My Talent Can Constantly Evolve

Chapter 185: mountain in distress

Lu Heng quickly lit the fire, and then put some more leaves that could create thick smoke.

Soon, a plume of smoke floated up.

'Such thick smoke, he must have seen it. ’

Lu Heng sat on the ground, thinking about the otherworldly exercises that he captured from the otherworlders.

At this time, if it is replaced by someone else, it may take time to temper the body.

But for Lu Heng, it's not worth the effort to spend on it, because the pitch-black cobblestone can help him refine his body tissues.

Therefore, he felt that it was better to save the time of tempering and study more otherworldly exercises or longevity exercises.

Achievement in these areas can give him an advantage over others.

'If I can fully understand the words of foreigners, this method should not be difficult for me to cultivate...'

After studying for a while, Lu Heng secretly sighed.

When it comes to learning otherworldly exercises, the biggest difficulty is still the language itself.

At present, the human side's research on the language of foreigners is still only at a relatively superficial level.

Simple communication can be basically done, but a little deeper is not enough.

But the problem is that the exercises of the outsiders are all written in esoteric language, not only involving a lot of professional terms and terms, but also the writing is too refined.

For example, the contents of other world exercises are all written in classical Chinese, and they cannot be understood without deep language skills.

‘At present, this otherworldly cultivation technique cannot be learned in a short period of time. ’

'Forget it, let's do this first, and then deal with other things first. ’

Lu Heng temporarily put the matter of otherworldly exercises behind him.

Right now, he still has a lot of things to deal with, such as the study of the pitch-black cobblestone, such as the improvement of talent, the cultivation of the longevity gong, and so on.

Don't talk about this, just talk about the most urgent thing in front of you. Did Dashan see the smoke here?

Lu Heng stood up from the ground, jumped onto the roof of a room, and looked around with binoculars.


Just as Lu Heng was concentrating on observing the situation around him, his wrist computer suddenly vibrated.

Lu Heng hurriedly put down the binoculars and took a look.

It turned out that a senior in the laboratory sent a message.

"Team leader, a major breakthrough has been made in research!"

After reading this message, Lu Heng hurriedly called the laboratory.

After some exchanges, Lu Heng learned that it was the team members who discovered a medicinal ingredient in the dark cobblestone.

Based on the results of their current study, the medicinal ingredient may have powerful effects on repairing damaged tissue in the body.

However, since they have just discovered it, they are not sure yet.

'It seems that the woman was able to survive until now with this active ingredient. ’

Lu Heng was very happy.

Because the research results appeared earlier than he expected.

Of course, another very important reason is that as long as this active ingredient can be purified, it will be no problem to save the woman's life.

Dashan would not have stopped the deal because of the loss of the woman.

‘By the way, why hasn’t Dashan come yet? It's been so long. ’

Lu Heng raised the telescope again and searched for the figure of the mountain.

It had been an hour and a half since he started the fire.

After such a long time, Dashan should come here even if he walks slowly.

You know, the place where you can see the smoke here is no more than ten kilometers away from here.

'What happened to him? ’

'Or, the woman couldn't hold it anymore and was already dead? ’

Lu Heng looked up and guessed.

From what I observed that day, Dashan is definitely a person who attaches great importance to feelings.

So if the woman dies, Dashan will most likely be disheartened and will no longer think about becoming stronger, thus suspending his deal with him.

Time passed quickly.

Another ten minutes passed quickly.

'This is not possible, or call the helicopter and search from the air. ’

Lu Heng couldn't wait any longer.

After all, it's not a thing to wait like this.

He knew in his heart that Dashan attached great importance to the woman's injury, so he must have been waiting for him to come over.

Based on this, Dashan will definitely rush over after seeing the delay here and ask himself if he has brought medicine.

Now that the mountain has not appeared for a long time, it can only explain the situation.

Without any hesitation, Lu Heng contacted the helicopter pilot and asked him to come pick him up.

Half an hour later, Lu Heng got into the helicopter again, holding a telescope next to the helicopter door to search for the mountains.

After searching for a while, he suddenly saw a thin wisp of smoke in the north-west direction.

"go there!"

Lu Heng said to the helicopter pilot.

The helicopter swerved quickly, heading straight for the fine plume of smoke.

Everything went smoothly on the way, and Lu Heng successfully reached the position where the smoke came out.

This is a cave, and the smoke is coming out of the cave.

