My System & My Academy of Superpowers

Chapter 78 - I Can Dream The Future.

"No. I can dream the future,"

"D- a dream? You mean you saw it in your dream?" I nodded, "Do not you think-"

"It happened a few times in the past too. I do not think it's just a dream," they looked at Doc, she nodded with a smile. I really wish you were my girlfriend. 

"This attack is planned to kill me because they failed the last time,"

"When they half-killed Robert instead?" Devon was really hiding the fact that he died… because he's in the top ten. 

"Yes. in my dream, I heard them saying something like I am a big threat to the Underworld or something like their boss told them to kill me because I will become a great threat to the underworld,"

"A threat? What does that mean?"

"I do not know either, after he said that, I was killed,"

"Who he?"

"Jackie. Actually, that person is not Jackie, his name is Tye Sheridan-" Gwen gasped. Doc's face turned serious all of a sudden. Devon had a serious expression on his face too. 

"Tye Sheridan. Do you know who that person is?" Gwen asked. I never thought someone out of the underworld knew about him too.

"Ryan, we are in for big trouble. If they are sending their killing machine just to kill a 16-year-old kid like you who does not even have any specific Trait," Doc started shaking her head. 

"Not trouble, we are doomed,"

"Who the fuck is-"

"He was a serial killer. A biker gang, one night, raped his sister, he set out on the path to avenge his sister, he alone finished the whole gang alone when he was only eighteen he started liking killing people. He was brought to the news when he was captured. His face was kept hidden. After a few days, he broke out of the prison, just the day before his execution. Now they say he's the best killing machine the world can offer"

"And he's on the side of the underworld, he is still unknown to the world, after breaking out of the prison and killing 20 people on the way, he has never attacked any place,"

"That's right. After he broke out, he has never come in front of the public. All the attacks on civilians and other places… this guy was not involved,"

They all looked at me, "You. you have something inside you that he's coming down on the battlefield,"

"To kill a teenager, argh, I can not believe this,"

"Can we even save ourselves? He's a way too dangerous man,"

"Trait. What was his Trait?" I asked them. 

"Killer cyborg,"

"Weapon body"

"Destruction magic"

"Multiple Traits… just like you, Ryan," Doc completed. We looked at each other.

"No, it's not destruction magic, it's weapon body,"

"No, I saw it on the TV. it's Killer cyborg,"

"Does not he has multiple Traits?"

"Stop it. Please," I interrupted their argument, "None of the above is his Trait,"

"What do you mean?"

"How do you know it for sure?"

"He burned down the whole Academy to ashes in my dream. He burned Devon alive, he burned my hands. His Trait was fire control. He did not use any Trait other than fire from his hands. He does not have a Trait as Killer Cyborg, no weapon hands, no destruction magic, no multiple Traits,"

"Ehhh? No, it's killler cyborg. I saw in the news that his body is half robot,"

"He has destruction magic I am telling you,"

"Hah, is that the main point here? Our Ryan-" Doc pointed both of her hands at me, "He's going to be attacked by the most wanted serial killer. Should not we focus on this topic first?"

Everyone went silent.

"She's right. We are doomed. If Ryan's telling the truth, we all will die today,"

"No. Not if we changed the future," I added.

"And how the fuck do we do that?" Naomi asked stepping forward. 

"First, we are not going to fight today,"

"We can not just withdraw. Think of something else,"


"She's right Ryan, you can not withdraw on time," Doc told me.

"Then… how about calling this game off?"

"You mean… mutually?"


"Do you fucking think they will give up their fight so easily?"

"We do not know unless we try it," I got up from the bed. I started walking outside. 

"I am coming too," Gwen took walked to me.

"Okay. we both will think of something else cause I do not think Rigid will give up on his final," Devon said, he turned around, we turned around. 

"Where do you think he will be?" I asked Gwen.

"Hmmm, do you know his room?"

"I do not but it's easy to find his dorm room," We walked inside the dormitory, "Here," I called Gwen.

"Found it?"

"It reads his name,"

"Knock then," I lifted my knuckles and gave two soft knocks on the door. 

"C- coming~"

Gwen and I exchanged glances after hearing the voice of a girl. We both were surprised. 

The door unlocked, a girl pulled the door open. She was wearing an oversized T-shirt I was not able to see what she was wearing below her waist. 

"You? What do you want?" there's no need to be rude. 

"Is Rigid in there?" I asked pointing inside.

"He is but he's sleeping. What do you need?" I looked at Gwen. 

"Try asking her, Ryan," Gwen told me. I nodded. 

"Okay, actually Rosy I wanted to talk about today's final,"

"Are you here to resign?" I shook my head.

"For a draw," Her eyes went wide with anger and surprise, "I am here to propose a draw," her eyes went back to normal then a disgusted look appeared on her face.

Okay. I knew it was going to go this way if we disturb someone's night in the bed. 

"What do you think you are loser? Do you even have the right to talk? And you are here for a draw? Fuck yourself. Why will we let go of our already won match?"

"It's not decided-"

"You think you can win?! Just- just fuck off, you loser," she stepped forward and pushed me by my chest, "We have declined your pitiful draw now go and prepare to lose,"

"Rosy can you calm down and-"

"I am already calm. See, you piss me at the first sight. If you do not  leave right now I will have to use force,"

"Ryan, she's up for a fight. Shall I-" Gwen whispered in my ear. I lifted my palm as a gesture to stop Gwen. 

"Okay. we will leave,"

"FUCK. OFF." she closed the door shut in front of us.

"Is not she mad? What's with her? Did you do something to her? She's super mad at you,"

"Maybe because of what I did with Cheryl and Eddie,"

"Ah. that was brutal," I sighed and increased my pace of walking. 

"Uh, wait. Where are we going now?" I stopped. Turned around.

"Next stop, Mr. Atkinson's office."




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