My System & My Academy of Superpowers

Chapter 363 - Vampire Meets Vampire.

"Hey, he dropped them!" A student shouted when he saw Devon and Saori falling down after Ryan let go of them.

"Seriously, is he trying to save them or kill them?!" 

"Who is that American man anyway?"

'What are you doing… Ryan?' Gwen moved her hands near her mouth.

"Gravity…" From the crowd, a teacher moved forward, "Manipulation!" He shouted, he aimed his Trait at Devon.

"Be ready, they are falling," The leader shouted, "You! Keep your Trait in check, they might lose their lives!" 

The man who was reducing the gravity nodded with a hard gulp. "Here they come…" He got ready to push Devon off the ground before he collides, "...Huh?" his mouth dropped open, "What?" He raised his eyes, the students who were supposed to fall down were going… up?!

'How is that-?' His eyes went further up, "That student!" He pointed in the air.

'Haha, this feels amazing, as if I am the Spiderman,' Ryan scoffed. "Come… up!" he grunted as he gave Devon's body a pull. 

Ryan was feet away from the building, he was high in the air at the roof level. There was nothing below him, near him. He was totally in the midair.

His arms were below his waist, he was pulling Devon and Saori's ball. He had to take the leap of faith to generate momentum. 

With another strong tug, Ryan pulled their bodies up. He knew stopping them in the midair was impossible now as they were below the first floor.

So Ryan decided to use their momentum to throw them inside one of the floor's hallways. From behind his legs, Ryan pulled them up. 

He was going forward himself, with his body's momentum and their ball's momentum, Ryan pulled them up. Just like a pendulum. You know that ride that moves like a pendulum.

Ryan's arms veins popped out, his forehead was being covered in veins. "Argh!!" Ryan shouted, he tugged their ball- finally, the weight decreased.

Devon's eyes met with Ryan's… not for long before his body went past Ryan. 'Now I let go,'

'Fuck Ryan!!' Devon shouted in his mind, after reaching the top, Devon was still moving up because of the followthrough. Ryan was also down to the third floor.

"Again," Devon's body was right above Ryan's head, he shot his webs, it tugged hard. Now Ryan was pulling Devon down with him. 

"Can not let go of this chance,"

"What are you watching?! Quickly do something! We can not trust that student!" Masters shouted. 

"Have you informed Mitsuda-san?" 

"Yes, we have, he said he was busy, he will arrive in a–"

"I am here," Satoru suddenly appeared out of nowhere with his daughter.

"S- sir!" the men bent down.

"Focus on them not me," Satoru raised his head.

'What are you doing, Ryan-Kun?' He kept staring at Ryan's falling body, 'Are you trying to perform a hammer throw?' Satoru's eyes went wide, 'Do you have that much strength?' 

"Argh!" Ryan screamed. Ryan pulled Devon's body down, he was falling diagonally vertically down.

'Fuck you, Ryan!!' Devon felt his head spinning all over the place.

Ryan stopped midway, he started pulling his web horizontally now. From behind, Ryan brought the web forward, then with a slight swing, he let go of the web. 

Ryan was down to the second floor, Devon was being thrown toward the third floor… without knowing if he will make it inside the hallway through the balcony. 

The recoil caused Ryan's body to jerk backward, now he was falling down at an intense speed. The teachers were confused about whom to save this time. 

The birds were confused too. Devon was accelerating at such a high speed which made it impossible for them to interrupt. Ryan was far away from them.

"Please… work!" Ryan raised his hand, a dark red long web shot out of his wrist. It did not stop till it went past Devon and stuck to the Third floor's hallway.

But that did not help the fact that Ryan was still falling down. 'Fuck, I can only trust my luck now, it will take time for the string to straighten up.' Ryan looked down. He was down to the second floor.

"Even if I try landing on my feet, it will only break my shin bones and calves. No way I am doing it," Ryan shot another web, it stuck to the first web Ryan had shot.

'And now pull!' Ryan was still going down, down to the first floor.

"Somebody stop!" 

'Huh?' Satoru looked at his side, 'Is that you speaking… or is that Ryan's lover speaking?' he wondered while looking at his daughter.

"He is coming this way!" the man shouted, "Prepare yourselves!" he ordered the men carrying a huge mattress. 

"Damn!" Ryan felt his arms about to come off when his free was suddenly brought to a stop. "Nice." he smiled.

