My System & My Academy of Superpowers

Chapter 385 - Intense Training Starts.

Ryan had realized by now that with being so heavily injured, there was no way he could do physical training. But in contrast, he does not want to miss Shinmen Takezo's training classes. Just so he could be able to attend them, Satoru had changed the schedule.

So currently, Ryan was heading towards the arcade to play the VR game. Of course, in the game, he does not need to move. His only option left was to train in the VR game, level up with the help of his System, and then improve his regeneration skill. 

It was late evening when Ryan ditched everyone for coming to the arcade. All of the girls were against Ryan. 

In their opinion, Ryan should not move for the next week. So yeah, he was not going to do evolve and waste the time period of one week laying down on a bed with three hotties. 

It was a good thought that four ladies will be taking care of him till he is healed fully. But to think he will waste one week doing nothing… surely not the path he wants to take if he wants eternal happiness for himself and the girls. 

Ryan paid the money for three hours time limit. His plan was to sit there till it is time for dinner, then come back to the gaming center for grinding till midnight. 

However, he was not sure if he could manage to escape next time like he did this time from the girls. They will be more alert than before. 

Another reason why Ryan decided to play till past dinner time was that he did not want to face the angry ladies. He can not imagine what they will do of Ryan if he goes back. He was not ready… at least, not right now. 

[Please choose your difficulty level]


[Please choose the beasts' Tier]

"Intermediate." Ryan selected as he made himself comfortable in the gaming chair. 

Choosing an intermediate Tier beast with a hard difficulty level literally meant he was slowly moving towards the advanced Tier beast section. 

He will be fighting a lower grade advanced Tier beast but a higher grade intermediate Tier beast. It did not make much of a difference. The difference was of only one or two levels. 

Ryan entered the game, a few beasts appeared in front of him in a city which was under apocalypse right now. Broken buildings, run-down houses, monsters everywhere. The dark sky above his head… truly an apocalyptic setting. 

The beasts just would not stop coming. One after another, one after another. In this apocalyptic setting, there was no end to the beasts that were attacking Ryan. 

In this version, there was not only one type of intermediate beast that was hunting Ryan down with a group of its kind with different levels.

To Ryan's surprise, this scenario of the game had a number of different intermediate Tier beasts that were hunting Ryan one after another. 

It has been more than one hour by now but Ryan was still struggling with the number of beasts who were attacking him at once. 

'I see…' Ryan thought while running and cutting beasts on his way, 'This world wants me to get used to this.' he stopped running and started running in the opposite direction, cutting open every beasts' body. 

Ryan spent two more hours slaughtering beasts inside the game till the time limit warning notification appeared in front of him. 

This time, without thinking, Ryan increased the time duration by one full hour. 

He was enjoying his time in the apocalyptic world by now, it all did not seem as hard as it seemed previously. More ever, he was gaining pretty good experience points, then why not enjoy it a little bit more?

After playing the game for five full hours by taking three extensions for extra time, Ryan came to the realization that it has been past dinner time, it was almost sleeping time. 

"I guess I will stop the game here for today." he muttered as he saved the game and logged out, "Let us just take a look at how much have my stats increased."

< Level 39: 400/4000 

Mana: 1000/5000 

HP: 190/190 

Blood Level: 190/190

Blood store: 1000/1000 >

"Hm. I have 10K Bloods with me and 18 extra status points. I should update my stats as soon as possible." Ryan lifted his head at his stats screen. 

< Bough stats points from the store worth 9K Bloods >

"Increase HP, Blood level, and Blood store stats," Ryan ordered the number of points he wanted the System to allocate. 

< Strength: 450 >

< Stamina: 320 >

< Agility: 147+52 >

< HP: 230

Blood level: 230 

Blood store: 1500 >

Ryan used 9K Bloods to buy as many stats points as he could. He still left the 1000 Bloods in the spare if an emergency comes forward and Ryan has to increase a particular stat or have to buy a blood flash from the store.

This schedule went like this for the next few days. To be precise, things went like this till it was Friday. The day of Takezo's practical training class. 

Ryan was sure he is ready for this class where he might have to spar with someone as there has not been single sparring between students since the training class started, two weeks ago. 

Ryan leveled up quite a lot in these four days, his skills evolved too. Ryan but just like Saori's bite mark on his shoulder, his left eye, the System was having trouble healing Ryan's stomach wound. 

Although the wound was not healed, Ryan's chest scar was healed perfectly. As if nothing happened before, his nipples were back- no. Ugh.

Anyways, Ryan was perfectly ready for the classes. Doc healed him a few times but soon, her energy stopped flowing through Ryan's body. She tried a few more times but the result was the same, she could not heal Ryan anymore. 

During the time period of these four days, Gwen took care of Ryan with love. Ayami ate Ryan despite him being injured and Saori did not hesitate from drinking his blood in front of the other girls. 

Ryan trained hard in the game to strengthen his weakness. He increased his stats incredibly but was not sure if any harsh movement will open his wound once again. 

He was healed somewhat, he was able to move freely, he was able to swing his katana without the pain striking back but what if he fights the same way he fought with Saori? If that intense fight happens, Ryan's intense training will not be able to save him. 

So his goal was to learn what Takezo sir teaches him but also keep his footwork, swings light and limited. Too many movements or too harsh movements might open his wound. 

If we ignore all of the possibilities which would rarely happen, Ryan was ready for the class.

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