My System & My Academy of Superpowers

Chapter 361 - Personal Information.

"Ryan! She is awake! Come quickly!" 

Clang! Clank!

"Uh? What… is that sound?" Saori was slowly gaining consciousness. She saw two katanas in front of her eyes.

The katanas clanged, Gwen moved them near Saori's neck.

"Stay where you are, bitch" Gwen warned, "It would not take me a second to cut your vampiric head off," Gwen looked at Saori with disgust.

"Go easy on her, Gwen" Ryan walked beside her. 

One Ryan's katana and the other was Gwen's katana, both were in Gwen's hand as she pinned them on Saori's neck. They were around her neck.

"I can not move," Saori struggled but she did not feel any strength in her body.

Her hands were tied behind her, not really tied, Ryan used his red webs to keep her hands behind her on the bed. The same was with her legs and stomach. 

He knew for someone of level 90 and that to a pure vampire, it would not take a second to break out of those little webs, so he pushed himself and wrapped her with extra covering. That still was not enough when Saori started struggling harder.


Ryan moved towards the room's window and opened the curtains. A bright ray of sunlight entered the room, 'Ah!' Saori moaned.

"Oh, vampires are sensitive to the sun," Gwen glanced at Ryan.

"Well, she is a top-rank vampire, do not move your eyes from her, there is no telling if this sun even has any effect on her," Ryan ordered.

'Thank god she is not an angry vampire. If she was someone like Stanley or Darell, Devon's brother, then I would have been dead by now,'

"Aah!" She screamed again.

'But… this one just keeps crying at everything,' 

"Wha, what, why!" Gwen took a step back, she hesitated.

"S- she is crying?" Gwen frowned, "A vampire is? I mean, she is not even hurt! Why the hell is she crying?"

"Shut up," Ryan stepped forward, "Stay silent you damn vampire," Ryan pointed at Saori.

She sobbed a few times, "Do not call me that!" she sobbed, "No, no, do not call me that,"

"Shh!" Ryan grabbed her hands which were about to set free, "You will tell me everything I want to know, Asakawa Saori-san," Ryan grinned at her.

"Huh?" she stopped struggling, "H- how do you know my real name?" she asked with her eyes wet.

"Hah, so you were trying to"


Everyone's eyes diverted towards the door's direction, "Ryan-Kun!" Ayami jumped inside the room, "Ryan…Kun?" she tilted her head after seeing the situation inside the room.

"Argh! Lock the fucking door sometimes, Ryan!" Gwen shouted.

"Crap," Ayami glanced all over the room, "Are you going to kill her, master?" 

'From Ryan-Kun to master?' Ryan's eye twitched.

Ayami stepped inside the room, "...what is going on?"

"Is it safe to let her see this?" 

"Yes," Ryan answered, "Lock the door,"

"Y- yes, master Ryan-Kun,"

'She is insane with her words!' Ayami came back running.

"Why are we executing Saori-san?" Ayami looked down at Saori who was still trying not to cry.

"Actually, she is a Pure vampire, we are just trying to get some information out of her," Ryan shrugged.

"Ah, I see– what?!" Ayami's shocked eyes turned to Ryan, "A-are you serious? You are strong enough to torture a pure vampire?"

'Well, not really strong, just intelligent enough.' Ryan chuckled.

"So, Saori-san, tell us what are you doing here, what is your plan?" Ryan stepped forward. 

"I- I can not," she turned her face away, "Forgive me, I really can not. And tell me!" she turned her eyes to Ryan, "How do you know about my race!" Tears fell, "How do you know my name! Why am I like this? What happened to me?"

'Oh, looks like she does not remember anything,' Ryan stepped back. He went for the collar of his shirt, pulled the right side collar down.

"Now, do you remember anything?" Saori's eyes went wide. 

"No way…" she started crying, "D-did I do that? How! Why?" Ryan pulled his collar back.

Hiding the bite mark of a vampire. They were so deep that his System was not able to heal it. That was just one reason, the other was because she used her venom, System's having trouble healing him.

'This bite mark, and my eye. These are the only two things my System has not been able to heal,' Ryan thought as he touched his eye.

"I still can not tell you, Ryan-san," Saori sobbed, "If I did, then that will leave me with only two options."

"Hm?" Ryan looked at Ayami.

"Well, you have only one option right now," Gwen interrupted. 

"Yeah- wait, what? Japanese?"

