After the grenade exploded, some of the scattered shrapnel hit Zeng Yizhou.

Most of these were blocked by his level 6 armor, but a few hit his bare skin.

Of course, Zeng Yizhou, as a fifth-level warrior and a genius who ranks high on the potential list, has already tempered all the body tissues in his body.

So the shrapnel didn't hurt him at all except for a little pain.

However, the sparks from the explosion of the gunpowder ignited the eyebrows of his left eye.

"Fuck, which bastard?"

Zeng Yizhou scolded secretly.

The flames on his eyebrows were quickly extinguished by him, but some had been burned, and he could clearly smell the burnt smell.

Efforts to calm down, Zeng Yizhou looked in the direction where the grenade was thrown.

That direction is not Lu Heng's direction, so it can be determined that it is not Lu Heng.

But he didn't know if the other party was Lu Heng's teammate.

'It shouldn't be Lu Heng's...'

Zeng Yizhou quickly analyzed in his heart.

He soon thought that the person who threw the grenade was most likely Lu Heng's enemy.

And the other party did this probably to make a noise, to lead Lu Heng here, and then to take the opportunity to escape.

'It should be like this, it can only be like this! ’

'It seems that I was discovered by that guy long ago, and I didn't even know the whole process. ’

Zeng Yizhou recalled what had just happened.

Thinking of Tang Zhiyuan's strange actions, and the sudden appearance of high-level warriors.

All this shows that someone is lurking in the dark to observe the movement in the valley, and they have been their observation object from the beginning.

'Since I've been exposed, I can't stay here any longer. ’

'But what now? Which direction should I go in? ’

Zeng Yizhou's thoughts turned and he thought quickly.

Before long, he had an idea in his mind.

He decided to run in the direction the grenade was thrown.

Because in contrast, Lu Heng has been very calm so far, which shows that Lu Heng must have something to rely on.

And the guy who threw the grenade wanted to transfer Lu Heng's target to himself, indicating that the other party was guilty.

That being the case, it is safest to run in his direction.

'You want me to be a scapegoat, so do I! ’

Zeng Yizhou decisively jumped off the tree and ran fast.

Of course he thought about running away in other directions, but in that case, Lu Heng might bring that eccentric person over to chase him.

That would be equivalent to cheap the guy who threw the grenade.

Zeng Yizhou didn't want to suffer this kind of secret loss, so he decided to move in the direction the grenade was thrown.

At that time, as long as he runs faster than the guy who threw the grenade, Lu Heng's attention will be attracted by that guy.

This way, you will be safe.

In the distance, the moment Lu Heng heard the sound of the explosion, he began to run towards the location of the explosion.

At this time, he had rushed forward more than 300 meters.

Dashan followed hard behind.

In this way, Lu Heng and Zeng Yizhou headed towards the place where Gu Tianzhi was hiding.

Seeing this scene, Gu Tianzhi was very annoyed.

While he was annoyed, he also felt somewhat regretful in his heart.

But there is no way, it is useless to think about these now, it is better to seize the time to escape.

Gu Tianzhi tried his best to run forward.

While running, contact Gu Tiancheng in the air, and ask him to help block Zeng Yizhou and Lu Heng if he is free.

Gu Tiancheng agreed immediately, and then looked at the trees on the ground.

However, as soon as he was distracted, Jin Xianhe took the opportunity to make a move, so he could only return to the defense in embarrassment.

Gu Tianzhi saw Gu Tiancheng's delay in taking action, and he already understood the reason in his heart.

'It's troublesome, they are stronger than me, and it's not good for any of them to catch up with me. ’

Gu Tianzhi felt a chill in his heart.

He never imagined that a good situation would turn into this.

This is definitely the most embarrassing time in his life.


Gu Tianzhi didn't dare to stop for a moment, walking through the grass and trees, making a sound of scratching from time to time.

While running wildly, his brain was also running fast, thinking about coping strategies.

After all, if you keep running like this, there is only one dead end.

In order to solve the dilemma, we must find a way.

"Roar, roar, roar—"

Suddenly, there was another strange beast roar in the valley.

The roar of the beast came from the left rear of Gu Tianzhi.

'Where did this sound come from? ’

Attracted by this voice, Gu Tianzhi couldn't help but think of the conversation he had just had with Gu Tiancheng.

Gu Tiancheng said that the sound was definitely not from a monster.

'Forget it, no matter where the sound came from, I just don't want to get close to it. ’

Gu Tianzhi changed his direction slightly, heading away from the roar of the beast.

"Roar, roar—"

The strange beast roar sounded again, and it became louder and louder.

