My Talent Can Constantly Evolve

Chapter 173: Otherworldly exercises

'What kind of book is this? ’

Lu Heng took the book, glanced at the outsider leader with a face full of pain, and turned to look.

Sure enough, as he expected, the content of the book was completely incomprehensible.

Not a single word in it was known to him.

However, it was not all fruitless after reading it. At least after reading it, he was able to determine that this was a practice book.

Because the illustrations in the book are all about cultivation postures.

This can be seen at a glance.

‘What kind of magic will it be? ’

'From the previous speculation, it should be some kind of exercise to enhance hearing, but it is not necessarily...'

Lu Heng closed the book and looked at the trembling outsider leader.

He was willing to ask, but the other party couldn't understand him at all.

Moreover, the other party is suffering from severe pain at this time, and he must hold a grudge in his heart, and he must not be willing to tell him the answer.

Therefore, after looking at the other party for a few times, Lu Heng finally did nothing but put the book in his hand into his arms.

He is not going to hand over this book of exercises, but prepares to keep it for himself to study.

Mainly because it's useless to hand it in.

At present, the human side has not achieved much results in the language research of foreigners, and only understands some simple foreign languages.

Books like exercise books that involve a lot of technical terms, even if they are handed over to experts who study the language of foreigners, they will definitely not be able to fully understand them.

So it's better to keep it for yourself to study and study, and just take this opportunity to learn the language of some otherworldly people.

After putting away the book, Lu Heng grabbed the clothes of the outsider leader's chest and dragged him back.

Judging from the current situation, there should be no other outsiders in this passage, so Lu Heng decided to bring the only living port to the ground.

As for the aliens who died here... Leave it to the leaders of the base city.

Lu Heng dragged the outsider leader back along the same path, and it took more than an hour to return to the surface.

And at the moment when he saw the sun again, the loud roar of the helicopter engine suddenly came from the sky.

"Lu Heng!"

In the distance, as soon as He Sicheng saw Lu Heng appearing, he shouted excitedly and walked up to him quickly.

Lu Heng took his eyes away from the sky, looked at He Sicheng and said, "He Sicheng, did you call for those planes?"

"It should be." He Sicheng looked up at the sky and said uncertainly.

Although he sent a distress signal, it is unknown whether these planes arrived after receiving the message.

After all, many planes flying in this direction are going to outposts.

"Come down, it seems that he really came to save us."

Seeing that the helicopter began to land here, He Sicheng finally no longer had any doubts.

Lu Heng did the same, watching the helicopter land in a glade.

And the outsider leader who was dragged by him, his face was ashen.

This outsider also tried to commit suicide just now, but was stopped by Lu Heng, and he didn't die in the end.

Therefore, he knew very well in his heart that what he would face next would be severe torture.

It remains to be seen whether they can survive and keep the secret.

I'm afraid it's difficult.

All three helicopters were firmly parked in the glade.

Before the engine was turned off, the people on the plane hurriedly got off the plane and took the initiative to walk towards Lu Heng and He Sicheng.

Each of these people is fully armed, and it seems that they are ready for a fierce battle.

But what they didn't know was that the battle was over long ago, and they came here to clean up the mess.

"Did you send the distress signal?"

The military warrior walking at the front glanced at it and asked.

"Yeah." He Sicheng nodded.

"What's the situation now?"

The military warrior looked at the leader of the alien who was controlled by Lu Heng, and asked solemnly.

Lu Heng and He Sicheng quickly described the whole thing.

After the military warriors heard it, they were immediately dumbfounded.

After working for a long time, you just came to clean up the mess?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but look at Lu Heng more, thinking, are the current Wushu students so powerful?

"You go first, take people back, and I'll take them down to check."

The military warriors acted decisively and made decisions quickly.

Afterwards, Lu Heng and He Sicheng escorted the outsider leader into a helicopter, while the military warrior led a team into the underground labyrinth.

The helicopter flew all the way to the southeast.

Nothing happened on the road, and we returned to Jiangnan City smoothly.

As soon as the helicopter landed, a group of people immediately gathered around the apron.

From the perspective of dress, some of these people are military leaders, and some are leaders of Jiangnan City.

It seems that everyone is taking this matter seriously.