After observing for a while in the air, Lu Heng quickly lowered to the ground and walked towards the cave.

At first he wasn't sure if this was where Dashan was hiding, but after seeing the middle-aged woman lying in the cave, he finally no longer had any doubts.

"Wake up, wake up."

Lu Heng woke the woman up.

"It's you…"

The woman opened her eyes and said weakly.

"Where did Dashan go?" Lu Henglian asked.

"Dashan..." The woman muttered vaguely, and then hesitantly said, "I don't know where he went, he should be looking for food."

"Looking for something to eat?"

Lu Heng frowned slightly.

With the strength of Dashan, it won't take much to find something to eat. If you don't come back now, you must be in big trouble.

"Okay, you continue to rest, I'll go look for him outside."

Lu Heng said to the woman.

However, at this time, the woman seemed to have come to her senses suddenly, and asked in a hurried tone, "Did something happen to Dashan?"

"It should be fine, don't worry." Lu Heng comforted.

The woman didn't ask any more questions after hearing this, but her face was still very bad, and her pale face was full of worry.

After Lu Heng glanced at her, he quickly retracted his gaze and left the cave.

At this time, the helicopter was still hovering in the air, so Lu Heng climbed up the helicopter along the rope ladder, and let the pilot drive the plane to hover nearby, slowly expanding the range.

Time quickly passed ten minutes.

But after such a search, nothing came up.

In the dense forest below, there is no trace of the mountain at all.

‘Dashan won’t encounter a level 5 monster and was bitten to death by a monster, right? ’

A bad premonition flashed in Lu Heng's heart.

With the strength of Dashan, you can definitely survive if you encounter a level 4 monster, but it's hard to say if you encounter a level 5 monster.

'Dashan's female companion is alone in that cave, with only three dogs to protect him, he will definitely not rest assured. ’

'So it is impossible for him to stay outside for a long time unless he encounters some serious danger. ’

'Looks like a lot of bad luck. ’

Lu Heng's heart was half cold.

If Dashan just died like this, the whereabouts of the jet-black cobblestone would never be known.

Lu Heng could be sure that the cave that Dashan took him to last time was definitely not the real source of the pitch-black cobblestone.

Because from the results of the current research, the jet black cobblestone is not a kind of stone, but a condensate of some kind of liquid.

And this natural liquid comes from a certain alien plant.

Therefore, it is necessary to find this otherworldly plant in order to find out the true origin of the pitch-black cobblestone.

Only in this way can the research continue, and only in this way can the jet black cobblestone be obtained stably.

"Continue to expand your search?"

At this time, the helicopter pilot asked Lu Hengdao.

"Well, look for it again."

Lu Heng replied decisively.

At this time, the idea in his mind was that he wanted to see people in life, and he wanted to see corpses in death.

In any case, the mountain must be found.

The helicopter continued to circle in the air, expanding the search area.

Lu Heng, on the other hand, was looking carefully with his binoculars.

At this moment, out of the corner of his eyes, he suddenly saw the shadow of another helicopter.


Lu Heng was puzzled, raised his binoculars and looked at the helicopter.

While watching, he asked the pilot, "Where is that helicopter?"

After a while, the pilot replied, "It's a plane from Jiangning City."

"Jiangning City?"

Lu Heng felt a little strange in his heart.

There are no worthy targets in this place, why are the helicopters from Jiangning City coming here?

Also, Dashan lives in the wilderness all year round, and knows where there are few people in the wilderness and where there are more people.

He chose to play here, which means that very few people from the base city will come here.

I met him here because I wanted to find a dangerous place to hunt monsters, so I chose this place.

If you are as stable as everyone else involved in the assessment, you can't travel long distances to venture here.

"Can you contact the pilot of that helicopter and ask him what he's doing here?"

Lu Heng said to the pilot.

"Okay, I'll give it a try." The pilot agreed, and then called the other party over the radio.

After a while, he said to Lu Heng, "He's here to pick up someone."

"Pick up someone?" Lu Heng groaned, and then ordered, "Let's follow."

The pilot immediately took command and steered the helicopter.

After flying forward for a while, Lu Heng saw the helicopter from Jiangning City start to descend and hover over a forest from a distance.

‘Is it? ’

With a flash of inspiration in his heart, Lu Heng hurriedly raised his binoculars and stared down at the helicopter.

The woods over there are very dense, but the location of the helicopter happens to be a glade.

Therefore, three figures could be vaguely seen.

The three were fighting.