Gu Tianzhi was so distraught that he couldn't calm down and think about strategies.

If he didn't do it again and again, he simply didn't think about anything, so he spread his legs and ran wildly forward.

Behind him, Zeng Yizhou was getting closer and closer to him.

Although Zeng Yizhou didn't have a night vision device, he couldn't see the environment under the night, but with the anger in his heart, he still slowly caught up with Gu Tianzhi.

'Dare to blow me up with a grenade and see if I won't kill you! ’

Zeng Yizhou gritted his teeth and ran.

He didn't think about killing the other party, but it's still okay to blow out.

The distance between the two sides is getting shorter and shorter.

And just when Zeng Yizhou came behind Gu Tianzhi and was about to take action, Gu Tianzhi suddenly said, "My eldest brother is a master, you can think clearly."


Zeng Yizhou was stunned.

He was a little confused, how could Lu Heng offend the master's family?

The guy in front is not lying to himself, right?

But on second thought, Lu Heng dared to chase after Liu Zongshi's daughter, so it's not surprising to offend Zongshi's family.

After all, most of Liu Shiyao's suitors came from high-level warriors and even grandmaster families.

Thinking of this, Zeng Yizhou retracted the idea of ​​beating Gu Tianzhi to vent his anger, and continued to speed up and run forward.

Soon he passed Gu Tianzhi and ran in front of Gu Tianzhi.

Gu Tianzhi breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that the words just now worked, this young man did not dare to go against the master family.

The only trouble now is Lu Heng.

With Liu Huaiyu's backing, Lu Heng was not afraid of him at all.

'How to do? How to do? ’

Gu Tianzhi's heart was completely chaotic.

He couldn't think of a way to deal with Lu Heng.

‘When did Gu Tianzhi suffer at the hands of this little brat? Unlucky this time! ’

Gu Tianzhi couldn't think of a way, so he kept yelling and scolding in his heart.

However, this kind of scolding is of no use, and the distance between Lu Heng and him is still shrinking.

After a while, Lu Heng also came behind him.

"Gu Tianzhi, as the grandmaster's younger brother, do you only play tricks and tricks?"

Lu Heng's voice appeared in Gu Tianzhi's ears.

Gu Tianzhi was silent and did not respond.

But suddenly, he waved his hand sharply, followed by a sudden flash of intense light.

Lu Heng was briefly blinded by the flash on the spot.

So is the mountain.

Dashan was forced to stop, while Lu Heng continued to chase after him.

'what happened? This guy is not afraid of flash bombs? ’

Gu Tianzhi was shocked.

He just threw a flash bomb unexpectedly, which absolutely blinded Lu Heng. As a result, Lu Heng continued to chase after him like a nobody.

Gu Tianzhi was completely stunned this time, and he couldn't think of any other tricks to use.

'This kid is definitely chasing me with a reckless energy, and his eyes must be blind. ’

After thinking about it for a while, Gu Tianzhi came back to his senses.

Lu Heng had absolutely no reaction time just now, and must have been hit by a flash bomb.

And the reason why he continued to chase after him could only be because of a rashness.

He asked Gu Fei to ask about it before. It is said that this guy Lu Heng has been much more reckless than ordinary students since he started to practice martial arts.

It is with a reckless energy that Lu Heng can advance by leaps and bounds in martial arts and achieve today's achievements.

'Hmph, just relying on recklessness can't do anything. ’

Gu Tianzhi chuckled in his heart.

Then he suddenly jumped forward, turned around in the air, and punched Lu Heng in the chest.

He decided to knock Lu Heng down while Lu Heng was blind. Only in this way could he completely get rid of the current predicament.


Gu Tianzhi was good at boxing, so his boxing speed was extremely fast.

In addition, Lu Heng has been rushing forward, and the relative speed is faster, which greatly increases the power of this punch.

But when Gu Tianzhi thought that Lu Heng would be injured by this punch, he found that Lu Heng suddenly stretched out his right hand and pinched his right fist.


Gu Tianzhi was shocked.

But before he could react, Lu Heng grabbed his right fist and yanked it hard.

Gu Tianzhi was dragged out of balance by this drag and directly hit the trunk of a big tree.


A muffled sound came, and countless leaves fell, and Gu Tianzhi also quickly slid down the trunk.

But before he could land, Lu Heng rushed to his side.

bang bang bang-

Lu Heng threw punches one after another, no matter whether it was three seven or twenty one, it was a fat beating to Gu Tianzhi.

He knew Gu Tianzhi's strength. If Gu Tianzhi was allowed to slow down, he would still have the strength to fight back.