Otherwise, there is no need to come to the tarmac to check the situation in person.

Lu Heng and He Sicheng saw Bai Yuanwu in the crowd at a glance. At this moment, Bai Yuanwu was showing them a relieved smile.

Afterwards, the two left the apron with the group to report the specific situation.

It didn't end until the evening.

To be precise, it is over.

It's just that for Lu Heng and Sicheng, the matter is over, and the rest will be handled by themselves. The two of them can just wait for the reward points with peace of mind.


Jiangnan Wuhan University.

on the trails on campus.

Bai Yuanwu led the two of them on the road together, laughing as they walked: "The performance of the two of you during this period has really exceeded my expectations."

He was extremely pleased.

It is not only because of the outstanding performance of the two that made his face bright, but more importantly, the two showed amazing courage.

This time, as well as the previous discovery of the Rat King and the capture of the Rat King alive, all proved that Lu Heng and He Sicheng possessed courage far beyond ordinary people, and this was the most important thing.

Because only those with courage can go further in martial arts and truly reach the top.

At this time, Bai Yuanwu felt that both Lu Heng and He Sicheng were like masters.

Of course, in general, He Sicheng is more likely to become a grandmaster, because He Sicheng's talent is better than that of Lu Heng.

Lu Heng was able to practice longevity this time. According to him, it was a coincidence, and he couldn't explain his talent.

"But you can't relax and work hard."

After Bai Yuanwu finished his praise, he exhorted with a serious expression.

Lu Heng and He Sicheng naturally agreed immediately.

After speaking, He Sicheng asked, "Teacher, how many points can we get this time?"

For such a big credit this time, it is reasonable that the reward points must be more than before, He Sicheng thought in his heart.

On the other side of Gu Xiao, Lu Heng had a similar idea in his heart.

The last time I discovered the Rat King and caught the Rat King were rewarded with tens of thousands of points. This time, I captured an outsider alive and discovered a major secret in the underground labyrinth. Why should the reward points be more than the previous two times?

"It's definitely not less." Bai Yuanwu said with a smile: "I guess, maybe it will reward you seven or eighty thousand points."

"so much?"

Both Lu Heng and He Sicheng exclaimed.

"Well." Bai Yuanwu nodded: "There are so many in total, and then redistribute them according to the size of your credit."

When He Sicheng heard it, he immediately looked at Lu Heng and said, "The big head must be Lu Heng's."

This time he had little effort.

And Lu Heng not only killed so many otherworlders, but also captured one alive, the reward must be him.

Bai Yuanwu also looked at Lu Heng.

However, Bai Yuanwu was not concerned about how the reward points were distributed, because he didn't care about it.

What he cares about is how Lu Heng feels after killing the foreigner himself.

"Lu Heng, the feeling of fighting against aliens is completely different from that of monsters?" Bai Yuanwu asked.

"Yeah." Lu Heng nodded and said, "When fighting against foreigners, psychological quality is more important, and the mentality is very important."

Hearing that, Bai Yuanwu agreed: "The outsiders are intelligent creatures like us, and have many thoughts in their minds. This is a good thing, but it is also a bad thing."

"Sometimes thinking too much will affect the combat state."

"But if you don't want to act recklessly, it's easy to fall into trouble."

"Anyway, you still need to experience this in actual combat."

These have nothing to do with combat experience and combat skills, and are not easy to teach, so Bai Yuanwu doesn't want to talk too much.

The specifics still have to be experienced and experienced by the two of them.

Seeing that Bai Yuanwu had ended the topic, Lu Heng asked, "Teacher, how much do you know about the exercises practiced by people from other worlds?"

"Oh? Are you interested in this?"

Bai Yuanwu asked with a smile.

He didn't know that Lu Heng understood this because he wanted to study it carefully to see if people from other worlds could practice the exercises.

He just thought it was Lu Heng who became interested in the cultivation system of the aliens after he personally fought against the aliens.


Seeing Bai Yuanwu asking this question, Lu Heng nodded directly and didn't say much.

Bai Yuanwu thought about it and said, "It's good to know more about this."

"Well, you go to the library to borrow a book called "Other World Cultivation System", which is very detailed and basically involves all the existing research results."

