My Talent Can Constantly Evolve

Chapter 138: adventure

Lu Heng and He Sicheng stepped off the transport plane and walked straight towards the steel fortress not far ahead.

"This doesn't seem to be where it was last time?"

He Sicheng glanced around and wondered.

Hearing this, Lu Heng also looked at the surrounding scenery carefully, nodded and said, "Indeed, this is another entrance."

"In that case, are the rock-devouring rats in that area almost cleaned up?"

He Sicheng guessed.

"It's possible." Lu Heng said indifferently: "It doesn't matter how much he is, anyway, we are just here to kill the rock-devouring rat, it's the same wherever we go."


He Sicheng nodded.

Afterwards, the two of them stopped talking, walked quickly to the back of the team, and followed the team into this newly built steel fortress.

After entering the steel fortress, the two glanced left and right, and found that the layout here is similar to the steel fortress they visited last time.

It is also a large open space, and then there are many tables and equipment near the entrance of the underground labyrinth.

"Come and update the topographic map program first."

A staff member shouted to the crowd.

Hearing this, the warriors present immediately gathered towards each other, and some warriors who had been there several times did not even need to be reminded by the other party, and immediately went there to line up.

Lu Heng and He Sicheng also quickly integrated into the team.

The process of updating the topographic map program was quick, so it didn't take long for the two of them to be out of the group.

Immediately afterwards, they came directly to the entrance, followed the crowd down, and officially entered the underground labyrinth.

"This place is actually ten kilometers away from the last time..."

He Sicheng looked at the topographic map while walking, and said in surprise, "Then how big is this underground labyrinth?"

If this underground labyrinth is a circle, and ten kilometers is its radius, it is a large underground city covering an area of ​​more than 300 square kilometers.

Of course, the reality is definitely more than this, it will only be bigger than this, not smaller than this.

With such a large scale, I don't know how long it will take to kill the rock-devouring rats in the underground labyrinth.

If this rat affliction cannot be resolved for a long time, the consequences are simply unimaginable.

"Lu Heng, why do I always feel that these rock-devouring rats were brought here specially by outsiders?" He Sicheng looked at Lu Heng and said.

"Definitely." Lu Heng agreed: "This must be a biological weapon they carefully prepared."

Using such biological weapons to deal with human cities is really hard to guard against.

Just like now, even if the leaders of Jiangnan City knew the danger of rodent infestation, they could not find a good solution.

The only way to motivate junior warriors to enter the underground labyrinth is to reward a large number of warrior points.

"Lu Heng, did you say that everyone was asked to capture the rat king alive to find an efficient way to kill the rock-devouring rat by studying the rat king?"

He Sicheng went to the depths of the underground labyrinth with Lu Heng, and speculated according to what Lu Heng had just said.

"It should be, otherwise, there is no need to capture it alive."

Lu Heng had the same thoughts as He Sicheng, and also felt that the rat king had great research value.

In this way, the two moved forward while talking, and gradually there were fewer and fewer people around, and only the two of them remained.

The people who come here are here to kill the Rock-Eater to earn points, so naturally they don't want to walk with people they don't know, lest they have to fight each other when they encounter the Rock-Eater.

Therefore, they all went their separate ways when they saw the fork in the road, and finally scattered in this vast underground labyrinth.

"Lu Heng, now you and I are about the same strength, much stronger than third-level warriors. I wonder if you and I will be able to kill the fourth-level rock-devouring rat after joining forces."

Killing a Level 2 Rock-Eater will reward you 8 points, a Level-3 Rock-Eater will reward you with 18 points, and a Level-4 Rock-Eater will reward you with 75 points.

Obviously, the points rewarded for killing one Level 4 Rock-Eater, even if two people are divided equally, are equivalent to killing two Level-3 Rock-Eater.

"Difficult!" Lu Heng reminded: "Don't forget that we don't have Level 4 weapons."

"That's a problem..."

He Sicheng looked at the knife in his hand.

He and Lu Heng exchanged 3,000 points for the fourth-level battle armor, but the sword was still the third-level battle sword that the school received.

Even if these third-level weapons slashed the scroll blades, it would be difficult to effectively kill the fourth-level monsters.

"What, you want to go on an adventure again?"

Lu Heng glanced at He Sicheng, thinking that He Sicheng suddenly mentioned the fourth-level rock-devouring rat, it must be because he was itchy and wanted to take risks.

"That's not true." He Sicheng shook his head and said, "I just thought, if we encounter a fourth-level rock-devouring rat, we can't kill it and can only walk around, which will be somewhat unpleasant."

Lu Heng advised: "Don't think too much, first find a way to find the second- and third-level rock-devouring rats, and the fourth-level rock-devouring rats are not so easy to find."

"That's not necessarily true!" He Sicheng suddenly stopped and said, "Lu Heng, don't forget, the warriors who come here to perform the mission are at most second-level warriors, and even if they wear Qi energy armor, they are far inferior to fourth-level warriors."

"So based on their strength, they must give priority to killing second- and third-level rock-devouring rats, and they will go around when they encounter fourth-level rock-devouring rats."

