Ryan was walking around the corridors. He was going straight for the infirmary but hoped to catch Doc on the way. He continued moving his head in directions while running. 

The infirmary was just one more block away. He slowed down his pace and continued walking. He did not spot Doc anywhere around the building. 

It was nighttime, the sun had already gone down. While Ryan had reached the entrance which connected the dorms and main building, he got a peek of the night sky. 

'It's full moon today huh. It's been ages since I last stared at the sky and thought about nothing.' Ryan continued walking. 

Ryan heard some footsteps in the southeast direction. He peeked his head over his shoulders. 'What is he doing out here? Maybe they had a long day at work.' 

Ryan ignored Head General Brandon behind thinking he was just working hard today due to the attacks and relocating. 'Maybe Doc was working too.' His main concern was Doc.

< Enhanced smell activated >

'Hah? I did not order the System to activate this Trait.' A smell entered his nostrils. A smell he had never smelt off anyone. 'Damn. this stinks. Smells like an animal here,' he thought.

The smell started growing stronger and stronger, 'Is this coming from General Brandon?' Ryan turned his head around once more. 

Brandon was walking straight across the corridor behind Ryan, he was wearing his military uniform. 'No. it's different from his smell.'

Ryan turned his head towards the entrance area. His eyes went wide when he saw a wolf-like animal running behind Brandon. He wanted to shout and tell Brandon but words did not come. 

The animal came closer to the entrance gate. 'What is that thing? It's not a wolf, it looks more like a human.'

< Optional new quest appeared: Defeat the werewolf in front of you >

'W-w-werewolf?!' without thinking, Ryan's body moved on its own. He started taking long strides towards Brandon. 

"Sir! Behind you!" Ryan shouted in case he does not reach in time. Brandon slowly turned around to see a wolf about to attack him. But he did nothing. He stood there and did nothing. He waited for the beast to come at him.

< Superspeed activated >

Ryan increased his speed and so did the werewolf. The beast climbed the stairs, jumped high in the air, and leaped forward with the intention of biting off Brandon's head. 

"Blood fists!" 

< Blood fists level one activated > 

The same red-crimson-colored cloud formed around Ryan's fist. He never read about this skill but knew how to activate it. He did not know what it does, but the last time he used this skill, he was able to knock Rigid's mates with less effort. 

Ryan stopped moving his feet, on the shiny, slippery floor, his shoes slid across to stop right in front of Brandson. 

Ryan brought his arms in front of him, he pulled his right fist back.

'That's a powerful punch. His stance was amazing too, not to mention his speed. Who is he?' 

Brandon thought after seeing Ryan throw a powerful punch in the werewolf's jaw. The werewolf fell a few feet away from him. It got up back on its fours. 

The werewolf's face turned pale, it pulled its fangs inside. 

'But will that be able to beat this beast? No. Will he defeat this beast?' a grin slowly started spreading over his face.

Ryan got ready for the werewolf. The werewolf threw its head in another direction. It did not move. Ryan brought his right hand forward. 

The wolf started making squeaking sounds. And before the wolf turned around and ran away in the dark Ryan used his inspect skill.

< Name: Sienna Miller >

< Gender: Female >

< HP: ??? >

'Question marks again.' His fists went back to normal, 'Only a punch was all that it took? Well, at least I will get extra exp--'

< Quest failed. No rewards will be added >

'Hah?!' Ryan was confused, he defeated the werewolf then why were not the rewards added?

'Oh my. It ran away?' Brandon's eyes caught something shinning on Ryan's fist, 'A Ring? No, a Ring made of silver. I see why it ran away.'

Ryan turned around knowing that Brandon will be standing behind him. Brandon had to look down at Ryan. Ryan stood in front of Brandon and felt like an ant. 

Brandon stood like a mountain in front of Ryan and he felt so short not being able to compare his height. 

"Ryan, right?" Brandon said.

"Yes sir," Ryan bowed.

"Thanks for saving me from that animal."

"Oh, no sir. You would have taken care of it yourself. I just got myself involved for nothing."

"Well, you still saved my skin,"

"Oh no, sir. I just acted on my instincts,"

"Hmm. but I want to give you something in return for defeating that beast." Brandon was truly impressed by Ryan's skills and senses despite Ryan being a weak pupil.

"No, sir. There's no need really," Ryan did not want to get involved further. He wanted to get away from Brandson and find his Doc. 

"Do not be shy. Ask for anything except fame, reputation, and money."

Ryan was about to open his mouth and decline the offer again when this thought entered his mind. He started having flashbacks of his dream.

In the dream where a blue portal was opened, "Sir. I am grateful for this. I have a question in my mind."

"Oh, you want an answer as your reward, eh?"

"Yes, sir. Can I?"

"Of course, ask away."

"I want to ask you to tell me everything about portals. Every single piece of information about the portals." that question came unexpectedly for Brandon. He was surprised that a second-year know about portals and that too… a blue portal.

"Have you seen it?"

"Yes, sir."

"Hm" he nodded before answering Ryan's question, "There is a total of nine tiers of portals."

'Nine? Were not they eight?'

"About the eight and ninth portals, it's just theories, nobody has seen anyone use those portals. Me, as a General Head, have never seen eight or ninth tier portal myself." Ryan was shocked to hear this.

He thought if not teachers at least the general head might have seen anyone use the high-tier portals. 

"Blue portal…. It is a sixth-tier portal. In the whole world, the number of people who can use this portal…. Are in hundreds."

That news shook Ryan even more. Just how hard was it to use these portals? 




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