"I respectfully reject your challenge," Ryan bowed down a little and answered with a smile.

"But I insist!" Saori moved towards Ryan, "Please!" she grabbed Ryan by his head and pulled him, "I will have to assassinate you which I can not so please!"

"I have no compulsion to fight you. We have the right to reject any leveling game challenge we get from a challenger," Ryan was close to Saori, her eyes were red from crying not because of her vampire thing.

"Please Ryan-san," she insisted again, "I can not kill you so please fight… and… win the game," she pulled on a smile somehow, melting Ryan's heart.

'She wants me to win?' Ryan was confused.

Everyone in the room was silent and surprised by Saori's words. She was a vampire, everybody knew, she was stronger than Ryan, everybody already knew. Then what was the point in doing this?

"You will have to go light on me if you want me to win,"

"Unfortunately," she stepped back, "I can not do that. I want to calm my mind and heart by losing a fair battle with you, I do not want to be guilty later,"

"Ah-hah, then the outcome of this game is already decided," Devon stepped away, "You are going miles away from this vampire, Ryan," Devon shrugged.

"Hm," Ryan hummed, "Fine. I agree and accept your challenge," 



"Huh? Are you serious, Ryan?" Devon was the most surprised one.

In the Academy, challenging students for leveling games has been a fair way of settling disputes. Rather than official fights which were events organized by the Academy, these fights were personal fights between two students.

Of course, they were not fighting to deathmatches. They were held in the side Arenas which gave space for the audience to speculate the match. 

Sometimes if the fight gets too serious- for example, a fight between Rigid and Naomi, the whole school will arrive there to watch the match between two superpowers. 

The list was always being displayed on a big screen in their old Academy but since they came to Japan… this whole leveling game thing has been silent for a while. 

"Okay, Saori-san, the battle's on," Ryan nodded, "I will not go easy on you either, be prepared," Ryan smiled, "Next week- no, next Monday, today is Thursday, we will hold our leveling game,"

"Thanks…" Saori sighed, "Thanks a lot, Ryan-san!"

'Hey! Do not jump on him!' Gwen clenched her fists.

"Till then, let us practice and train ourselves,"

"Hah, you are the one who needs training, Ryan-san, I am already pretty strong,"

"Would not your vampire abilities stop working in the morning during our fight?"

"Who said morning?" she smiled, "You have already agreed to this, and I never mentioned morning,"

Yes. the battles were allowed at any time of the day. Disputes do not come after knocking on your door. 

"Take some rest, we will leave you," Ryan turned, "And if you dared to commit suicide before our match, Gwen will kill you,"

"Eh, why me?" they all walked out of the room.

"I will go back to my room, I need to tell Brandon about this,"

"Whoa, so you call him by his name, huh?"

"Crap- I forgot Gwen was here, and I did not know you already knew about this vampire business, Ryan told you right?"

"Nah, I guessed it. You were being pretty obvious," she smiled with a sense of victory, Ryan shrugged.

"Have you got smarter since you became Ryan's girl– wife, I mean?"

"Oh screw you!" although she blushed, she managed to swing her katana in Devon's direction.

"I will see you later, dude," Devon patted Ryan's shoulder, "She is strong, train hard, if you are going to stand by her side, then even I have to settle some score with the council,"

'Oh?' Ryan was stunned.

"Bye!" he ran away at his vampiric speed.

"Ryan-Kun, see you at night~" Ayami gestured to Ryan.

'Eek- you just want to eat me, do not you?' Ryan sighed.

"For now, I am going to my room, but I need to know what is going on between you and Ayami-san,"

"Well, she is a devil,"

"Ah," she sighed, "No surprise they exist,"

"And she needs my flesh for five months or she will die,"

"Hah?!" Gwen shouted, "You will die in five months!"

"Nah, as long as she does not creeps up at night like Saori-san and hunts for humans, I am fine with it,"

"You… well," Gwen lifted herself on her toes, kissed Ryan on his cheek, "See ya!" her room's door banged close.

"This girl," Ryan shook his head. His happiness did not last for long when suddenly he sensed a powerful presence.

