My System & My Academy of Superpowers

Chapter 346 - You’ll Not Again.

Doc was sitting in front of Ryan, her body was trembling but she put up a face and tried faking it she is not tempted- uh, disturbed by Ryan at all.

Ryan reached for the corner of his T-shirt. He started taking his T-shirt off. Doc's body trembled when she saw Ryan taking off his T-shirt.

'No, we can not do it here- I can not let him do it here!' She changed her sentence. Let your words come out, Doc.

"Doc…" Ryan sat down in front of her with a sad smile, "Heal me, it hurts… right here." Ryan lifted his finger and pointed at his left chest. 

The time Doc pierced Ryan's right chest flashed in front of her eyes, 'Why?' she felt her ears getting hot. 

"Why? Would not you, Mrs. Mary?"

"Miss Mary! I am not married!" she shouted back, "Ugh, and I am a doctor, Mr. Walker," she kept up with the formality.

"We are going to have a long talk," Ryan murmured without Mary knowing it. 

When Ryan passed through the portal and entered the infirmary, his medic was no other than Doc herself. There were only two Japanese doctors and only one American doctor so… yeh. There were robots that were taken by Japanese doctors leaving only two robots on Doc's side.

They took the robots because Doc said she does not need them. And it was true, she did not ask the robot for anything. She took her healing things and sat in front of Ryan. 

'She is trembling…' Ryan could see Doc's thin shoulders shaking constantly as she lifted her arms and brought them closer to Ryan. 

'I am a healer right now. I am not Ryan's… what am I to him? I am nothing…' she realized that her relationship with Ryan is fucked up too.

'I should act like a doctor.' She pushed her shoulders back and sat straight, her eyes down at Ryan's chest, her trembling stopped.

Ryan's eye went wide then contrasted back to being a dead-eye. 'How am I going to make her spill everything?' Ryan wondered, 'She would not confess everything just like that…'

Doc was walking with another man who was taller than her, the same height as Ryan, they were laughing together. Ryan saw the image of Doc walking with a man in the Arena.

"Where are you hurt?"

"My chest. Actually, my whole body hurts, ma'am."

"Sure, Mr. Walker," they were playing this stupid game.

'Fuck, this feels so much like what I felt before Erin and I got into a fight.' Ryan bit his lip.

Doc grabbed Ryan's hand and was trying to make her energy flow through Ryan's body, stopped when a drop of blood fell on her hand.

'HuH?' she looked up, "Hey! What are you doing?" she shouted at Ryan.

"Eh?" he noticed that he was biting his lip so hard that it started bleeding. But within a second, it was healed.

Doc's eye went wide, "Hell," she got up from her chair and moved away from Ryan, "You can heal yourself! Why are you asking for my help? Go to your room and take some rest, you will be alright."

"Uh," Ryan moved, "Actually, I am unable to heal my broken fist and burnt palm. Please, at least heal it." Ryan pulled his right hand forward.

Doc gulped, "...okay." she sat down and grabbed Ryan's left hand softly.

"You know… I missed this touch,"

"I am not doing it if you keep saying it, Mr. Walker,"

Ryan looked down without saying anything, 'I do not want to sound cheesy, I do not want to flirt, I am bad at that… but… I want her to be the way she used to be with me. This is awkward… no, more than just awkward.

'I will bright the gold old times back. I promise.' Ryan clenched his fist.

"Alright, you are good to go now." Doc got up from her chair once again, "And wear your clothes," she ordered. She was finding it hard to hold herself back from touching Ryan's chest like she used to do before.

"Doc- Dr. Newton," Ryan called, she stopped, "I want you to take a look at my chest wound,"

"You can heal yourself. Do it,"

"You are my medic, please, it hurts sometimes." 

"Argh, fine!" she groaned and dropped herself in front of Ryan. Ryan pushed his chest forward a little.

'God… is not this wound getting worse?' she thought as she looked at two wounds in Ryan's chest. 

One was her dagger's wound, another one was Tye Sheridan's fire wound when his fire attack grazed Ryan's chest. 

Doc slowly brings her hand, touches Ryan's chest with her slender finger, 'I can not myself right here, right now, not in front of him. I am a teacher, he is a student. Control yourself, Mary.' Doc told herself. 

"How is Gwen doing?" 

'Eh-heh?' Ryan smiled.