Just a few meters away from landing on the ground, and his free fall stopped. He could see his webs stretching along with him. The teachers were ready to catch him anytime.

'He is going back?!' Satoru took a step forward, but before he could grab Ryan with his Trait, Ryan flew away from him. 

Shoot! Swoosh! 

This time, at a way faster pace than he was falling, "A- Amazing!" Ryan screamed. Air-filled his mouth, he was having trouble closing his mouth, the air was opposing him but his webs were strong enough, stretchable enough to pull him back. 

'This is enough,' when Ryan had gained a good enough velocity after reaching the second floor, Ryan dropped his webs.


Devon and Saori collide inside the third floor's hallway. Devon used his Trait to take Saori inside the ground without hurting her much. 

Before he could come up, Ryan too landed inside the third floor, but unfortunately, Ryan collided with a classroom wall in front of him.

Ryan came out of the wall, Devon came out of the ground.

"Ah. thank god," students let out a sigh of relief but Satoru was still frowning.

"Stop them, I want to know who the girl is," Satoru ordered.

"Yes, sir!" a few came ran in their direction. The birds transformed into humans and went towards the third floor.

"Be careful, man!" Devon shouted, "I might not get hurt but this girl, she must have got hurt-"

"Calm down, you both are vampires. She will recover from this much of pain,"

"" Saori dropped out of Devon's arms. He was standing on his knees, Saori fell to the ground.

Ryan hurried up to him, "Do not space out, they are coming for us." Ryan grabbed Saori and pulled her off the floor.

"H- how do you know she is a vamp-"

"She told me. Now hurry up, Devon!" Ryan ordered. 

Ryan grabbed Saori's face in his palm, activated his blood fists, and grabbed the webs covering Saori's face.

"We are getting out of here. We can not let them see Saori-san," Ryan glanced at Devon.

'Man… that is one heck of a pretty vampire Ryan has got himself.' He lifted his eyebrows in admiration, 'Even Naomi is no match for her…'

Ryan got up from the ground, 'We will need to find another way to get out of here,' Ryan glanced around him. Birds landed on the third floor.

"Devon!" Before the birds could touch the floor, Devon appeared in front of him, punched and kicked them to push them out of the floor.

Of course, they dodged his attack but flew out of the floor.

"Hurry up, we are getting out of here!" Ryan picked Saori off the ground, carrying her like a princess.

"Ayami-san, we should hurry up," Gwen turned around, "We will have to cover Ryan and others." 

"Y- yes, Master Ryan's girlfriend, I am behind you."

"Huh? I am not his girlfriend!" 

'Oh… is that so?' Ayami tilted her head. They both took ran away from behind, without catching anybody's attention… well, Rigid caught them running away.

They both disappeared from the crowd. "I know an exit door which is on the third floor," Ayami started, "Only if we can clear the path for Master-"

"Right. Let us do this."

The birds were still flying over around the third floor. Devon was hiding, ready for ambushing them. 

"Saori-san, hold tight, we are running away from here." 

"R- Ryan-san…" She looked at Ryan with her cute crying face, "I was scared!!" she dug her face in Ryan's shoulder and started crying.

"I know…" Ryan smiled. Saori's grip became tighter. 

'Even I was scared, but I can not tell her that.'

"Devon, leave them. We are running away!" 

"Behind you!" Devon did not glance at Ryan before calling him. 

"I was scared, I was too scared!" Saori continued crying.

"Shut her up, Ryan!" Devon shouted while still defending against the birds, "Ryan!" he turned around because Saori was still crying but when he turned- he saw something he should not have.

'What…?' his eyes went wide.

"Now! Get that boy!" Birds' claws aimed at Devon entered the third floor.

"Ryan! Behind you! Turn around!" Devon shouted, "Ryan!" his shouts were gone in vain.

'Fuck!' Devon turned around, jumped, and dived inside the ground. He panicked when he saw Saori open her mouth and dug her long fangs in Ryan's neck. 

Will Be Continued…!


Saori is further interrogated by everyone. She reveals a few dangerous secrets about her that they were never supposed to know. 

To everyone, they realize that Saori is more than just what she looks like. She is a lot more mysterious than Ryan and others thought her to be. Devon recognizes who this mysterious vampire is. 

In the next chapter of My Ring System- Chapter 364: This Mysterious Vampire.

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