So he had to be dealt with while he didn't recover.

far away.

After Zeng Yizhou rushed forward for a while, he heard the sound of fighting behind him.

This made him greatly relieved.

'It's safe. ’

However, Zeng Yizhou did not dare to stop and continued to run forward.

Because he knew that after Lu Heng resolved the battle, he would definitely bring someone to chase him.

What's more, once the two high-level warriors in the air decide the winner, no matter who wins, they will come to trouble him, after all, he is the third party who gets in the way.

‘Go back to the base city directly! ’

Zeng Yizhou made a decisive decision.

All the electronic equipment on his body was damaged, and he had decided to wait until dawn the next day before going back.

But now the situation is urgent and the plan has to be changed.


Zeng Yizhou paddled his left foot and changed direction towards Jiangnan City.

When he turned around, the sound of fighting in the air suddenly stopped, and the two high-level warriors seemed to be the winner.

'Why so fast? Here's to trouble! ’

Zeng Yizhou secretly said something was wrong.

If they decide the winner or loser, that will definitely come to trouble him, but he hasn't even run out of this valley yet.

'I really shouldn't have come this time, I didn't see anything, but made a mess. ’

Zeng Yizhou was not afraid that the other party would kill him, after all, he did nothing.

But as a genius who ranks high on the potential list, if this incident spreads out, his reputation will definitely be seriously damaged.

He didn't want to see that happen.

'Um? ’

Suddenly, Zeng Yizhou found that he had stepped on a piece of soft soil, and the soil sank as soon as he stepped on it.

He hurriedly shot the long spear forward in his hand and used his strength to dodge to the side.

And just as his feet were off the ground, the ropes tightened quickly where he was standing.

After Zeng Yizhou regained his footing on the ground, he exclaimed that he was in danger.

Almost got hit.

Of course, as a fifth-level martial artist close to sixth-level, even if he is hit by an organ, his life is unlikely to be in danger.

But if you are hit by an agency, the action will definitely be delayed.

‘Who the **** set up the mechanism here? ’

With doubts, Zeng Yizhou resumed the road without stopping, heading towards Jiangnan City.

After a while, he finally came to the foot of a mountain.

Just climb the mountain and you can leave the valley.

Along the way, Zeng Yizhou didn't dare to waste any time.

But before he took a few steps up the mountain, he suddenly realized that something was wrong.

There was a small collapse in front of where he was, and there seemed to be an entrance on the **** exposed after the collapse.

'This is? ’

Zeng Yizhou frowned slightly.

At this moment, he suddenly remembered the words he had just overheard from Lu Heng.

'Outsiders, hiding places, organs...'

'By the way, didn't I almost get hit by an organ just now? ’

Zeng Yizhou looked happy.

'It seems that the organ was set up by people from another world. So, this entrance may be a hiding place for people from other worlds? ’

In an instant Zeng Yizhou connected the three nouns and made up a lot of things in his brain.

‘Yes, under normal circumstances, who would set up organs here, it could only be an outsider. ’

bang bang bang-

At this time, the sound of fighting was heard again in the air in the distance.

Zeng Yizhou turned his head to look in that direction.

'Their battle is not over yet, in this case, I simply go inside to find out the situation. ’

Without hesitation, Zeng Yizhou resolutely retracted his gaze, and then ran quickly towards the entrance exposed after the collapse.


At the same time, Lu Heng and Gu Tianzhi clashed.

Gu Tiancheng saw that his second brother was violently beaten by Lu Heng just now, so he rushed down to deal with Lu Heng in a hurry.

And Jin Xianhe followed closely behind him.

After the two came to the ground at the same time, Gu Tiancheng stepped forward to grab Lu Heng, while Jin Xianhe took the opportunity to grab Gu Tianzhi, and the two sides were confronted.

That's why the fighting sound suddenly disappeared.

Not because the winner was decided, but because both sides held hostages and had to stop fighting.

After some negotiations, the two sides decided to exchange hostages.

But in the process of replacing the hostages, the conflict resumed and the fighting broke out again.

Jin Xianhe and Gu Tiancheng hit the ground all the way into the air, while Lu Heng knocked Gu Tianzhi unconscious to the ground.

After seeing Gu Tianzhi who fainted, Lu Heng looked up into the distance.

During the chase just now, he could see clearly that another person crossed Gu Tianzhi and ran forward.

Now I just don't know who that person is.

Lu Heng always felt that the person was a bit familiar, but he couldn't confirm the identity of the other party before he saw the other party's face.

'Would you like to catch up and have a look? ’

Lu Heng was confused.


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