"She is fine. I have been taking good care of her," Ryan could feel his heart beating faster, "And she has been taking care of me too,"

"Oh… so it happened at last," 

'Damn! Why do I feel bitter?'

"Yes. It did… we are not in a relationship though, but I can call her mine,"

Doc dug her fingernail in Ryan's chest, blood started coming out. 'Why… I should not… ugh, do I still love him?' She wondered. 

"You are hurting me, Dr. Newton…" Ryan told her in a calm voice, "Well, better, you will have to heal me… that will increase the time we spend together,"

"Sorry," Doc pulled her finger away from Ryan's chest, soaked the blood with cotton. Ryan had told his System not to heal any of his wounds for now. 

"Say… Doctor," Ryan started while Doc was leaning close to his chest, trying to heal his wound, "Can not we go back to how we were?"

Doc stopped with whatever she was doing, "W- what kind of question is that?"

"You know what I am talking about," Ryan sounded melancholic. "....shut up, Ryan," It is working.

"Can not we just break this stupid atmosphere we have created?" Ryan asked, "Imagine going back to the old times…"

"Enough, Ryan," she got away from him, "You know that can not happen,"

"Why? Why can not it?" Ryan grabbed her hand and pulled her closer, he went closer to her, "It can if we try," Ryan whispered, his breath going all over Doc's face, "can we at least give it a try?"

With no intentions of having a relationship with Doc, Ryan asked her, he was just trying to make things better between them.

Ryan leaned closer to Doc, 'I will have to do it,' Ryan thought as he opened his mouth. His breath fell over Doc's face again.

She closed her eyes, she was sweating with nervousness. She did not know what to do, her mind was almost blank. 

"Doc…?" Ryan called her in a soft voice.

"R- R- Ryan…"

'This is it!' Doc was losing herself. She had partially lost control over her feelings and her lust. Her love for Ryan was coming back to her.

She leaned closer, their lips were only a few centimeters away from touching each other. That time, Ryan closed his eye and started throwing himself forward.

'Ah!' she snapped out of her thoughts, 'No!' she pushed Ryan away. She opened her pinched closed eyes and looked at Ryan who was still sitting down.

"I can not!" she turned away from Ryan and went for the infirmary's door.

But before she could leave the infirmary, Ryan grabbed her arm, "At least… before going," Ryan looked at her, "At least tell me.. Why?!" he shouted at Doc.

"N- No, I just can not," she shook Ryan's hand but Ryan's grip was tight.

He got up from the stool he was sitting on, the stool slid back, "WHY?!" Ryan shouted loudly at her, "Why, DOC?!" he shouted while looking at Doc.

She could feel her shoulders trembling, she was scared. 'D- do not shout at me…' she dropped her head down.

"Why this got to be this way, Doc?" Ryan asked, lowering his voice. Doc pulled her hand out of Ryan's grip this time.

She ran out of the room. Ryan did not try to stop her this time, but, she turned around. Tears were flowing down her eyes, she clenched her fists.

Pushed her hips back, leaned forward, "Because!" she shouted, "Because I will fall in love with you… again!"

Ryan's eye went wide when she just screamed something like that in front of everyone. There were students coming to the infirmary, luckily no American. 

The Japanese teachers started coming out of the rooms to see what was going on. Everyone stopped whatever they were doing.

"And you will not fall in love with me… AGAIN!!" she screamed at the top of her lungs and took off from there.

Ryan's mouth dropped open. He fell back into his stool, "...crap…" Ryan grabbed his forehead by leaning forward, "You just made it official, Doc." a smile could not stop but spread on his face.

"Hah," Ryan scoffed, "To be honest with you," he talked to himself, "I was actually hoping that you would be my first,"

She had already confessed to Ryan the day they were killed by Tye Sheridan but hearing it right now, still somehow, managed to give Ryan chills of excitement. 


Chapter Preview Ahead!

So she made it official. Doc ran away from Ryan, students started gossiping about them. Ryan chased her but a man is triggered by all of this in the background.

"Got to protect Dr. Mary," he thought. Soon Ryan and Doc's private fight takes turns and changes into a serious fight after an unknown teacher interrupts their fight. 

Let us see who this unknown sensei is in the next chapter.

In the next chapter of My Ring System- Chapter 347 Unkown Teacher.

Will Be Continued…!

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