'Tch, Satoru-san,' Ryan was about to hide away but before he could, Satoru called his name.

"Ryan-Kun, wait for a second," within a flash, Satoru appeared right in front of Ryan, "Will you tell me what is going on?"


"Please sir, do not tell anyone about this." Ryan requested, "As you know what vampire families can do,"

"Wha-?!" Satoru coughed, "Hm, I see," 

"So sir, please keep it confidential, announce that the girl who committed suicide is sent back to Earth,"

"Hm, I will manage it somehow, you should focus on your classes," Satoru turned around.

"And sir, I… I want to… do not mind, I will do it directly," Ryan gulped.

"As you say," Satoru walked away.

The classes were still on, but Ryan decided to skip the classes.

'I should train,' Ryan thought.

"Do you want me to resume your training phases?"

"Yes, please," Ryan replied, "But before that, I would like to give a try at the VR games section," he grinned.

"Welcome, sir, please scan your ID card here." A robot greeted Ryan at the arcade's entrance, "You do not have an account, would you like to make one? Here are the pricings," suddenly a screen appeared.

'Pro Gamer account- 10,000 yen,' Ryan read next, 'VIP Gamer account- 18,000 yen? The same cost as a PSP,' Ryan read next, 'Cheat Gamer account- 50,000 Yen. so they give cheats too?'

Ryan finally saw an account that would suit his taste and budget, 'Beginner gamer account- worth only 2000 Yen, definitely under my budget,'

"Which game would you like to play, sir?" He was again shown a list of games, which he had no idea about.

"Guess I will go with this,"

"Beast Training Scenario? Here are the pricings,"

"Again?" Ryan glanced, "This, 200 Yen for 2 hours,"

"Please chose the beast tier, stats of beasts, and number of beasts, you can skip them if you want to play a random beast scenario,"

"Random, I know nothing about beasts," 

Ryan went inside, logged in to his account, put on the headset, and lost himself in the world of the metaverse. 

Ryan was teleported to a ground where everything was green, 'Perhaps it is a forest,' Ryan looked around him, 'Perfect for my training, I guess,' Ryan shrugged.

Suddenly, a screen popped up, "Chose your weapon, your skills will be activated,"

"Futsuu no Katana," Ryan entered the name, the katana's design appeared, Ryan chose one with the same stats as his katana.

< Game starting in 10 seconds >

< Your mission is to fight the spawned basic tier beasts for ten minutes. Beasts will be respawned after five minutes, you can quit anytime you want. The whole area of forest is available for use >

< Game starting in three, two, one, the game begins! >

With a loud roar, a wolf-like creature appeared in front of Ryan. without thinking twice, Ryan lifted his katana and performed some tricks he learned from anime.

He was randomly moving around while slicing his katana as shown in anime- like Zoro and Tanjiro. It took him some time to kill his first beast.

< First time killing a basic tier beast, gained 200 Exp >

It was his System's message, not the game's message.

< Killed a basic tier level 15 beast, gained 150 Exp >

'Just that much?' Ryan sighed.


With loud roars and barks, two more- same wolf-like beasts appeared in front of Ryan.

He kept slicing through the two beasts while they were attacking him at the same time. It was pretty tough cause he had no katana skills.

But he had little experience of sparring since he fought with Nakamura-san in the parallel world. 

"Fuck," Ryan panted, "I can feel exhausted, how amazing," he looked at the bodies of two beasts disappearing into thin air by turning into pixels, "It is pretty hard cause I do not-"

"Use your webs and blood fists, blood simmer skills too, Ryan," Professor made him recall that he has the other skills too.

"Damn, I forgot about them and was depending on purely katana skills,"

"Well, I do not know how high you were to challenge a pure vampire her whole family, not to mention the whole council, but since you did there is no backing off. You will have to learn how to use all of your skills together,"

"T- thanks," Four beasts appeared. Same beasts but different level. Ryan charged. 

"Come!" he shouted.

'I guess, I will start your physical training right now,' Professor smiled when he got the opportunity to do what he was waiting for.


Will Be Continued…!

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