"How can I make such a silly mistake?!" Ryan kicked the air, "I am such a fucker! I lost almost half of my bonus exp! Shit this!" Ryan was aggressively throwing his legs in frustration.

'Even though I had such a great chance to bag a Rare skill and see what this Wizard class can do… I lost the opportunity,'

"Shut up, Ryan." Professor started, "It is not over till you stop. You do not fail till you stop trying,"

"But how can I even be motivated to try again when I made such a stupid mistake of letting my katana fall out of my hands?!"

"Well, that is because you were overconfident. Stay to the ground. Does not matter if it is a basic tier or an Emperor tier. You have to treat your opponent as the same, never ridicule or mock them."

"...." Ryan calmed down.

"Never underestimate your opponent. If you lose to a basic beast here, you will not be able to fight even an Elite vampire, forget about the council which is full of Elders and Dracules." 

Ryan gulped, "Alright. I am going to get serious and try again,"

"Now that is like my son!" Professor smiled.

"Do not be creepy- I am not your son,"

"Haha, you know, just saying,"

Ryan was beaten by three basic tier beasts after killing more than fifteen beasts of the same category. Ryan was truly disappointed in himself.

Because he failed the quest, he lost quite a good amount of Exp- almost half, not to mention. He was standing in the waiting room while deciding what to do next- what mission to take next.

| Please chose your training difficulty level |


| Please chose the Beasts' Tier you want to face off for the training |

Ryan did not think another second, 'Are you serious, Ryan?' Professor was surprised but not shocked.

"Hm. I want to repent for my silly mistake and," he gripped his katana's hilt- yes, it was back to him after he died, thankfully his items did not drop after his death as it does in VR games, 'I want my lost Exp back.'

| Difficulty chosen: Average. Beast Tier chose: Intermediate |

Ryan felt his body in the waiting arena fading away into pixels. His vision went black before it cleared once again.

| Your mission is to clear the horde of 20 Intermediate Enzo Ra beasts |

| Mission will begin in ten seconds |

'This land… what is up with this mission now?' Ryan wondered when he looked around himself. 'Is not this a totally barren land?' Totally barren land with dried grass everywhere, stones, a few tried tree trunks still standing.

'As long as my eye can see… it is just dried grass… this land extends to the horizon or something?' Ryan was patiently waiting for the ten seconds to finish.

< A new quest appeared- Quest 14: Kill 20 Enzo Ra >

'Okay, okay,' Ryan smiled, 'Let us see what the rewards for this quest are?'

< Reward: Additional exp for killing Enzo Ra 

800 Exp for completing the given quest 

+1 Rare Grade Skill >

'Well,' the time was up, 'Although it is not a Wizard class skill, it still is a Rare skill.'

Ryan took his stance. Moved his left leg back, grabbed his katana in his hands. 'For become stronger, let us do some epic shit.' Ryan closed his eyes.

"Hm," Ryan hummed, "I can hear them, from the distance, I hear these beasts coming."

"You know, I do not want to interrupt your focus or something, but, instead of worrying about the reward- you should focus on knowing about the beast."

"Huh?" Ryan opened his eye, "Right. I got to know what I am investing in." Ryan used vision at the 20 beasts he saw in front of him. They were somewhere around five hundred feet away from Ryan.

< Name: Enzo Ra >

< Description: Evolution of giant tortoise. This beast ranges from intermediate to advance tier. It has a shard shell on the top of its back which almost covers its body. The shell is made of dust, clay, and other waste. It is terribly hard to penetrate but once done, it can be cut with steel weapons. >

Then Ryan focused on only one of the Enzo Ra.

< Name: Enzo Ra >

< Height: 4'0" >

< Tier: Intermediate Tier >

< Weight: 661 Pounds [300 KG] >

< Ability: Dust Typhoon [50% chances of creating a dust typhoon by using the skill- Earth's Dust]. 

2. Rock Shell [Increases the durability of its shell by 20% till attacked] >

< Beast Type: Ground & Rock >

< Weakness: Water, Ice, Steel, Martial arts type beasts. 

Its Weakness: Attack its butthole, which will decrease the shell's durability by almost 20%. But the beast will be aggressive for three minutes. >

< Level: 30 >

< HP: 159/160 >

< Defense: 400 >

< Strength: 200 [Mainly its shell] >

< Agility: 35 KPH >

< Blood Type: G- Negative>

< Evolution: Possible >

"Well, that was a hell of a lot of information. But," Ryan took his stance once again, "It will just help me beat the hell out of his ass!" 


