My System & My Academy of Superpowers

Chapter 378 - Saori In Danger.

"He- He-" Saori took a few steps back, "He has got vampire aura?" her hands started shaking, "What is going on? Since when did he become a Hybrid vampire?!" 

She continued getting away from Ryan, "And why am I scared? I am a pure vampire! Way stronger than him! …right… I am shocked." she declared. 

She stopped, Saori tensed her thighs and ran towards Ryan, "But I am a pure vampire!" she exclaimed. 

'Not this time, Saori-san.' Ryan saw Saori's katana coming in his direction, Ryan quickly bent down and got out of her radius of attack.

"I need to be careful, even the shockwaves her swing creates can cut me." Ryan glanced behind him. She was coming towards him in her vampiric speed, "Guess it is no use running away,"

Saori attacked Ryan once again, she rose her katana from below, slashed it downwards. She continued attacking in Ryan's direction.

"I would not let you get on the aggressive side… again." Ryan's katana was in the scabbard, he had no intentions of blocking her attacks, "All I can do is dodge…" he thought, "If I blocked her attack even once, I will be sent on the defensive side." He already was on the defensive side more or less.

Ryan and Saori were now fighting the final battle, the final match of their scheduled Leveling game. It has been more than twenty minutes since they both engaged in the combat.

Not just the referee, not just the students, but even Satoru and other teachers were surprised how they both keep taking their turns on being the aggressive one yet they are not tired. 

Obviously, no one will be tired. Unless one of them loses blood. 

"I will get you, Saori-san." Ryan still had not taken out his katana. Although his hand was placed on his katana, he was waiting for the right moment to strike when he will pull out his katana.

"I will beat you, Ryan-san," Saori replied with a serious expression. None of them were joking anymore. This fight was more than just a serious leveling game. 

What will happen to Saori, Gwen, Ryan, Devon, and Ayami depends on the result of this leveling game. If it is not taken seriously, many would lose their lives. Whereas, if it is taken seriously, many lives would be saved. 

"W- what is up with his vampire aura?" Saori's eyes twitched, "I am feeling attracted to his aura. As if he is asking me to drink his half-human blood." 

Swish. A red hue appeared in the air. 

Ryan finally took his katana out, "This is it. I am not going back now," Ryan's katana clashed with Saori's shield. 

But, Ryan did not stop there. He pulled his katana back and attacked Saori once again. He pulled it back again, this time it clashed with her katana.

"This- power… ugh," Although she was a pure vampire, Ryan had trained hard to match his strength stat with hers. It is nowhere close. Ryan's strength is somewhere around half of Saori's strength. 

Ryan continuously started swinging his katana, just like he previously did. 'I do not have a specific sword art skill,' he thought, 'But I have got strength.' Ryan banged his katana against hers, non-stop. 

"His attacks…" Saori was having a hard time blocking them, "He is going berserk." she muttered under her breath. She could see Ryan losing control over his attacks. He was randomly throwing his katana.

Saori used her katana to deflect Ryan's last attack, 'I can not keep blocking forever. I need to take my position back.' she dodged Ryan's attack. 

Saori continued dodging till Ryan's attack grew faster than powerful. 'It is no use using my strength if she is going to dodge them, I need speed!' Ryan started swinging his katana lightly but quickly. 

"Tch. It will be bad if I am not able to do anything." Saori knew she was being pushed to the defensive side. 

Being on the defensive side was not bad as a few students preferred being on the defensive side. But when? When you have a special skill set when you can your brains.

Neither Ryan nor Saori have a special skill set or a special sword art. So they do not have a strategy. All they can rely on is their monstrous- vampiric strength. 

"Is… is that boy going mad?"

"I think he is mad. Look how he is swinging his katana." A few Japanese students started chatting.

"From the way, he is attacking… looks like he has gone mad."

"Better use a hammer if you want to display your strength. Katana is not the right weapon for you." 

Satoru could hear all the chatting from the Japanese students. He glanced beside him. 


"Uh?" her body jumped.

"Has Ryan-Kun really gone mad? Because you ditched him?" Satoru soon was covered in guilt and awkward silence because of asking that question.

