My System & My Academy of Superpowers

Chapter 373 - The Day Of The Battle.

"It is finally the day of your leveling game with Saori-san, Ryan,"

"Yeah, I have been pretty nervous since I woke up," Ryan replied. 

"Are you prepared though? Do you think you will be able to… stand in front of her?"

"Do not ridicule me, Professor," Ryan pushed himself off the floor, "I am prepared… even for the worse, you know." Ryan rubbed the sweat off his face.

"Done with your morning workout?"

< Daily Quest completed. >

"Looks like it." Ryan sat on the floor while panting a little.

Ryan looked up at the girl sleeping on the bed near him. It was still early morning, Eddie was sleeping. Ryan had not told her about that night and it seemed like she does not remember it either.

"Tonight…" Ryan clenched his fist, "I will beat you, Saori-san,"

"Well, it would be cool if a level 33 human beats a level 90 Pure Vampire." Professor shrugged.

"Haha, I evolved though, and are you sure you got that right though?" Ryan giggled a little.

It has been a few days since Ryan beat the intermediate beasts in the game. 

On Saturday, two days before Ryan's and Saoir's battle, Satoru announced a change of plans. 

"Due to Monday being a working day, it would be better if you fought on Sunday, of course, if you are okay with that," Satoru told them.

"I have no problem, I am perfectly ready to fight Ryan-san anytime." Saori peeked at Ryan with a determined look, "Of course, if Ryan-san is okay with that."

'Did not her personality just change suddenly?' Ryan's eye twitched, 'Well, I have been training hard too, I guess, a day here or there would not make much difference.'

"Yes, Satoru-san, Sunday it is." 

And hence, today, Sunday, was their leveling game. Both Ryan and Satoru had been training seriously in order to win the leveling game. 

Although Saori never wanted to win the leveling game and she hoped Ryan would beat her; she was not going to go easy on Ryan. She strengthened herself in every way possible for these three days.

Not just Ryan, Saori, but everyone who was on Ryan's side was ready for watching their leveling game. 

It game will be held in the Arena on the practice ground. Yes, the grounds are different for particular events.

Rigid, Rosy, Devon, Brandon, Atkinson, Zahn [He was forced by Atkinson], and of course, Ryan's harem will be present today- tonight in the Arena.

It was still early morning so not many were awake. Ryan had to wake up cause he wanted to practice till the end of his time. He worked out for one hour since he woke up. 

"Time for breakfast," Ryan pulled on his T-shirt and walked out of the room. The hallways were silent, not the sound of even a single student.

'I hate this eerie silence.' Ryan sighed, 'I hope the cafeteria is open.' Ryan got his breakfast, the cook was surprised to see someone this early. He was doing his job of preparing breakfast before everyone woke up.

"You have friendly sparring matches with Saori-san, right?"

"Yes, why?" Ryan asked while stuffing his lunch with Gwen, Ayami… and… Saori, all sitting at the same table.

"Do you have a… plan to defeat her or something?"

"Plan? What plan, why would I need a plan?"

"I thought so. Look, you are underestimating her a lot, by a huge deal." Professor rolled his invisible eyes.

"I have power. The brain does not work on the field, body and power do."

"Why do I think you are turning into a fool?"

"...I just do not have a plan," Ryan replied.

"You sure are stuffing yourself, Ryan-san," Saori's sweet voice interrupted him, "Make sure you are at your peak state when you fight me,"

"Do not worry about that," Ryan gulped his food, "Make sure you do not fall unconscious when you fight me."

"I am eager," Ayami whispered to Gwen, "To see their fight's outcome, you know, Gwen-san," 

'Finally. She is not using some weird honorifics.' 

"Yeah, I am too but…"

"Does something- someone bothered you? I will make sure they rest in the pits of hell-"

"I am just… worried about tonight's fight's outcome,"

"Worried?" Ayami calmed down.

"It would be so nice if Ryan wins this but… he can not win against a Pure Vampire unless he uses some type of cheat ability."

"Pfft, cheat ability? What are you even saying, Gwen-san," Ayami giggled. 

"Hm," Gwen smiled bitterly, "If Ryan does not win this battle… Saori's fate will be sealed forever. We all will change our paths, well, it is not like I do not like it cause I will have a rival less but if that would make Ryan worry about her and think about her the whole time… I better let Saori have him rather than this possibility,"

"Inferiority complex?" 