Lu Heng exclaimed.

Sure enough, as he just suddenly thought, the mountain is there.

In an instant, many doubts flashed in his mind.

Why did Dashan fight with them?

Also, why did those people in Jiangning City come here when they had nothing to do?

Did they also know about the black cobblestone?

With this eagerness, Lu Heng urged: "Fly fast!"

The helicopter began to accelerate and quickly approached the hovering helicopter in the distance.

A minute later, the helicopter arrived at its destination.

Lu Heng hurriedly descended to the ground along the ropes and rushed towards the three people in the fierce battle at full speed.

bang bang bang —

Of the three who fought, two of them were wearing Qi Neng armor, and they were still the new model that was improved by Lu Heng.

Their footsteps were extremely heavy, and the muffled sound of their feet stepping on the ground continued to be heard during the battle.

Dashan, on the other hand, was shirtless, fighting against two heavily armed young men with his physical body.

At this time, Dashan was already injured, and there were several wounds on his upper body that were bleeding.

"Lu Heng!"

After Dashan saw Lu Heng clearly, he shouted out of breath.

Lu Heng looked at the two young men wearing Qi energy armor and said, "Stop!"

"What do you want?"

The two young men glanced at Lu Heng during the battle, and one of them asked aloud.

"You stop and talk about it!" Lu Heng repeated.

He couldn't figure out the situation when he first arrived, so he could only stop the fight and ask them carefully.

However, the two were obviously too lazy to pay attention to him, and they still tried their best to besiege the mountain.

Lu Heng raised his brows and said patiently, "He's not a bad person, stop and talk about any misunderstandings."

"Don't mind your own business, we're going to take this person back to the city."

One of the young men became impatient when he saw Lu Heng repeatedly discouraged him.

Hearing this, Lu Heng looked at the two of them, then at Dashan, and said in a deep voice, "I'm afraid I can't let you do this."

Dashan knew the source of the pitch-black round stone, so Lu Heng naturally couldn't let the two warriors from Jiangning City take him away.

Also, these two are not military warriors, they look like rich children who came out to practice. If they don't agree, they will take Dashan back, which is really too overbearing.

You know, free warriors do not have the right to enforce the law.

"Who are you?"

The two young men were very upset when Lu Heng made it clear that he wanted to stop them, and one of them asked in a deep voice.

"His friend!"

Lu Heng shouted violently, unsheathed his sword, and joined the battle group.

"Dongning, you come to deal with him, his strength is similar to ours, and he is definitely not your opponent without the Qi energy armor."

Of the two young men, the older looking man spoke to the other.

Qin Dongning replied, "Okay, Brother Fei, be careful."

Afterwards, UUkanshu Qin Dongning stepped forward to fight Lu Heng, while Gu Fei continued to fight Dashan.

Qin Dongning jumped to Lu Heng and raised the spear in his hand to stop Lu Heng from advancing.


Lu Heng raised the knife and easily blocked the opponent's gun.

At this time, his potential has been fully stimulated, and his combat power is comparable to that of a fourth-level warrior.

Therefore, Qin Dongning, a third-level warrior wearing Qi energy armor, could not stop him at all.

On the opposite side, Qin Dongning also realized something was wrong at this time.

Unexpectedly, Lu Heng looked like a third-level warrior, but his actual combat power was so powerful.

"Brother Fei, this guy may be level four."

Qin Dongning said to Gu Fei while changing his moves.

"Impossible, you increase the output power." Gu Fei quickly replied.

"it is good!"

Qin Dongning agreed.

But as soon as his words fell, Lu Heng came to him in a flash.


Hearing a crisp sound, Lu Heng took the knife and precisely clicked on a certain part of the Qi Neng armor.

In an instant, Qin Dongning felt that the upper body of the Qi Neng armor had lost power and could no longer move freely.

"Broken, my Qi energy armor is broken!"

Qin Dongning broke out in a cold sweat.

On the other side, Gu Fei glanced at him suspiciously when he heard this.

But before he could see it clearly, he found that Lu Heng's figure flashed rapidly and flexibly flashed to his side.


There was another crisp sound, and Gu Fei's Qi energy armor also had a problem.

Lu Heng didn't stop, and quickly came to Dashan's side to stop him from continuing to attack Gu Fei.

This fierce battle was finally forced to stop.

Suddenly, the atmosphere suddenly became very quiet, Qin Dongning and Gu Fei both stared at Lu Heng blankly.


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