After Bai Yuanwu led Lu Heng and Jin Xianhe into the hall, he saw Zeng Yizhou at a glance.

"Zeng Yizhou, come here."

Bai Yuanwu shouted.

Zeng Yizhou had to walk quickly to Bai Yuanwu and shouted, "Teacher Bai."

He is a college student of Jiangnan Wushu, and Bai Yuanwu is a teacher of Jiangnan Wuda, so he must have the proper etiquette.

"Who did you give the things to?" Bai Yuanwu didn't talk nonsense with him, and went straight to the topic.

"Director Yu of the third division." Zeng Yizhou said truthfully.

"Let's go and find him together."

Bai Yuanwu strode forward.

Zeng Yizhou had no choice but to keep up with him.

However, he was not particularly worried in his heart, after all, the things had already been handed in, and the things were indeed brought back by himself.

The raw rice has already been cooked, so the people from the Wilderness Administration can't go back on their word, right?

The group walked fast, and soon came to the third door.

There are seven branches of wilderness management within the Wilderness Service, with the first, second, and third divisions dealing with various things found in the wilderness.

Bai Yuanwu led the people into the door, and several staff members inside immediately raised their heads to look at them.

Director Yu, the person in charge of the third division, also looked at Bai Yuanwu and Zeng Yizhou suspiciously.

He recognized Bai Yuanwu and knew that Bai Yuanwu was a senior teacher at Jiangnan Wuda University.

In the last battle at the outpost, he also fought side by side with Bai Yuanwu, and was shocked by Bai Yuanwu's bravery.

As for Zeng Yizhou, he had just met, and naturally he would not forget it.

"Teacher Bai, come, come and sit inside."

Director Yu greeted him with a smile, and then arranged for someone to bring tea and water.

Afterwards, he led Bai Yuanwu into the small reception room inside.

This reception room is not only used for reception, some more valuable things will also be taken here for appraisal.

After everyone took their seats, Director Yu personally closed the door and asked, "Teacher Bai, what happened?"

Judging from Bai Yuanwu's appearance, it seemed that something had happened, so Director Yu was not polite and went straight to the topic.

He's busy with work today and doesn't have much time to waste.

"Director Yu, where are those otherworld books brought by Zeng Yizhou, as well as the black stones of unknown origin?"

Bai Yuanwu asked.

When Director Yu heard it, he looked at Zeng Yizhou curiously, and then said, "I have already handed it in. Those things are very valuable, and I dare not neglect them."

"Have you handed it in?"

Bai Yuanwu frowned slightly.

After thinking about it, he said again: "There is a problem here. Those things were discovered by my students. Zeng Yizhou just picked up a leak."

"Ah? This... how could it be?"

Director Yu couldn't figure out the relationship, and looked at Zeng Yizhou with a puzzled face.

Zeng Yizhou hurriedly said, "Director Yu, I was the first to discover those things, I..."

Zeng Yizhou wanted to say that there was a video as evidence, but then he thought that all his electronic equipment was destroyed at that time, so there was no evidence.

Now I can only speak with one mouth.

But after thinking of this, Zeng Yizhou realized that the current situation should be beneficial to him, because Lu Heng's electronic equipment was also destroyed.

In the case that no one can produce strong evidence, it is natural that whoever brings back the things first counts.

Unless Bai Yuanwu and Lu Heng were acting unreasonably.

But Bai Yuanwu, as a dignified martial arts instructor, should not do this.

"In short, I brought the things back first, which can already explain the problem." Zeng Yizhou said after a pause.

When Director Yu heard the words, he slowly turned his head and said to Bai Yuanwu, "Bai Jiaoxi, do you have any evidence here?"

When encountering such disputes, the evidence must prevail, and whoever advocates should give evidence.

Now Bai Yuanwu proposes that his students discovered these things, and Zeng Yizhou just picked it up, so naturally he has to submit evidence.

As soon as Director Yu finished speaking, Jin Xianhe next to Bai Yuanwu took the lead and said, "I have a piece of evidence provided by the Air Force here."

"After Lu Heng left the base city yesterday, Zeng Yizhou first went to the air force base to inquire about Lu Heng's whereabouts, and then went to the valley with Lu Heng."

"By the way, Lu Heng went to that valley to find traces of people from other worlds."

Hearing this, Director Yu hurriedly asked, "Are there any witnesses?"

The attribution of those things is related to the distribution of martial artist points. It must be clarified, and there can be no mistakes.

"Of course there is. I'll call the Air Force's number now and ask him to talk to you."