"No!" Gwen shouted, "Imagine. She will be killed by her own parents and people. Vampires will hunt Ryan and us down. God knows what torture awaits us."

"Gwen-san," Ayami grabbed Gwen's hand, "Belive in Ryan-Kun." Gwen felt goosebumps on her hands, "He will… surely pull something," she replied with a smile, "I want you to believe in Ryan-Kun. You know more than me what he is capable of."

'S- she is right.' Gwen's face lit up, 'I have been with Ryan more than she has… I am his first, I know him more than himself.' She claimed, 'We have been together through so many things,' she had sudden flashbacks of the life-threatening events they suffered since she met Ryan. 

"What are you two whispering about, Gwen~?"

"Eep!" the table shook, thanks to Saori and Ayami who held the table down, or else everything would have fallen. 

"Haha!" Ryan started laughing lightly.


It was 4:45 PM, Ryan and Saori's friendly matches will start in a few minutes. Dot at five. 

Gwen and Ayami were already sitting in the stands. Devon had arrived with Brandon, they sat a few chairs away from each other. 

Ryan and Saori arrived in the Main Arena and were waiting for the referee to start the friendly battle.

"Prepare yourselves, players." an old man spoke. He was the referee for today's battle, "We will be starting the friendly matches in five minutes."

Ryan started stretching his body in front of Saori. Saori started doing the same with her body. Pulling her legs out long. 

She was wearing a mid-level skirt with full-length stockings which covered her long legs, making them seem even sexier.

"I will give my best," Ryan said.

"I will, too," Although Saori smiled, there was this feeling in her heart.

'I want to do my worse and let you win, Ryan-san.' She can not do that though. She knows she would be living the rest of her life under Ryan's protection and feeling guilty about using a human for protection. 

No, that was nothing compared to what was lying in front of her right now. Death. The vampires would kill Ryan the instant they see him with Saori.

"Friendly match one…" the referee started, "This will be a hand-to-hand combat match. No weapons. You may use your Trait," 

Ryan brought his hands in front of his face, Saori took a step back and raised both of her hands.

"Begin." At the referee's command, Saori ran towards Ryan.

'You are fast when it is night.' Ryan thought, 'But I am fast even under the setting sun.' That was nothing to be proud of.

Ryan and Saori got into hand-to-hand combat. Ryan used his blood fists skill to cover his fists while fighting Saori. 

Ryan and Saori have been sparring with each other for five minutes, "Stop right there." The referee stepped between, "This match is over."

Ryan and Saori stepped back, 'Tch. I feel exhausted a little,' Ryan smiled at Saori while going to the Arena's end.

"Take five minutes break, we will begin the next match." Referee ordered.

Ryan went to his seat that was out of the Arena. Devon and Gwen came down with water with them. 

"Here," Devon handed Gwen a towel, "Rub him clean," Devon did not look at Gwen and hurried up to Ryan with a bottle.

"Thanks, man." Ryan accepted the bottle.

"So," Devon sat beside him, "How is she?"

"I am sure she is not giving her best right now but… I am exhausted, I think."

"Of course, you are. And she is going to use that as a handicap. She is a vampire, we do not feel exhausted, nor do we feel tired. But you are a human, who will get tired after a specific time."

Ryan kept down the bottle, "Here." Gwen rubbed his face, then rubbed his chest.

"..." Devon creeped out, "Why- why are you smiling like that?"


"Yeah, laugh at my words, Ryan… but I warn you, she will take advantage of your tardiness."

"Let us see," Ryan smiled once again then turned his head, "Right, Professor?"

"Hahaha!" Professor was uncontrollably laughing, "I can not believe him!"

"Stop making fun of that poor vampire, he is my friend."

"B-b- but I can not help it!"

"Players, please come to the stage," Referee called both Ryan and Saori, "Ready?" he asked Ryan, "Ready?" he asked Saori. 

They both nodded, "Hm." and hummed a reply.

"Okay. Friendly match two," He said, "This will be a close combat match. You may use your Trait and fight without using your weapons. Kicks, headbutts, punches, elbows, knees, everything is allowed."

Ryan and Saori took their stances, "Tired, are not you, Ryan-san?"

'Crap. she is realizing my tardiness. But I am not that tired…' Ryan had his breath under his control.

"Begin the second friendly match!"


Will Be Continued…!

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