My System & My Academy of Superpowers

Chapter 40 - Another Fight With Bullies.

"See. I have no intentions of fighting you, we will get going," I told them without looking into their eyes. I was trying to avoid a fight., I don't wanna fight here. I like fighting to be honest now that I have this System but I always try running miles away from fights. Why? Just because.

"Huh. Stop interfering with us, weakling,"

"Pete, get that spilled food in your tray. We can't let it go waste,"

"Waste huh? What will you do with the food?" They broke out laughing, "Gonna eat it? You dog,"

'Okay's that going too far, but, I am going to avoid fighting. I won't fight unless it's for a valid reason. Useless fights lead to trouble and trouble only.' I thought. As I bent down helping Pete to get the food in his Tray.

"Get up! Don't ignore us, bastards," We finished getting the food in the tray.

"Ryan," Pete whispered, "Thanks," he smiled. His smile was heartwarming. Not in an erotic way.

"Let's go, Pete," I grabbed the tray for him and asked him to walk away from those guys with me to our table.

Devon was looking carefully at what was happening there. Gwen was still nervous about the situation… and Naomi? Ah, she was busy eating. Seriously?

"This little bitch ain't going anywhere,"

"Ryan!" Pete screamed, they grabbed him by his collar. I glanced behind me, then back at the tray in my hands. I continued walking.

"R- Ryan! H- help me!" I walked with my head down. Devon got halfway up from his seat when I glared at him with dead eyes. He stopped halfway, I shook my head telling him not to get up.

"But Ryan!" I walked near them. I soon realized we have caught everyone's attention in the cafeteria except, yeah you guessed it, Naomi. She's surprisingly gluttonous.

"Haha! He got scared out of us at last! See how he ran away showing his back,"

"I am not done yet, Devon," I leaned on the table. I spoke so that only those three could hear my voice. They stared at me with strange expressions. Naomi at last stopped eating.

"Ryan, we just can't let-"

"What are you doing Ryan? Go save him," Gwen was more and more worried.

'What's with her? Does she has a crush on Pete or what?' I thought.

"See guys," I lifted my dead eyes up, "Don't get involved. Don't get involved and spoil your reputation," I turned about.

"What do you-? Wait! Don't tell me"

"Keep the food safe," I told them as I started walking towards those two guys and Pete, "Give him back," I ordered with my eyes cold dead. I was seriously pissed.

"What you what motherfucker?" I stopped. I was standing right in front of that guy, eye to eye.


"Fuck off!" Colin grabbed my neck. He started choking me. My hands found their way to his wrist, I gripped my hands around his wrist.


"Colin!" Oliver's eyes followed Colin as he went flying down on the ground, "How do you dare to do this?" Oliver ran towards me. After kicking Colin in his guts I wanted to smash Oliver's head into a food tray.

But, I was not able to move an inch. As if my whole body was paralyzed. I was not able to move my body.


"Hah!" a huge shock wave came and threw Oliver on the other side of the cafeteria. Thank god Pete. Oliver was about to kick me hard in my fucking face.

I guess that was Pete's Trait. My body lost its balance, my jerked forward. The paralysis was over, my body was free.

'Oliver's Trait was it?' I moved my eyes to Pete. he had his hands in front of him. As if he was praying to a god. He slowly opened his eyes.

"Ryan! In front of you-" I stopped the kick from hitting me in my face again. Moved my eyes to the person in front of me.

'It's him,' I clenched my teeth. I let go of his leg.

"Huh, are not you going to hit me? Don't worry my legs won't come off this time,"

"As if," I jumped back, "Why are you getting into this?"

"Cause you are hurting my teammates, man."

"Your mates? I see," I ran towards him.

"Not so fast, James! Now!"

"James?... oh no!" I tripped over a mushroom. I fell hard on my face.

"We should stop them," Gwen said, "Even if Ryan will heal on his own we can't just sit here-"

"You fucking heard him right?" Naomi stopped eating, lifted her head, "He said, 'Don't get involved so don't get involved," her stare was scary enough to shut Gwen up.

Before I could even get up from the ground, David gave me a chokehold, lifted me up from the ground with just his arms around my neck, threw me on a table on my back.

Pete shouted my name again, he was about to run at me. Out of nowhere Colin threw his hands around Pete, choked him hard enough.

Pete threw his elbow in Colin's guts, Colin used his arms to turn Pete. Pete was half bent, Colin kicked him on his hips, he lost his balance and fell to the ground. James kicked him in his stomach. Not enough he pulled Pete by his head and threw him in a wall.

Smashed his head hard into the wall, blood was flowing from his nose and cheeks.

"Alright, this one is gone, next is..." he moved his nasty eyes towards those three sitting on the table. He lifted his index finger, "New student. Foreign exchange student," He shook his finger pointing at Naomi.

"No… no… NO!!" I screamed. Instead of a reply, I got a non-ending steak of punches in my face. My nose was smashed totally. My eyes were damned too.

The System kept healing my injuries but they kept getting worse. Not much when the blood in my body will exhaust. Thank god I have some supplies with me right now. I wonder if they are smashed in my pockets though.

"This is what you get for getting involved.," He kept punching my face without stopping.

"Urgh, come here. I will eat you," He walked towards Naomi, our table with lust in his eyes.

< Quest Five appeared: Finish the fight you have got yourself into. Defeat Colm Feore and his Team >

"I won't-" My hand found its way to my uniform's pocket. I took out two blood capsules. I had two more in another pocket. My left hand went into my left pocket.

I pulled them out.

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