Yellow-colored sparks started appearing in the midair. 

"Lord, we have a report from the battlefield," 


The portal opened up, a man jumped out of the portal. 

"Reporting sir," he said bowing down, "The Academy has an army of 500 Trait masters. They are fully prepared. We have lost 150 of our men already," the man reported he was still bowing down.

"How?" He asked, "HOW?!"

"Sir Jackie calm down,"

"Shut up, Sienna!" he shouted pointing at Sienna.

They were sitting outside the Academy. Meters away from the Academy waiting for the right time to attack with the most powerful assets. 

"We are unaware of that sir. It seems someone leaked our plan of attack. The Academy was fully prepared for this attack. Waiting for your further order sir," he raised his head.

Tye took some time before giving an order, "Abort. We can not risk the lives of our men anymore, retreat," He ordered forming a steeple with his fingers. 

"Lord?" The man had a questioning expression.

"I said abort the mission right now! Retreat back to the base," He go up throwing the chair he was sitting back on the ground. He banged his hands on the table. 

"Sir Jackie…. Is not there any other way of doing this? If we fail-"

"I know what will happen if we fail this mission. Sit back, Sienna," he ordered a lady standing to his right side to sit down.

"What?" he asked the man standing in front of him, "GO! Go right now!" 

"Understood, my lord!" he shouted and turned around. 

He brought both of his hands together, bolted forward, his hands started forming a circle between them.

With a jerk he threw the circle in his hands, another yellow portal was formed. The man leaped through the portal. 

Tye sighed as he sat down on the chair he had knocked out. His men got his chair for him. "What will he say now," he was worried about something. He rubbed his palms together, "How can I fail? Who leaked this out?" 


Men had entered the rooftop through the only door. Doctors were called, Ryan's unit was sent back to the dorm. Ryan was still sitting on the ground leaning against the fence. 

Doc was panting hard. She was not hurt that much, teachers came to the rooftop everything was in chaos. 

< Quest completed. Rewards are added >

He got the System's notification. That did not cheer him up at all. He glanced at Doc, she was leaning the fence too. 

From the gate, Johan started marching forward with his hands behind him. He walked over and stopped in the middle of the rooftop. 

"Everyone! Get down right now! Check if any student is injured. We are low on staff so no slacking until support arrives,"

The 500 men's army went back after their mission was completed after waiting for a few minutes. Johan ordered his remaining 20-25 men to take care of students. 

Slowly the rooftop started clearing up, "Ms. Mary, please rest," he told Doc. she looked at him with a heavy expression she nodded leaning forward. 

She gave Ryan a last look, he was still on the ground, staring at the ground. Johan waited till Doc had left the root before closing the door.

He walked over to Ryan, "You good?" he asked. Ryan lifted his head to see Johan standing straight in front of him with his hand stretched forward.

He nodded, "I am. Thanks," he grabbed his hand and got up from the ground. 

"You do not look well. Are you depressed?" 

Ryan's heart skipped a beat, "I am… scared,"

"No need to be. Thanks to you we were able to defeat them without any casualty." 

"Really? That's amazing."

There was silence between both of them for some time. None of them spoke anything, "What about the future? Do you know what is going to happen?"

"Ah? N- no. I do not. But I know one thing for sure," his eyes sparkled, "They are going to attack us again that too with a bigger army. I am just-"

"Worried? See kid, I am thinking over that topic, I guess you already know about the portals right?" Ryan nodded, "sigh you are not supposed to know but okay, we already share some secrets."

Secrets? What secrets? Ryan wondered. He looked at Johan with a confused face.

"I keep the secret behind your sudden level up, and your power a secret; on the other hand, you keep our resurrection a secret,"

"Ah, right," He lifted his head nodding a few times. 

"I was planning on transferring students to another location through the portals if we are attacked again,"

Ryan took his time before replying. He had something in his mind he thought might be the solution for all this trouble, "Sir. All these attacks on the Academy are happening because of me,"


"I want to  leave this Academy,"

"You can not ." That blunt reply just shook Ryan from the inside, "We are not allowed to let a student leave the Academy if they are under attack. And right now, you are under attack,"

"They will come again,"


"Then…? What's the other way? Use portals to hide? Till when…?"

"Hmm, I will need to hold a meeting on this topic but not right now, maybe in the evening,"

"What if they attacked this midnight?" 

"They would not. We have activated our defensive shield, and increased the security,"

The Academy had long-range radars to detect an object in the sky coming their way. Some radars will even destroy the object as soon as it enters its range. 

"What if they used portals?"

"You see, there are different tiers of portals too total eight. Only seventh and eight-tier of portals can enter through the defensive shield,"

Just how much information the Academy was not letting their students know. There was no need to tell these second years anyway. 

"What tier is the yellow portal?" Ryan asked.

"Neither 7th nor 8th so fell assured, it's fourth tier portal," Ryan nodded.

Even fourth-level portals were rare to find. Those who used eight-level portals were people who used their Traits mixed with modern technology. No one was able to create high-tier portals on their own. 

There is a rumor which goes that someone from the Royal family can create Red portals with the use of his Trait only. Of course, no one has witnessed it.

They just know that that person is not in the Underworld, he's on the Masters' side. Royal families were the strongest families, they ruled over the cities, they are the government of the city or state. Not officially, of course. 

They can rebel against the organization and can even destroy it, they say. No one has met them, they keep their identities hidden. 




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