level test! Your Trait level will be displayed today itself by dinner time." He heard someone's voice while he was leaving the room.

But Ryan was not interested in that. He started running when a man stopped him.

"Hey, boy!" he shouted, Ryan, turned around, "Are you hurt?"

"Fucking, yes," Ryan replied in English and nodded his head.

The man turned around, moved his arms, and created a blue portal, "Quick. This will drop you at the infirmary. Get yourself healed,"

The man opened a blue portal and asked Ryan to pass through it. Ryan did not hesitate, he ran through the portal with his right hand in his left hand.

Ryan was the first one to complete the test. So the infirmary was not expecting anyone to arrive any time soon.

Slowly as time passed by, Gwen completed her test followed by other two Japanese students. 

The Japanese students were hurt so they were sent to the infirmary. Gwen was hurt too but she could easily deal with that many scratches and bruises. 

The Academy was sending students who were injured [Most of them were] to the infirmary. While others, like Gwen, who were not hurt much or refused from seeing the infirmary [Mostly students from Samurai family who refused to give up on their strange pride and, of course, our vampire, Ashiro Saori] were sent to the cafeteria for lunch or to their rooms for rest.

Ryan arrived at the infirmary. He looked around, no one was in the hallway. It was a big hallway with a few rooms dedicated to healing injured students.

Not just for this test but whenever a leveling game happens, a few robots and two, yes, only two medics rush to heal the students. Now, these two medics became three. 

Ryan ran up to the very first room he saw. He dashed through the door.

"Ah, come in, sit down there," Ryan heard a familiar voice when he went inside. He looked around and saw a tall, slim woman standing against a counter.

"No way…" Ryan muttered as a smile started forming on his face, "Finally… just like the good old days, we are finally alone." Ryan murmured. 

"Where are you hurt?" She turned around and her mouth dropped open as the heat started covering her body. 

"Everywhere… Doc," Ryan grinned while looking at the nervous Doc.

At first, she thought it was a Japanese student as she did not receive a reply but when she turned around… it was no other than Ryan. 

Her body started trembling. The flash she held in one of her hands fell down on the floor. Her second hand started coming out of her lab coat's pocket.

"R- R- Ryan…?" her face went pale. 

"Yo… Doc," Ryan raised his hand and waved at Doc with his sign, "Ni- nice to meet you,"

'Fuck, I can not calm myself!' Ryan thought this could be easy. But when she took his name, Ryan was getting nervous too.


Chapter Preview Ahead.

Well, Ryan's encounter with Doc turns out to be some kind of revenge for ignoring him for a long time. Satoru declares Ryan's Trait level. He closes in on the mystery of Ryan's parents… especially, his father- Evan Walker. Looks like Satoru knows Ryan's father.

In the next chapter of My Ring System- Chapter 345 Trait Levels Are Difficult. 

Will Be Continued…!

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