Hayakawa Xiazhi sat in the lounge in the backstage, looked up at Shirakawa Zeping, who was approaching, and said softly, "Student Shirakawa?"

"Is something wrong?"

"Yeah." Bai Chuan Zeping looked around subconsciously. There seemed to be no vanity mirrors in this lounge, so that there were no other stage staff in sight, only Hayakawa Natsumoto sat alone.

"Then sit down."

Hayakawa Xiazhi pointed out the location to Baichuan Zeping, and said slowly, "It's rare for Baichuan to ask me for something."

"Anyway, I blocked the gun for you just now, so it shouldn't be like this." Bai Chuan Zeping was a little depressed.

"Then what should I do? Saying that the little girl can't repay her and can only promise her with her body?"

"That's not necessary. I'm not blessed with it."

"It seems that I'm not worthy of Shirakawa-san."

"I never said such a thing."

When the two acquaintances met, they first said a few bickering words as usual, and then Shirakawa Zeping asked, "I heard that you want to meet a foreign music professor?"

"Oh? Shirakawa-san's news came very quickly."

"Is this a temporary decision?"

Hayakawa Xiazhi took a sip of tea and said calmly, "No."

"Then you said my news came quickly..."

"I'm speaking the opposite."

Shirakawa Zeping: "..."

Oh, woman.

He didn't hide it anymore, and asked directly, "Is Hayakawa going abroad?"

She raised her eyebrows: "Why do you ask that?"

"I heard that the professor is here specially for you."

"I'm a little flattered that Shirakawa-san suddenly cares so much about me."

"It's not too much to just care about the future of your acquaintances."

"As an acquaintance, I don't really care about Shirakawa-san. I don't even know if someone has a crush on you."

Bai Chuan Zeping said helplessly: "It's okay if others don't know, can't you still see it?"

"That's obviously a confession against you, okay. I'm unlucky."

Hayakawa Xiazhi said lightly, "I know."

"Actually, I originally planned to retire, but I didn't expect his semifinal opponent to arrange for you."

"You already knew he was going to do it?" Bai Chuan Zeping asked suspiciously.

"Almost, the student union is not a piece of iron."

Takuma Sanda: I knew it! Sure enough, there are ghosts!

"So those messy topics were also arranged by you?"

"Of course not." Xiao Aojiao Xueji's eyes showed a little chill: "I didn't teach them how to ask questions."

Shirakawa Zeping sighed, this group of people regarded the Summer Solstice as a vase, which was their biggest mistake. She is not a nice girl. Even without systematic intervention, Sanda Takuma probably would not be able to successfully complete the high-profile confession plan.

Before today, Shirakawa Zeping experienced a total of four confession scenes. After the first three different unlucky people were ruined by Baichuan Zeping, they seemed to have no movement. It was as if he suddenly disliked Hayakawa's summer solstice.

Now it seems that it's not that they didn't do it anymore, but that after Hayakawa Xiazhi was prepared, it would be impossible to hide her secretly and plan a confession.

That being said, Sanda Takuma is the only unlucky one among them.

"It's still early. I got the complete question bank of their competition. Would you like to try it out?" Hayakawa Xiazhi didn't answer his initial question, but instead raised a stack of printer paper in his hand.

"If Bai Chuan wins, I can apply to the school to only give extra points to your class."

"But if Shirakawa-san doesn't dare..."

Shirakawa Zeping laughed when he heard the words: "Such a naive method of aggressive commanding doesn't look like Hayakawa-san's method."

Hayakawa Xiazhi smiled slightly: "Then do you dare or not?"

"What can't you do?"

Although the topic was a little off-topic, Shirakawa Zeping obviously didn't want to let this little arrogant girl in front of him think.

Sure enough, Hayakawa's heart won't die if he wins the summer solstice!

Today I will let you know how outrageous the rank gap between the tool and the protagonist is.

"I haven't seen this question bank before. To be fair, one person chooses 20 questions to ask each other, and the person who answers faster and answers more correctly wins."

"you first."

Hayakawa Xiazhi didn't compete with him on who came first, and his slightly cold voice spoke slowly and quickly read the question.

"What material does a credit card use to store information?"

"A ferromagnetic material with low hysteresis loss."

"What does AS mean in macroeconomics?"

"Aggregate Supply."

The topic chosen by Hayakawa Summer Solstice is obviously not related to anime makeup, but it has the taste of a real quiz. While Shirakawa Zeping answered quickly, he was also thinking about the knowledge blind spot of the Summer Solstice in Hayakawa.

"Whose work is the man's cold orange pomelo, the autumn old phoenix tree."

Bai Chuan Zeping: "...Li Bai."

He actually wanted to ask me about the topic of Sinology, did you think I used to be a fake Chinese?

There is a kind of Analects, I will recite it for you on the spot!

Hayakawa was not in a hurry on the summer solstice, but there was no change in the expression on his face. Read the topic at your usual pace. Shirakawa Zeping also responded like a conditioned reflex according to what he remembered in his mind.

Lose the game? It doesn't exist, and my skill level is not in vain.

Aren't they just unforgettable, I will too!

"When is my birthday?" On the fifteenth question, Hayakawa Xiazhi suddenly read out such a question.

"November 17th."

After answering this question, Shirakawa Zeping was stunned for a moment, and found that Hayakawa Xiazhi was looking at him subtly, as if he had discovered something of great interest.

"I heard it wrong~www.readwn.com~ Shirakawa Zeping changed his tune calmly: "I thought you were talking about Sato Emi. "

"It's the actor who participated in "Angel"."

"Then Bai Chuan's listening ability is really bad. One word can be heard into four words."

"It's alright, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't work."

"Okay, next question, what animals do I like?"

"What kind of fruit do I like to eat?"

"What's my height and weight?"

Shirakawa Zeping: "..."

Are you sure this is a game, not a flirtation between lovers?

He said helplessly, "Hayakawa-san, you're a bit of a rogue."

"If Shirakawa-san doesn't answer, then I won."

"I can ask such a question later."

"Whatever you want, I've seen your file. I can answer everything except hobbies."

Bai Chuan Zeping was completely speechless to this little arrogant hooligan. Of course he knew that Hayakawa Xiazhi was testing himself, but he couldn't answer. If this is an answer, it really confirms his dubious inference.

Which boy would know private information such as the height and weight of another girl for no reason? This answer is quite perverted.

Throw the pot to the system? It's impossible for people to believe it. They will only shout a perverted paranoia, and then slap you in the face to get you out.

"This is already out of the scope of the competition." Shirakawa Zeping struggled unwillingly.

Hayakawa Xiazhi leisurely showed the question bank in her hand.

"I'm sorry, but there really is such a topic."

Shirakawa Zeping: "..."

Takuma Sanda, you are cruel enough to actually dig a hole for me here.


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