My System & My Academy of Superpowers

Chapter 358 - Take The Responsibility.


'Uh? What is this sound?' Ryan murmured. 

"Haha~ ah~ Ryan…~" 

'Ou- what is this heavy thing only my hips…'

"Ah~ aah~ Uhm… mhmh~" 

'And… what are these moans?' Ryan opened his eye. The blur vision slowly started clearing up.

It was dark in the room cause it was night and Ryan was sleeping- or so he thought. He has woken up moaning sounds and something heavy on his hips. 

'Crap, my dick is getting hard!' Ryan could feel the tension forming between his thighs, the rod was rising up. 'Who is this?'

He was finally able to see the face of the person who was sitting on top of him. 

Rosy red cheeks which were shinning even in the darkroom, mustard short hair which was brightly glowing in the black darkness. And finally, those purple eyes. She was someone familiar.

'I am sleeping in Eddie's room… there is no way anyone can come inside the room, no one will come at this late.'

"H- hey." 

"Ah~? Ryan~" she started moving her hips, "I can feel it~" she moaned as her breaths started turning erratic. 

Her hands reached the top of her head and she started messing with her short mustard hair. She was continuously grinding her hips on Ryan's hips. 

'Ah, fuck. I can not take this!' he quickly grabbed Eddie by her waist.

"What are you doing?"

"Mhm~" she leaned down to Ryan.

"No!" Ryan tried pushing her but her rubber bones caused trouble for Ryan to push her away.

"Mhh~ ah! Ryan!" she kissed him, did not go for tongue though.

< First time kissing Eddie Cibrian, gained 200 Exp >

< Frist time kissing an eight-start woman, gained 80 Exp >

< Kissed an eight-star woman, Eddie Cibrian, gained 80 Exp >

"What are you–"

"Idiot~ you stupid idiot!" she threw her head on Ryan's face, it slid down to his chest. 

Ryan sniffed a couple of times, 'this smell… if I am not wrong,'

"Hey! You are drunk?"

"Eh? No, I am not~" she moaned once again.

"Why would you kiss me?"

"Did I? When?"

'She is out of her mind. Wait, does she like me or could not take the fact of a handsome man sleeping beside her?'

"Boy, you are still average… okay, above average."

"You stupid idiot, Ryan!" she got up, brought her hands up, and started banging Ryan's chest with her small fists, "You! Just because of you!"

"Now what kind of trouble do we have here?" Ryan sighed, "Fuck, it hurts!"

"Just because of you, I would not be able to have a child!"

'...hah?' Ryan's expressions faded, '...what?'

"Just because of you! Do- do- do you know what they said?" she leaned close to Ryan once again, "I have lost my eggs, I would not be able to reproduce ever again… you mean… I would never become a mother? No one will call me Liu's mother?"

'She even has the name of her child ready in her mind? What the?'

"Why?! I wanted to be a mother!!" 

'Kh!' Ryan coughed, Eddie landed a hard one this time.

"No one will marry me. No one will be able to live a happy life with me, I would not be able to live a happy life!" she dropped her head on Ryan's chest. "Just… just because of you… Ryan Walker!"

'Crap. I never thought it would turn out into something this big.' Ryan's heart was beating faster, he could not feel any strength in his arms to push Eddie off his chest. 

Yes. this was it. Guilt. Ryan was guilty. 'Man, I do not want to be the reason-'

"I… would not become a mother… I would not…" she started crying, Ryan felt his T-shirt getting wet, "No one will call me mom, I will not drop my kids to school and bring them back. I would not wait for my husband to come home from work while cooking dinner for him…"


"Why!" she grabbed Ryan's T-shirt and pulled it, "Why do I have to go through this!! It… it was my only dream…"

'Right.' Becoming a mother… a housewife can be a woman's dream.

"My only dream… to become a loving wife, and a loving mother. No sex with my hubby, no weekend with my kids… all this… my life… has collapsed."

She got up, Ryan went up with her, then she threw him on the bed, "Just because of you!!" she shouted as she continued banging Ryan's head on the bed.

Pulled him from his collars and banged him on the bed. Ryan did not resist a bit. He had his eyes closed… heart filled with guilt. He did not resist. 

"Why…!" she sobbed. Finally stopped banging Ryan's head, dropped him on the bed and she too threw her head on Ryan's chest, "All because of you…"

'Yes. Because of me.'