"Y- yeah, I have been practicing. I took the course you told me to pick." Gwen blushed, "I hope my accent is not too weird."

"N- no, instead, I am impressed,"

"Stop being romantic right now!" Ayami jumped in, "Let us hear Saori-san out first."

"Right." Ryan looked at Saori with a serious glare.

"If- If I do tell you about me… that will only give me two choices. First, kill everyone who knows about my identity,"

'I do not want that.' Ryan gulped, 'I still do not know what she can do when becomes serious and enter the raged mood instead of hunger mode.'

"The second one, kill me before my family catches me and torment me to death as a punishment for running away from my homeland and betraying the family by telling humans about myself."

"What? You ran away?" Ryan moved forward.

"I… can not tell you," Ryan stepped back, crossed his arms, and started thinking.

"Fine." He opened his eye, "If," he stated, "If I think your backstory and the reason behind running away is worth it, I will protect you from vampires and the vampire council."

"...." Saori was taken back by Ryan's words, "Y- you can not do something like that, Ryan-san, you are just a human-vampire." she looked down.

"I promise, if I think you are worth it, I will protect you with my life-"

"No, we will protect you with our lives." Gwen pulled her katanas back. She deactivated one katana and held Ryan's in her hands.

"Yes!" Ayami agreed to Ryan and Gwen's words.

"Uhm. Uhm." she sobbed, "Aawahhawhwa~" started crying.

'Fuck. she cries like a little baby… even when she is 26, hah.' Ryan scoffed.

"Do not worry, Saori-san, Master Ryan is not alone,"

'Seriously, why is she playing around with words and calling me by different names?'

Saori sobbed, "Fine. I will tell you, but… Ryan-san, Gwen-san, Ayami-san… please. Please, do not forget your promise."

'Heh? A pure vampire believed to a few strangers' words like that? And that too, two perverts' words? No, something is wrong.' Ryan frowned, 'I have a bad feeling about this. Well, but let us see where it goes.'

"I- I ran away from my house…" Saori started telling everyone about her backstory. 

"Please, Ryan-san, lend me your strength," Saori broke down, "Please! I do not want to suffer in my homeland anymore, that was the reason I ran away from them!"

'Hm, I see. So she used a portal to escape Aceved and now she is here. Well, her family is Japanese so it will be quite simple to spot her.' Ryan thought, 'They would directly come to Japan- more likely, Tokyo first.'

"Would not her parents come to the place that is most common for her to go to?" Gwen asked.

"Yeah. but thankfully, our Academy is shut down. And we are here, inside the Academy, on some planet." Ryan smiled.

"What shall I do?" Saori broke the webs, "Why?" she covered her face with her hands, "Help me, someone. I do not want to die from blood loss. I do not want to go insane and hurt Ryan-san again."

"It- it is okay, Saori-san. You do not need to feel bad about hurting me, someone keeps doing that to me all the time," Ryan glared at Ayami.

"I- I just want freedom after all!" Saori moved her hands and threw them over Ryan's shoulders, "I just wanted to have my freedom! That was the reason I ran away…"

'She is wetting my shoulders, and damn, the wound hurts.'

"I have no goal in my mind, I have no plans. I just want to hide from my parents and live on Earth forever!" she hugged Ryan even more tightly.

"What does that bitch think she is doing?" Gwen clenched the katana's grip in her hand.

"I- it is okay, Saori-san, we believe you," Ryan touched her head, "You are breaking my bones though,"

"Awawaawawa!" she started crying loudly.

'Fuck. I do not think I will survive this. Forget about the vampires.'

"Playboy," Professor chimed in, "You do not know what kind of trouble you are taking on your head. I would suggest you stay away from it. But if you want to, then I will support you, this will only make you stronger if you survive that is."

'Do not be so gloomy,'

"These are vampires we are talking about. I have told you, Devon has told you how powerful they can be and they are."

'It will be okay.'

Will Be Continued…!


The chaos is on. The news of a girl trying to commit suicide flows through the Academy like wildfire. Devon and Ryan reach the site of the incident. 

'S- Saori-san?!' Ryan recognizes the girl. He and Devon execute their plan to save Saori before she falls. 

Whilst, the flying masters are over their head. Ryan can not let Saori's face be exposed out in the open as it will tarnish her reputation.

Keep readying to see how Ryan will protect Saori-san.

In the next chapter of My Ring System- Chapter 362 Suicide. 

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