Jin Xianhe made a call and turned on the speakerphone.

Soon, the call was connected.

Jin Xianhe first talked about the matter in general, and then asked Director Yu to have a direct conversation with the other party.

After Director Yu asked the other party a few questions, he nodded to signal Jin Xianhe to hang up.

Then, Director Yu turned to look at Zeng Yizhou and asked, "Zeng Yizhou, do you have anything to refute?"

"No." Zeng Yizhou shook his head.

This was an iron-clad fact, and he naturally couldn't refute it.

When he inquired about Lu Heng's whereabouts at that time, he did not expect that this trip would really be fruitful, and naturally he didn't care so much.

Thinking about making up for it is impossible.

"That's good, that is to say, you had the motive to follow Lu Heng from the very beginning?" Director Yu said while looking at Zeng Yizhou.

Zeng Yizhou hesitated for a moment, then nodded slowly.

If this matter is further investigated and found to Zhou Hong, there will only be more evidence.

Rather than admit it awkwardly then, it is better to admit it now.

Seeing Zeng Yizhou's admission, Director Yu said, "Young man, what you are doing is not authentic. You are already so strong at such a young age, why do you use such a crooked mind?"

Zeng Yizhou was silent.

Director Yu shook his head and looked at Bai Yuanwu again: "Bai Jiaoxi, do you have any other evidence here?"


This time, Jin was the first to speak.

Director Yu and Bai Yuanwu turned their attention to him.

Jin Xianhe raised his wrist computer and said, I have a video here, you can watch it.

Having said that, he quickly dragged the video time to the moment of the battle last night.

This video was taken from the air. In the video, Zeng Yizhou and Lu Heng were running wildly in the mountains and forests one after the other, and they could be vaguely seen.

Afterwards, Lu Heng stopped for unknown reasons and did not appear in the camera again, while Zeng Yizhou reappeared several times from time to time, running all the way towards the base city.

Director Yu and Bai Yuanwu watched the video carefully, and Zeng Yizhou took a few glances from the side.

He was suddenly a little annoyed in his heart. He didn't expect that Jin Xianhe's electronic equipment was not damaged, and he even took pictures of the process at that time.

Of course, what he didn't know was that Jin Xianhe reappeared after Gu Tianzhi came out. No one knew about Jin Xianhe's existence before that.

The video finishes playing quickly.

Director Yu thought for a while and said, "I can't tell who discovered those things first in this video. In this case... the reward points can only be divided proportionally."

Although Jin Xianhe provided two pieces of evidence, neither of these two pieces of evidence could prove that Lu Hengxian discovered those otherworld books.

Therefore, according to the regulations, the reward points can only be divided according to the proportion.

"Director Yu, look at how to divide according to the regulations." Bai Yuanwu said.

Director Yu frowned slightly, and after thinking for a while, he said to Zeng Yizhou: "Zeng Yizhou, you have done this inappropriately from the very beginning, so this time the reward points can only give you 10%."

Zeng Yizhou moved his lips when he heard the words, trying to defend himself, but in the end he didn't say anything.

Because he takes into account that he is a genius at the top of the potential list, if the news of his stalking Lu Heng spreads, he will definitely be ridiculed.

So just be patient.

Of course, he was not reconciled at all, he just felt that Lu Heng stole his credit.

Seeing that Zeng Yizhou didn't speak, Director Yu looked at Bai Yuanwu again and said, "Teacher Bai, your students will be rewarded with 90% points, do you have any opinion?"

"It's okay, that's it."

Bai Yuanwu nodded slightly.

No more evidence can be produced now, it can only be this.

If you continue to persevere, Director Yu will not be easy to deal with, after all, Zeng Yizhou really brought the things back.

"Director Yu, how many warrior points are awarded this time?" Bai Yuanwu asked.

"I don't know yet, but according to the value of those things, there should be 10,000 points." Director Yu said uncertainly.

This is different from the last time Lu Heng brought back those language research manuscripts.

That time, Lu Heng not only brought back the manuscripts, but also studied those manuscripts and obtained a lot of research results.

Therefore, 60,000 warrior points were awarded.

But this time it's just bringing things back, nothing else.

"Okay, Director Yu, then we'll go first, you are busy in advance."

Bai Yuanwu got up and said goodbye.

Lu Heng and Jin Xianhe also got up with him.

"Walk slowly." Director Yu saw him off.

Afterwards, the three Bai Yuanwu quickly left the reception room.