"You idiot…" her voice started fading, "You better take responsibility for it… you know? You should take responsibility for this…" 

"Eddie…?" Ryan called her, "Looks like she is asleep." Ryan grabbed her head from behind and patted it, "All I can say… is… I am sorry,"


The door shut down behind Ryan as he came out of Eddie's room. Eddie was sleeping peacefully like a little baby in Ryan's bed. 

"You must take the responsibility," she was still mumbling in her sleep. Her eyes were tired from crying, her T-shirt was wet from her tears.

"I will need to find a way out of this… although I hope she does not remember what happened today when she wakes up tomorrow." 

She was actually drunk, which means, there was a possibility of her forgetting everything that happened tonight when she woke up tomorrow. Well, it clearly depends on the amount of alcohol she consumed.

Ryan rubbed the back of his while walking in the cold hallways. No one was visible in the sight, it was all dark…

….or so Ryan thought. 'What is- who is that?' He saw a person's silhouette walking two hallways ahead of him.

Ryan sniffed the air, 'This smell, she is Saori-san.' He lifted his head, 'Guess I will just call her.'

Ryan lifted his hand, "Sao–!" his eye went wide when the girl in front of him started doing strange gestures.

Her body twisted in strange angles, she seemed to let out a roar, dropping her head back, then forward in her hands.

"Argh~!!" she shouted her head off, "I NEED BLOOD!!!"

"...." Ryan covered his ears. Her shout was louder than an average human's capable hearing frequency, so nobody heard her. 

But Ryan did. "She… is Saori-san?" Ryan tilted his head. Saori started turning her head around the hallway.

"I can not take it, I need blood!"

'...vampire? Why did not I smell her aura then?' Ryan was confused, more, he was scared, 'And what is this presence? It- it is damn scary~' Ryan felt a chill down his spine.

"Ryan," Professor spoke calmly, "I would suggest you run away before that girl loses it."

"Seems like she already has, but… how come a vampire?" that fact was still not making any sense to Ryan.

Saori turned a bit, her side face was clearly visible to Ryan although he was standing two lanes away from her. 

'I need to hide!' Ryan went near a wall and took cover before Saori could see him.

"Blood. Blood. I need that man's blood!"

'That man? Who is she talking about?'

"That man, yeah, only that man can satisfy my thirst." suddenly, with a sprouting sound, two fangs erupted from Saori's mouth. 

Saliva spread all over her mouth, some dropped down on the ground, "I… can sense someone!" she groaned, "Human! Blood! That man!" she broke the floor beneath her by banging her legs.

'It is so scary and thrilling at the same time. She is a fucking scary vampire and yet her tone of talking does not change.' Ryan gulped while stealing peeks. 

"Where? Where?" her red eyes sparkled brightly in the dark hallway. 

'The way she uses 'Desu' and 'Masu' even in a situation like this… that is pretty cute– wait, she is scary,' Ryan saw her long fangs, and her face full of lust for blood.

'I want to run…'

"BLOOD!" She screamed once again.

Will Be Continued…!


Desu and Masu are kinds of suffixes Japanese use to make their words sound polite. These are mostly used in the office, and while talking to your seniors. 

Some humans have the tendency to talk politely with their juniors too. And others just like to maintain that politeness so they use those words.

If you watch anime, then you know what I mean. If you do not watch anime, then you are wasting your life, go binge Deathnote or Demon Slayer right now. Shoo. 

Anyway, this speech is not as polite as noble people use. For example, take Nagisa from Clannad, Shea from Arifureta, and Shera Greenwood from 'How not to summon a demon lord'. 

I hope you got the kind of vibe Saori is giving. Later you will know why she talks like that.

On the other hand, we have our tomboy [not really] Oniguma Ayami. She is a mediocre devil who is officially addicted to Ryan's flesh.

Ayami's speech is exactly the same as Kaido's daughter Yamato [Yes, daughter. She has big Oppai, no arguments]. She uses 'Boku' to refer to herself. 


Chapter Preview Ahead!

Ryan discovers Saori's strange behavior. When he gets too close to her, she reveals her not only mysterious but deadly vampiric nature to Ryan. 

She wants blood and Ryan wants to live. Saori is deadlock on sucking Ryan out tonight. But suddenly- "Misae-san? What is it?" two love birds make their way out in the middle of the night. 

Stick and read how will Ryan protect his and Saori's identity from them.

In the next chapter of My Ring System- Chapter 359: Clash with a Vampire.

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