Lu Heng nodded when he heard the words, and kept the name in his heart.

Bai Yuanwu continued: "By the way, if you want to understand that book, you must have a basic understanding of the language of otherworldly people, so you have to borrow a few more books on this subject."

With that said, Bai Yuanwu quickly reported several book titles and asked Lu Heng to borrow them accordingly.

Lu Heng quickly memorized these book titles and kept them in his heart.

He Sicheng on the side couldn't help but ask, "Lu Heng, why are you studying this when you have nothing to do?"

Bai Yuanwu also looked at Lu Heng curiously when he heard this.

Although he already had guesses in his heart, he still wanted to see what Lu Heng said.

Seeing that both of them were looking at him, Lu Heng thought about it and explained, "I feel that people from other worlds are much more accomplished in cultivation than us, and there is a lot for us to learn."

"Like this time, these outsiders hiding deep underground can know the movements in the labyrinth above. It must be because they have practiced the art of enhancing hearing."

"Observed very carefully." Bai Yuanwu said with admiration.

"Lu Heng, what you think is right, we have never set foot in many of the exercises practiced by people from other worlds."

"Like the exercises you just mentioned to enhance your hearing, we don't have them here at all."

"And as far as I know, outsiders not only have exercises to enhance the five senses, but also many powerful exercises similar to the longevity exercise."

"These exercises of foreigners are definitely a huge treasure trove for us."

"It's a pity that because of language barriers and differences in the cultivation system, we have been unable to open this treasure trove."

"I don't know when there will be new progress..."

At the end, Bai Yuanwu's face became solemn.

As a senior instructor of Wuhan University, he is also a ninth-level martial artist. It can be said that he has been dealing with martial arts practice all his life.

Naturally, I would like to see human beings make new progress in the study of the principles of martial arts.

Only in this way can the genius of mankind hope to climb higher and achieve higher achievements than those who came before.

And the most important thing is that now the enemy is now, only by raising the overall combat power of mankind, can we counterattack the other world and win this protracted war.

"Okay, I won't say more." Bai Yuanwu looked at the time and said, "You all go back first, and then wait until the end of this matter."

This matter is only temporarily come to an end, not really over.


Lu Heng and He Sicheng nodded in unison, then said goodbye and left.

Bai Yuanwu walked back to his residence, while Lu Heng and He Sicheng went directly to the cafeteria to eat.

After a busy day, the two of them only ate a bit of the dry food they brought with them, and they were already very hungry.

After a quick dinner, He Sicheng went home alone, and Lu Heng went straight to the school library.

Now that a lot of martial artist points are about to be harvested, Lu Heng is not worried about cultivation.

If it's a big deal, just replace it with energy stock Are you afraid of slow improvement?

Lu Heng's mind is now full of the exercise book he brought from the leader of the alien world.

He wanted to quickly find out what the exercises recorded here were, and whether they were exercises to enhance hearing.

There is also whether you can learn this kind of exercise by yourself.

school library.

Lu Heng showed his student ID card, and after entering the library, he quickly came to a computer and looked up the information on the collection of books on it.

Find out where the books you want to borrow are all located.

Although it was already night, there were still people in the library.

This year, there are strong enemies outside, materials are scarce, and everyone has no idea of ​​rest, especially these students who have been admitted to Wuhan University.

Therefore, the school library is open 24 hours a day. Even in the middle of the night, people looking for materials can still be seen.

Now this point just after dinner is just the beginning of the night life for many people.

'On the third and second floors. ’

Lu Heng quickly found the book he wanted to borrow.

After half an hour.

Lu Heng left the library with four books and rushed to his home.

As soon as I got home, there was a little surprise sound from the house.

Before leaving in the morning, Lu Heng left a note saying that he would go to the depths of the wilderness for at least two or three days, but when he came back that night, Lu Xiaoxiao was deeply surprised.

Of course, she was very happy about the result, after all, she didn't have to worry about Lu Heng's safety.

"Little, you do your homework first, brother has something to do."

Lu Heng touched Lu Xiaoxiao's head.

Lu Xiaoxiao agreed immediately and went back to his room to do his homework, while Lu Heng also went back to his room and began to study the exercises from another world.


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