Naomi kept staring at the fight. She observed the way Ryan was attacking a Japanese girl.


"No." Naomi interrupted Satoru and shook her head, "Nope." she moved her eyes away from Ryan who was slowly going berserk. She glanced at the students who were gossiping and chatting about Ryan.

"Huh?" Satoru looked at Naomi.

"That is just who Ryan is," she turned her head to her father, "All these students just do know anything about Ryan," Satoru was dumbfounded, "All I can say is, the Real Ryan is still not out. He is way more fierce and irrational while fighting."


"They just do not know who the Real Ryan is…" Naomi muttered.

"I- I see," Satoru replied while taking a gulp.

"And… I did not ditch him."


"He rejected me," she answered with a straight face. 

"Sorry," do not know why, but Satoru felt he should apologize.

"It is fine. As long as you know," Naomi shrugged.

Satoru turned his eyes back to Ryan, "A vampire huh…" 

Saori was not able to dodge the attacks anymore. She was using her katana to block Ryan's attacks. 'I am fed up!' she shouted in her mind.

Their katanas clashed with each other once again. But this time, before Ryan could pull his katana back, Saori pushed against him.

"Huh?" Ryan was surprised. He continued pushing against her katana, "I need to… swing my katana across." he grunted. 

"My strength!!" Saori shouted. A strong force of wind opposed Ryan.

"W- what?" He felt a strong force coming from Saori, "S- she is using all of her strength?" Ryan was being pushed behind, "This is my last chance…" Ryan gulped as he closed his right eye.

"Hah, finally giving up, are not we, Ryan-san–" her words were cut off in between, "N- no way!" she felt the same strong force- maybe stronger force coming from Ryan's side.

'N- no, what is happening?' Ryan pressed his katana hard against her katana with his eyes closed. Saori glanced down at her katana, then she raised her eyes at Ryan.

"Eh…" her eyes started shaking, "A- A- a breakthrough?!" she shouted in shock, "But only professional vampires can do it– even I can not do it!" Ryan started releasing his katana towards Saori. She was being pushed back.

"His left eye!" Gwen gasped. Devon was already shaking in fear when he saw Ryan going through a breakthrough in the middle of a fight.

"No- what is happening to Ryan-Kun's left eye?" Ayami stepped forward, "Should we stop the fight–"

"No…" Devon replied lousily, "Ryan would not like it." he replied. 

Everyone in the stadium gasped in shock when they saw Ryan's left eye shining brightly in red color. As if rays were trying their best to come out from the closed shutter.

"A breakthrough…" Brandon gulped hard, "How… just what are you?"

Saori's mouth dropped open, she felt her strength leaving her arms, "A breakthrough… no doubt." suddenly, with a bright glow covering the area, two dark red eyes covered in dark red hue glowed in front of her.

"Ugh." the blinding light made Saori lose her balance. Ryan's left eye opened. The eyeball was not visible as his eye was covered in dead red color. 

< You have unlocked a new class: Berserker. Would you like to accept it as your secondary class? >

"Multiple classes! I knew you had the potential, son!" Professor jumped in amazement.

"Yes," Ryan replied.

< Congrats. You are a Berserker now. Your strength and stamina stats will be increased by half. These stats can be doubled for every three minutes with a cooldown of seven minutes >

< Strength: 232+116 = 348 >

< Stamina: 162+81 = 243 >

Ryan pushed against her with all of his strength, increased strength. Now this strength was close to Saori's strength. 

"Aah!" She screamed, her legs left the ground, a little amount of saliva left her mouth. She felt a strong impact around her stomach area.

Ryan's leg was covered in a red hue. He did not move his leg even after kicking Saori. 

Saori rolled in the air and landed close near to the end of the Arena, "Shit…" for the first time, she felt something tasting like iron in her mouth, "Blood…" she coughed. 


Without delaying a minute, Ryan appeared in front of her. She was still on the ground. Ryan's katana's tip was pointing at her neck. 

"Now… let us end this." He brought his katana down, "I will break your shield."

"Deliver the final blow!" the referee shouted… out of nowhere. 


Will Be Continued…!

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