My System & My Academy of Superpowers

Chapter 47 - Colm’s Father.

"I am very sorry, sir"

"Ah, no, no, Ms. Mary it's alright, he is expelled anyway so whatever he does," Johan adjusted his coat pulling it from the lapel, "Is none of our matter. Let him do whatever he wants. He's expelled now

He turned around. I hated the way he smirked at me, "Just to warn you, Mr. Ryan. Colm's father is bad news. After knowing what happened to his son, he left his million dollars deal and rushed his son to a hospital"

"M-million dollars?"

"Yeah, as you see he loves his son so much that he is even okay if his company faces bankruptcy but here… you know better than anyone what you have done to that psycho father's lovely son. Not only you, but everyone present in this room can imagine what will happen to you… very well," He looked at me from over his shoulder, "Good luck dealing with it," He grinned again and walked away.

"Ryan… Ryan, look at me!" Doc twisted my body, "What do you think you are doing? You pointed your finger in the Principal's face, and what were you going to do next? Fight him? Are you nuts?!"

"Doc… doc… he's not the principal for me anymore, do you even realize what shit he was saying to you? What about it?!"

"Don't raise your voice, Ryan..."

"Yes, yes I wanna hit him,"

"Calm down, Ryan you will get Dr. Mary fired,"

"Yeah, Ryan calm yourself down,"



"You were about to say something was not you?"

"I sure was,"


"Your power has surpassed that of mine and Robert's, of course only if Robert agrees with it too,"

"I do, he's above us if we are talking about hand to hand combat,"

"I am not aware how you managed to split his face into two regardless of how hard his body is after using his Trait. You were able to change his face's look but I… I was just able to make him bleed one drop of blood,"

"That's… right but you gave him pretty much of a damage which made things easy for me,"

"And me. You have already claimed your victory against me in an official Leveling game. You should actually be in my place, Academy's second spot should be yours,"

"Woah- Woah, I am not ready for it yet, I don't want it either, keep it," We laughed.

"What will you do now Ryan?" Gwen asked.

"What…? I will just look for another Academy where I can get my admission in. I will work part-time to… uh you know,"

"Any other plans? Won't you miss the time you spent here?"

"Of course I will, Gwen. But this is just temporary, we will surely meet somewhere in the future when you all are powerful, strong, and great Trait Masters. That's where we will meet each other,"

"You… wanna become a fucking Trait Master?"

"Hmm. I never thought about it cause I was the weakest and thought I might never be able to even graduate but after this sudden turn of events… I just want a normal life with no violence and troublesome things. I want a happy, single life"

"I see,"

"I think I will join my high school again,"

"Your high school? Wait a high school?!" They were surprised. Of course cause they didn't know about it.

"Uh, yeah. I am actually a normal high school student who was living a normal life till the second year of his high school,"

"Damn… you never told us," Pete muttered.

"I was actually studying in normal schools since I was born. Teachers were not able to detect any superpower inside me so they declared I am not a Trait holder I was… it was decided that I will be going for the other path. I never envied people with Traits. But I just thought it would have been great if I had one,"

"Wait, you have a Trait or not?" Rigid asked.

"Yeah, I have. It's clairalience which is rarely of any use, I was born with powerful five senses. I was born with good running speed too. Even though my reflexes are average I can still run at a pretty decent speed,"


"One day which was totally normal daily life day, when I was in 10th grade my parents saw that I have enchanted senses, I can run fast too, and I can tell what's going on without asking anyone about the situation. My parents took this as my Trait, that's when I was admitted into this Academy. But they just don't understand. I just have nice five sense and quite a good running speed doesn't mean I am a Trait holder..." I snickered.

I lifted my head. Rigid was frozen in place as if he saw some ghost. Robert was staring blanking with his mouth open. Devon gave me an impressed expression.

"W- what is it, guys?"

Rigid and Robert exchanged glances they nodded to themselves.

"R- Ryan… you… you are one of those,"


"Yeah… those," Devon repeated.

"Uh? Who are those….?" Gwen thought, "Those? Ah!" she gasped suddenly, "No way! No- no!"

"As I thought!"

"What, Doc?"

"I thought it was just my hunch but I still kept it in my mind, thanks boys for conforming to it now. So my guess was right, you are one of those, Ryan"

"Who those?"

"The ones who are born to change something. Who are especially sent by gods- okay that's not too realistic,"

"To make it simple, bro," Rigid grabbed my shoulder, "You are one of Multiple Traits holder,"

"N- no… no," I tittered, "You- you are kidding right?"

"You think we are?"

"You really mean it? I mean think once, I just happened to good sense that is not a Trait,"

"Nope, it is a Trait. You are one of those Multiple Traits holders, I- I never met one before,"

"Ryan is definitely one of those," Doc agreed.

"Keep it a secret from everyone, Ryan"

"Fucking everyone, don't tell anybody,"

"But guys-"

"Don't deny. You are the chosen one from god. They sent you- uh again too dramatic,"

"You will change something in the future. Something big. That is what the Multiple Traits holders are for. They are especially sent on earth for this task,"

"I- uh okay guys. Okay. I need some space, this is really getting too much for me,"

"Oh sure, sure," Rigid went away losing my shoulders.

"You really are something, Ryan,"

"Oi idiot, I never thought you were this fucking amazing, I am not fucking complimenting you," But... I said nothing to you, Naomi. Why do you treat me like this?

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