My System & My Academy of Superpowers

Chapter 45 - The Recently Held Meeting.

"That is true. The student council of the top ten students was called. All the teaching staff was called. Just to discuss one topic in this meeting held on short notice, just this one topic… 'Ryan Walker'"

"I- why?"

"That is the reason we are here. We wanna tell you what happened, we have something to tell you,"

"Me too, Ryan. I wanna talk about something with you. About the fight, about the meeting,"

"Hm. Sure Doc. Go ahead, tell me what happened"

"Your fight with Colm's unit was being recorded. The CCTVs of the cafeteria were on, your whole fight was recorded, Mr. Johan called all of us. We were shown your fight's video," Doc stated

"As soon as the video was over, Mary ma'am went out of the conference hall, I was wondering what happened to her but she was here," Robert told me.

"As soon as I saw Ryan was getting hit by someone, I was not able to hold myself back. I quickly came out of the room thinking you might come to the infirmary to get blood and your friends will be here for my healing,"

"I see,"

"I hurried down to the infirmary when I saw you were standing right in the middle of the infirmary it made happily. It made me really happy,"

"Oh- that was the reason you squeezed me so tightly,"

"Maybe. I acted on my instincts. But yeah I was glad to see you standing in the infirmary. Those white hair with little blood on them, your face covered with blood. Your fist was covered in blood, blood dropping from your knuckles. That black shirt which had red blood spilled on it, I was about to cry, to be honest,"



Silence. No one spoke anything. Doc opened her eyes and realized she was being stared at, "cough. That's not the point here. I was talking about the meeting. First of all. Let me make this clear, Ryan. I have no problem with you fighting, killing anyone but promise me this one thing..."

"Yeah. I'll think about making a promise after hearing what I have to make a promise about,"

"If you fight someone, don't you dare get beaten up badly, and be sure to knock your opponent before leaving. Second, if you ever plan on killing someone make sure you have properly killed that person, and don't you dare get imprisoned. You should not go to jail if you killed someone,"

My eyes were wide, this was the strangest promise I was asked to make. These were the strangest words a teacher has ever told me. I smiled.

"I promise,"

"You better keep it,"

"Sure, Doc"

"Are you really a teacher?"

"Shut up I am a teacher, Jesus!"

"Come on this is something serious"

"Yeah so lemme continue. I don't know what happened after I left the room but till I was in the room, everyone seemed angry at you for doing this,"

"Of course they will be,"

"As I was running towards the infirmary I saw him. His face was all smashed up. They were taking him on a stretcher, his head had a crack from behind. Few more punches Ryan and you would have reached his brain by cracking his skull into two and further damaging his brain, bringing Colm a sudden death. About his face. He might have to get plastic surgery. His face is really messed. All the bones of his face were broken, the bones were all over the place. He lost all of his front teeth only his molars are reaming. His lips were torn apart, they were crazily torn apart by your punches

"In other words Ryan. You changed the whole look of his face. The sight was horrible. I have never seen anyone's face beaten up this bad in my whole life. The sight of Colm's face was really unbelievable. If someone had told me about this I might have never believed it. I brought myself to believe this only because I saw him with my own eyes. That poor guy. So Rigid, Robert, now your chance to tell us what happened after I left the room,"

"He is not poor at all. It was his fault he got beaten up that badly. But damn I never knew I beat him that bad… I just kept going, and going till Devon and Naomi pulled me away from his body,"

"No, Ryan… he is a poor guy"

"P- Pete! You are awake?!"

"Yeah, and good as before,"

"Thank god!" I went near Pete. He was all good as before, "And how is he a poor guy again?"

"Teacher, he will have to get plastic surgery right?"

"Of course, Traits won't fix him anymore he's far behind that point," Doc told.

"The parts which have undergone plastic surgery can not feel anything, you know that?" he was speaking in a low voice, loud enough for us to hear though.

"Hm, that's right,"

"Poor guy. He won't feel anything if a girl ever kissed him!"

"Pfft!" Naomi chuckled.

"Hahahahah!!" We broke out in a laugh.

"Yeah," Rigid stepped forward, "Mr. Atkinson asked students first what their opinions were about this fight and Ryan,"

"Amelia Edwards and Eddie Cibrian were impressed at your determination and fighting skills. They answered: 'I think he's pretty cool, he knows how to fight.' said Amilia. 'Yeah, I wonder why he was the weakest till now? I never met him but thought he was just a punk, a weakling, but he's cool. See his determination to fight against someone who lands a hand on his group' said Eddie"

"Looks like your popularity is growing,"

"Yeah in a bad way,"

"Another girl Cherly Anderson said 'It is just a plain offense and a crime to beat someone in a cafeteria where people eat their food' she is a rule-following person. So yeah.

"One from the boys was Colm's friend. He was super pissed off and wanted permission to beat you with his group right now but Mr. Johan told him to calm down. His name is Evan Stones, he's from Robert's unit,"

"Woah, I don't wanna fight your unit, Robert. Anyone else will do,"

"Yeah, Ryan. After my first experience with you, and after watching your smashing Colm's face I don't wanna fight you either, I care for my teammates,"

"That aside, there are some guys who are jealous of you because you are gaining women's attention. Those guys suggested suspending you,"

"What the fuck. Hatred is dangerous,"

"After asking us, Mr. Johan asked the four teachers present there. Do you wanna know what their answer was?" Robert asked with a serious face.

"Hm. I wanna know,"

"Expulsion of Ryan Walker,"

"Oh fuck not this again," I threw my hands in the air.

"What...?" Doc found it hard to believe.. Rigid and Robert both nodded their heads.

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