Teachers got up from the commentary room. All twenty teachers, four wardens, and five guards were alert. There's no way we can defend against them with so much less number of people on our side. 

I exchanged glances with Rigid. Rigid had told one of his unit members to call his and mine unit.

|| Contestants, The Reapers, and Plague masters. I request you to retreat to the school building with your unit. We are under attack ||

We got the announcement. The door named 'emergency exit' opened. It's always there but is locked, and is kept hidden from all of us. 

Our unit met us near the exit door, "Let's go, they are here to kill me,"

"But why again?"

"Because they failed to kill me the last time,"

"Just…. Just let's run!" Rigid and his unit took off running towards the exit. 

"What is going on here?"

"We are being attacked!"

"Are we going to die?"

Many students were screaming, shouting, panicking due to the attack. We were walking through the big hallway with our unit. The whole school building was in chaos. 

"Ryan!" I saw doc coming towards us, "To the infirmary, quickly!" She ordered pointing towards the way which led to the infirmary. 

"Ryan, we are in the top ten community, and it is in the rules if the Academy is attacked then after teacher we are supposed to take over,"

"Fine. Get going," everything in here is going according to my dream. I will see doc die in front of me again, I will see Gwen die in front of me again. She will kiss me…. Will I let her?

I will lose my leg, they will massacre every student in the Academy. Everything will end. 

"At this point, safety is not guaranteed. We are already outnumbered both by manpower and weapon,"

"They have a lot deadlier weapons. They really did pre-planed this all,"

"We will get going!" They took off. I was left in the infirmary with Gwen, Pete, and Andrew Reynolds. 

"We are in a pinch." Doc came running towards the infirmary. 

She was panting hard, "The students are inside the school building, we have called for support but they are yet to arrive. 

The shield is about to break too. We are not able to attack them without any long-range weapons or Traits,"

"Ah, shit. Is this Academy not ready for attacks like this?"

"I think no. they are not," Doc replied, "Get inside the infirmary, do not come out,"

I went inside this time. In my dream, I asked if I can fight too but I knew she will not allow me so I just did not bother. She opened some drawers and took out some knives of different sizes.

"They will reach inside, we would not be able to protect our Academy if invaded, we are leaving this Academy.

We need to save ourselves right now, let's go and hide!" Doc went out of the infirmary. She stopped, ".... oh shit," she muttered. They must have invaded inside the Academy by now and will be standing in front of doc. 

Academy. Few mafias with guns in their hands were coming inside, some of them even had Japanese Katana in their hands. This is happening again. 

I took a deep breath. 'Okay Ryan, you do not know what is going to happen ahead in the future so be calm and face it all.'

I told myself. Surely I had not dreamt about this part. Suddenly everything went black and when I opened my eyes I was missing my leg. 

Now the time will reveal just what happened that I lost my leg. Just what happened in the past?

Before leaving the infirmary to fight those mafias I took all B+ blood tubes available. I rushed out of the infirmary.

Doc was already fighting them. Damn… she was amazing! I stood there hooked on her fighting style. She was so hot!

She stabbed a guy in the stomach, turned around, cut another guy's stomach. Lifted both of them and threw them away. She was lifting them as if it was nothing.

She sharply turned to me. I was staring at her with a lustful eye I believe. She lifted her knife. 

"Doc-!" A guy was coming from behind her. She spun around on her the top of her toe, she slashed the guy's neck with her knife. She stopped spinning she threw a knife in my direction.

It was so quick I was not even able to respond to her reflexes on time. I turned my head around to see where she threw her knife… it was stuck in a guy's head, he started falling down. 

I looked back at her. She was back to fighting the mafia. She is so damn hot…. Why did not I notice it before?

She kept stabbing and cutting people… she alone is able to kill so many guys without getting hurt herself. I was honestly impressed. The fact that she wanted to marry me came to my mind. Everything else disappeared. 

"Ryan~" I hear someone whisper my name. I slowly turned around.

"Go to sleep." Everything started blacking out. I was losing my consciousness. Before fading out fully…. I saw someone bending in front of me, swinging the sword in front of me. 

< Major injury detected >

< Automatic healing activated >

I was about to faint but suddenly I felt an adrenaline rush in my left ring finger. It was like a shock current that woke me up fully. 

I had my consciousness back in my hands. I looked in front of me, Gen was standing. I looked down…. They had cut my leg. 

"Knock him out," Gen ordered one of his men. 

A man came forward with swords in his hand. He pulled his hand up in the air, hit my head with the sword's pommel. I felt everything going black again. 

I was not able to do anything, I stood there seeing people attack me without really doing anything in return. I just kept getting hit. The impact of the attack was too much for me.

I lost my consciousness due to the pressure on my head and due to the pain, I felt from my leg. 

I see…. So this is what happened that time… this is how I ended up losing my leg and my consciousness. 




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