Zeng Yizhou gritted his teeth lightly, glanced at Director Yu, and walked outside quickly.

'Lu Heng, you grab points from me over and over again, this is not over! ’

Zeng Yizhou was very unwilling.

Meanwhile, outside the Wilderness Administration.

Bai Yuanwu's special car.

As soon as he got into the car, Bai Yuanwu hurriedly asked the driver to drive to the city hall.

After the car started, Jin Xianhe said, "I got most of the points back, but those otherworldly books and medicinal herbs have already been handed in. The city leaders will definitely organize other groups to conduct research, and then..."

"It's alright, Senior Jin, our group researched early, and we will definitely be able to produce results faster than others."

Lu Heng interjected.

At this point, the only solution is to work harder.

Lu Heng has enough confidence in this regard.

Of course, the premise is that you quickly get the copies of those manuscripts, otherwise you are really not sure.

At this time, Bai Yuanwu said, "Lu Heng, are those manuscripts important?"

"Well, very important!"

Lu Heng nodded and said, "The black medicinal pill was refined by the outsider after improving the prescription himself. Those manuscripts should record the entire process of improving the prescription."

"With those manuscripts, my research can go a lot more smoothly."

Bai Yuanwu comforted: "Okay, don't worry, I'll go to the city leader in charge of this right now to get a copy of the manuscript."

Hearing this, Lu Heng understood why Bai Yuanwu hurriedly asked the driver to drive as soon as he got into the car.

It turned out that I had to personally go to the leader to ask for a copy.

My own master is really heartbroken for his own business.

Lu Heng thought in his heart, if it wasn't for the teacher's presence just now, Director Yu would never be so easy to talk about.

Director Yu divides the reward points into one to nine for the sake of his mentor being a senior instructor at Wuhan University.

If you came here alone, it would be good to get half of it back.

It is even possible that Director Yu didn't have time to pay attention to himself at all, and the matter could only be left to nothing.

After all, for Director Yu, things were brought back by Zeng Yizhou, and this cannot be changed.

So just give the points directly to Zeng Yizhou, why bother?

‘Hey, I don’t know when I will find a cure for my broken arm. ’

'If the teacher's broken arm can be cured, maybe he can still step into the master. ’

Lu Heng looked out the car window thoughtfully.

The car drove fast along the road and came to the gate of Jiangnan Wuda without knowing it.

"Lu Heng, you go back first and wait for my news."

Bai Yuanwu stopped the car and said to Lu Heng.


Lu Heng agreed, opened the door and got out of the car.

Then, the car started again and accelerated away.

Lu Heng kept watching it disappear from sight before turning around and walking towards the school gate.


this afternoon.

Lu Heng was about to go to the laboratory, when He Sicheng hurriedly came over.

As soon as he saw Lu Heng, he would shove a large stack of documents into Lu Heng's arms.

"I sent it to teacher asked me to send it, saying that you are in a hurry to use it."

Lu Heng flipped through it quickly and found that they were all copies of those manuscripts.

At this time, these copies still exude a faint scent of ink, which shows that they have just been copied.

Lu Heng guessed in his heart, maybe the teacher took it and copied it himself.

"Okay, I'll go to the lab first."

Lu Heng turned to leave.

He Sicheng hurriedly stopped him and said, "Wait, Lu Heng, I seem to have found a way for my longevity gong."

"Oh? Let's hear it." Lu Heng stopped.

He Sicheng quickly talked about the cultivation process and his insights in the past two days.

After listening to Lu Heng, he found that he had really touched a bit of the doorway.

If you continue like this, you will have a very high chance of cultivating longevity gong.

"Okay!" Lu Heng smiled and said, "If you have cultivated the longevity gong, then our tutor has two students who have cultivated the longevity gong!"

Once this is done, it will undoubtedly bring a lot of fame to Bai Yuanwu.

After all, it could be said that it was a coincidence that a student cultivated Longsheng Gong. In fact, Lu Heng did say so to Bai Yuanwu.

But if there are two students who practice Longsheng Gong, then outsiders will definitely think that Bai Yuanwu's guidance is good.

"Really?" He Sicheng said in surprise.

"The chance of success is very high." Lu Heng nodded, and then hurriedly added: "But don't rush for quick success, and continue to follow the original rhythm, do you hear?"

"Don't worry, I said that I will listen to you and I will never mess with you!"

He Sicheng patted his chest and said.

"Okay, then I'll go to the laboratory first, you continue to practice hard."

Lu Heng exhorted and walked in the direction of Jiangnan University of Science and Technology.


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