My System And I

Chapter 11 - Cockroach

Being carried in his mother's arms, he felt comfortable as what he was in. He was hugging his mother's ċhėst and he was watching his father behind. Walking as he was carrying the empty basket of food.

Dezmund hasn't eaten anything as he was too tired for such a task given by the system.

He wanted to blame the system as much as he wanted to strangle it to death. He was left hungry all the way home. Seeing a cow besides the road, being locked inside the ranch, he can't help but drool over it. Making a squishy-squishy hand gesture as he leaned over in the direction of the said animal.

As he went mumbling gibberish words while doing so, his mother can't help but laugh at him.

"You want to drink milk? We will buy you soon," His mother said to him then cuddled him.

'Such irresponsible parents! They have to bring milk when they went picnic!'

Dezmund narrowed his eyes and pouted. He was not in the mood to smile while his mother cuddled him. His father was making a peekaboo on him but he was snubbing him. His tummy grumbled like a caged beast wanting to scream begging for food. He can't help but pity such a beast as he massaged his tummy. He can't blame anyone now that he was also the one who didn't feed it.

As his father was opening and shutting his face with his hands, he shouted at Dezmund to surprise him. The same time he opened his mouth, Dezmund spat right inside it.

Uhug! Uhug! Uhug! uhak!

Dezmund then giggled and went flapping his hands. His father then vomited in sheer disgust at the thing that entered his mouth.

His mother then was surprised at what happened. She spanked Dezmund as she was infuriated. Dezmund can only suck his fingers in his famished tummy. Not crying in the slightest.

As they went on, Dezmund then slept on his mother's embrace. He made his mother's ċhėst to be his cushion as he slept. Making it a comfortable ride even he was hungry. But seriously, if only she got milk on her brėȧst, his problems will be solved. Sleeping, he felt that the world was a better place with his mom with him; and the cushion of course.

Waking up in fright as a fly entered his mouth. He coughed furiously in sheer disgust and annoyance. Why would his sleep be disturbed by such a disgusting creature? Luckily it was just a fly and not a ċȯċkroach to boot. Maybe ċȯċkroaches will taste better? On Earth, it was eaten by some people. Maybe they will taste good if covered in mayonnaise or stir-fried with a spicy flavouring. It was a delicacy rivalling spicy locusts and spicy fried peanuts.

He felt that he needs to wake up this instant, thanks to the fly. Albeit sacrificing its life to wake him up, it felt effective as he woke up exactly on what it wanted. Albeit excessive on its efforts. He stands up then stretches his body. Making him lose his sleepiness entirely. With a few cracking sounds as he stretches, he felt relieved on his aching muscles.

It was then, he saw a bottle of milk beside him. Looking at it, a notification from the system came to rise.

[Goal: Drink the milk to satiate hunger]

[Reward: +100 Health points and +100 Mana points]

'That's good! I should start drinking. Hey system, is this not poisoned?'

[No, you need to regain your strength as more tasks await]

[Yes, hurry up or I will let you eat a ċȯċkroach instead]

'Okay okay, geez, you sure are hot-headed. I will drink now. Does this have a ċȯċkroach inside?'

[Sigh, no it doesn't have. If it has, well it was your mother to blame]

'So it was my mother who prepared it?'


Immediately, without asking further, he drank the milk. It tasted like milk, just like other kinds of milk he tasted in his life. So no suspicious contents currently. Finishing it up, he burped like an old man. Throwing the bottle outside his crib.

[Reward for completion: +100 Health points and +100 Mana points]

[Current Health points: 200]

[Current Mana points: 200]

[Another goal for the day: Get out of the crib]

[Reward: +1 to all stats]

As Dezmund saw it, he can't help but wonder what will be after he went outside his territory. Outside his crib was an outside world. Something he was yet to explore by himself. It was a place he saw but still was unmarked. Like how a dog that pees on the spot to make it his own. Should he do it too? He didn't know. It was dumb, to begin with.

Anyways, he tried to climb it on his own. Grappling the top then lifting his feet to perch on the top. It was then, he climbed up and his face was expressing under a workout. He succeeded in climbing the top but he fell and slammed his body on the floor.


He slammed his buŧŧ on the floor and then pouted his mouth. Luckily, he was a strong kid. He didn't cry out loud like an immature babe. His back snapped like something was torn apart. Making him hold his back while slouching. He can't stand up straight at all. Luckily, his +1 Health points per second were working.

He was able to stand up then breathed out heavily. He was like labour who has rested after carrying a tree trunk on its shoulders.

'Huhuhu, I deserve justice,' He said in his mind.

[Reward for completion: +1 to all stats]


[Another goal for the day: Run around the crib 100 times]

[Reward: Skill Conjure Bow]

'Wew, another labour. Okay, I am in,'

His feet were of a toddler and the said task will be challenging. He first walked slowly then ran. That was in a penguin's way of running. Running in a toddler's energy as he does so. Quite in a way that surpasses the cheekiness of a puppy. Albeit in an idiotic way of doing so. He flapped his hands whilst running, adding up to his charm of cheekiness.

Running and running in a merry go round nonstop until he leaned on the edge of the crib. He felt dizzy after a couple of turns and then slammed his buŧŧ on the floor. Gasping air as he felt that it was time for rest. As he thought of it, it would take a few turns until he finishes. As we speak, he was already on the seventieth turn. Making it only thirty till the time to end this nonsense.

He slapped his cheeks that made a reddish mark on his face then stands up again. Running in the same pattern till one hundred.

[Reward for completion: Skill Conjure Bow]

The info surged into his mind and as we speak, he learned it instantly. He was again notified by the system.

[Goal: Conjure Bow]

[Reward: +1 Weapon mastery (Bow)]

Without waiting for the day to pass by, he conjured the said skill. A bow suited for his size emerged in a cold flame-like aura. He was taken aback by the size of it. It was a small one, a kiddie size expected for him.

[Reward for completion: +1 Weapon mastery (Bow)]

[Current weapon masteries: Sword (1), Handguard (1), Claw (1), Staff (1), Bow (1)]

"Wow," Dezmund said out loud.

[Another goal for the day]

[Goal: Fire arrow 100 times]

[Reward: Ranger Job Class]

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