"In this way, the second- and third-level rock-devouring rats are not easy to find, and there are many fourth-level rock-devouring rats."

Hearing this, Lu Heng stopped involuntarily.

He Sicheng had completely neglected this point mentioned by him.

He only thought that the stronger the monsters, the fewer the number of monsters. He completely forgot that no one of the warriors who came to carry out the hunting mission could beat the fourth-level rock-devouring rat. Go up to provoke.

"This is indeed a problem..."

Lu Heng touched his chin and frowned.

Seeing this, He Sicheng suggested: "Now the fourth-level rock-devouring rat can't be beaten, and the second- and third-level rock-devouring rat is hard to find, so you can only try your luck in an unknown area where no one dares to go."

"Otherwise, we don't even think about how many points we will earn this time."

"Also, going to the unknown area to kill the rock-devouring rat can also complete the exploration mission by the way, which is another big point."

Hearing this, Lu Heng pondered.

I have to admit that what He Sicheng said makes sense.

If you want to earn more points, you can only try your luck where few people dare to go.

Otherwise, if you wander around in this area, I am afraid that there will be nothing to gain in a day.

"Lu Heng, you just saw how many people came with us."

"Most of them must have hunted rock rats in known areas where the situation has been established, are you sure you can get them?"

He Sicheng reminded again.

Lu Heng glanced at him after hearing the words, and then carefully checked the topographic map displayed on the light guide lens.

Seeing this, He Sicheng also studied it on the topographic map.

After a while, He Sicheng said, "I think the area to the east of the K9 district is good. You can go there and have a look. What do you think?"

Upon hearing this, Lu Heng quickly shifted his focus to the place He Sicheng mentioned.

He soon discovered that half of the unknown area in the eastern part of the K9 area is adjacent to the proven area, and it is easier to run when encountering danger.

"Okay, then go there."

Lu Heng looked at his Qi energy armor and the level four armor he was wearing, and agreed.

This well-equipped outfit was originally prepared for adventure.

If you don't take a risky turn, I'm really sorry for their value.

"Go, run over."

He Sicheng roared excitedly.

Afterwards, the two ran all the way towards the K9 area.

After running like this for a while, Lu Heng found that He Sicheng was right, and he couldn't see the second or third-level rock-devouring rat all the way.

The fourth-level rock-devouring rat hit two ends.

Fortunately, the rock-devouring rats were timid by nature, and they all lived by eating soil, so neither of the two fourth-level rock-devouring rats took the initiative to attack them and let them run past.

In this way, they ran all the way to the easternmost edge of the K9 district.

After stopping and resting for a while, the two of them walked towards the east without hesitation, entering a no-man's land where no one has set foot yet.

"Sicheng, your intuition is more accurate. Do you think you will encounter the invisible snake this time?"

Lu Heng asked while moving forward cautiously.

The strange snake they encountered last time was called the Snake Snake, and it was very good at hiding its whereabouts.

"Probably not..." He Sicheng hesitated.

"Don't have a strong premonition?" Lu Heng asked.

"No." He Siguo shook his head decisively.

At this time, the life detectors of the two suddenly issued an early warning.

Several flickering spots of light appear on the light guide lens.

"It's a rock-devouring rat!"

"There are seven heads!"

The two exchanged glances excitedly, and then cautiously approached the target.

While walking, I prayed in my heart, praying that the seven rock-devouring rats were all third-level.

If you kill them all in this way, you will get 126 points instantly.

At that time, even if they are evenly divided, they will have 53 points each.

One step, two steps, three steps...

As the two kept approaching the, they could finally see the rock-eating rat detected by the life detector with the light of the headlights.

At this moment, a rock-eating rat suddenly stood up and turned to face the direction where Lu Heng and He Sicheng were.

The visual organs of rock-devouring rats are severely degraded and less sensitive to light.

So the rock-eating rat didn't turn to look at them because he noticed the light from the headlamp, but was sniffing the smell that suddenly appeared.

"This rock-devouring rat must be second-class, believe it or not."

He Sicheng said to Lu Heng softly.

His physical strength score has now reached 1800, which is stronger than a second-level martial artist, so this rock-devouring rat must feel that he is a threat, so he is so alert.

"Lu Heng, run ahead and kill this second-level rock-devouring rat first, and then I'll rush over to deal with the remaining rock-devouring rats with you."

He Sicheng suggested.

"Okay." Lu Heng didn't say much. He kicked his right foot on the ground and charged towards the rock-devouring rat standing up.

His own strength is much worse than that of a second-level martial artist, so he will not arouse the alertness of the second-level rock-devouring rat at all, and will not scare the opponent away.


After rushing to the vicinity of the rock-devouring rat, Lu Heng slashed out with a knife, and split the rock-devouring rat in half on the spot.

Immediately afterwards, he quickly withdrew his sword and slashed at the other rock-devouring rats that were still eating the rock.

Behind him, He Sicheng sprinted at full speed and came to him at an extremely fast speed.

The two slashed and killed the remaining rock-devouring rats one by one.

As expected, the remaining six rock-devouring rats are all third-level.

"Go ahead, there must be more ahead!"

He Sicheng said excitedly.

The two walked quickly towards the depths of the maze.


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