Ryan bolted from his place, "This time, no defense against that strong and defensive creature!"

"It would not make sense to attack it either," Professor told.

"It is my way," Ryan ran swiftly through the dried grass before stopping a few hundred meters away from the beasts.

"Wait, why am I running towards them? I will only waste my stamina!" Ryan realized. He took his stance and activated blood fists.

'Long-distance first, then close combat.' Ryan let go of his katana, pulled his hands forward. 

"This time, I will use everything I have!" Ryan shouted, with that, he aimed at the beast leading the horde. 

The tortoise was running at a very slow pace… till Ryan attacked and killed one of the tortoises by blood simmer. 

"What? It did nothing?!" Ryan was surprised that killing one beast did nothing to the others. He was expecting the blood blast to take at least two beasts with it. 

< First time killing an intermediate beast; gained 850 Exp >

< First time killing Enzo Ro, gained 400 Exp >

< Killed a level 30 Enzo Ro. Bonus 300 Exp >

< Congrats, you have leveled up to level 25! >

< Gained two status points >

'Add them to my strength ASAP!' they were added, making his strength 102. 

Ryan deactivated his webs. 'They are useless against these beasts, it looks like it.' Ryan grabbed his katana and started concentrating.

His hands were glowing in bright crimson color before turning into a dark red shade. 'I need to concentrate on my surrounding,' Ryan lightly gripped his katana.

"Your movements must always be swift." Shinmen Takezo's voice flashed, "No long back and forth swings. Stay to the ground. Stay on the ground but move like water- move like the air." 

Ryan was muttering Takezo's words till he sensed the beasts making their way towards him faster than before.

He slowly opened his eye, 'I see. Rolling on the ground huh?' Ryan pushed the crossguard, also known as Quillon, of his katana. With a clanking sound, it came out of his scabbard.

Ryan started at the rolling tortoises coming his way. When they were only a few meters away, Ryan started running to his right side.

"I can not count them head-on, that leaves me with only two options." Ryan muttered, "First, attack from the top, their shells protect them. Second, attack from the side slash behind. Where their asshole is." 

The beasts were so busy rolling forward, they did not sense Ryan at all for some time. That time was enough for Ryan to get on their side. 

"Dude, are you seriously going to do something that disgusting?" Professor sounded pretty grossed out.

"Of course not, why would I dirty my katana? I am going to slice their butt into four." Ryan smiled.

"That still is a pretty gross thing to do."

"I have no choice." Ryan jumped in the air. One of the tortoises reacted to Ryan's attack. 

But before it could get on its fours- it was lying on its back, unable to get up without rolling forward. So it did. Ryan took that pause to stab the tortoise in its open stomach. 

He pulled his katana and went for the tortoise's head. Swift cut through its head, blood poured like crazy. 

< Gained 300 Exp >

"Now this is pretty crazy, Blood simmer!" Ryan ran away, stabbed another Enzo Ra. by now, every Enzo had stopped moving. They were focused on Ryan.

< Combo x2 >


Ryan ran through the crowd of Enzo Ra. he kept running, making cuts on those who were showing their stomach. And dodged those who were ready for a headbutt fight. 

Not headbutt but more like it. They would roll down and attack– Woah! Ryan felt a strong gust of wind from behind. 

He turned around to see a dead Enzo flying high in the air, "What the?"

"Looks like it is the skill vision told you about. Earth's Dust. it is not a typhoon but there is a 50% chance of creating a typhoon and throwing you away with it. It will kill you in an instant. Stay alert."

"Thanks. But, I am prepared." Ryan dropped his katana back into his scabbard.

'Although I can not make air slashes like Rayleigh and Zoro can do. I can not cut air or gas. But… I can make things blast! I can create blasts!'

"Blood simmer!" 


From the dust, red blood flew all over the area. It disturbed the eye of the dust formation, the whole formation fell. Things did not stop there.

'I have cut even more tortoises!' Ryan ran further away from the Enzos.

"Blood simmer!"

-Boom! Boom!

Two more blasts.

< Combo x8 > 

"Damn good! I can take my exp back–" his voice faded when he felt the ground beneath him shaking. 

'No way…' he turned his head, a rolling was- just like a wrecking ball will hit him for sure.


Will Be Continued…!

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