Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

Both men and women were speechless, except that there was more terror in Wanshen Township.

Jianchen's complexion looks like water, and the astrological Taoist's complexion changes suddenly.

"The three major sects, you are all the third-grade sects. It is a big sin to turn to the gods and deities. I will let the outside world know when I wait out. Your three sects will not survive at all."

Xuan Vaginal smiled and said: "Succumb? We are not succumbing to the gods and demons, but are developed by the gods and demons."

"Under the **** and demon religion, there is a hundred ancestral halls. The so-called hundred ancestral halls are composed of hundreds of ancestors. They are scattered out and established ancestors. "

"As for the destruction of us, everyone in the Kingdom of Gods, I'm afraid you haven't seen the situation today. Whoever destroys it may not necessarily be."

The Cliff Daoist laughed eccentrically: "Two of us, speaking of our three great sects, we have fought a war. I didn't expect to be everyone. Now we can recognize each other, and it is a peace."

"Still solve these people in the Wanshen Township as soon as possible, so as not to be run away by them." Baimian Taoren chuckled, and had replaced a voluptuous woman's face.

"God demon master, can you single out?" Jian Chen took a deep breath and looked at Chu Yi.

He knew that it was difficult for him and others to escape, and only this way could be taken.

"As the **** and demon leader, it is comparable to the Son of God, shouldn't you dare even one to one."

The wolf provoked.

The people of the three major schools looked at each other, but they did not shoot.

Several avatars that communicated with the gods were also thinking about each other.

They did not belong to the three major schools of the gods and deities in the ancient times, but they were developed later, so I would like to see Chu Yi's true strength.

Chu Yi smiled and said: "You treat me with courtesy, I will naturally meet your requirements."

"As for heads-up, this bishop has not been afraid of anyone."

"In order not to trouble, you two go together."

Jianchen and the blue wolf looked at each other, and they were both slightly angry. They were fighting alone, not Chu Yi’s opponents, but once the two geniuses joined forces, how terrifying that power was, and they were all from the Pantheon and the Five Great Townships. The mental methods can make up and promote each other, just like the sun and moon shadow holy bodies of Chu Yi and the fat man.

Chu Yi glanced and said, "Forget it, let's go with three people together, and with the astral Taoist, I'm afraid that I won't fight enough."

"Godmaster..." The hundred-faced Daoist wanted to stop. After all, the three joined forces, fearing that all the people on the overall list would have to flee, especially the astral Daoist, whose deity is at the peak of Tongshen, but one. The strong one waited for tens of thousands of years, and then it took shape, and it was absolutely invincible in the infant period.

Xuan Vaginal shook his head: "No need to stop, this is our leader, when there is an invincible posture, those peerless evildoers have had such a record, if the leader does not, how to deter the entire deity."

"You and I all know that the God Demon Sect, the fourth faction developed just behind, is shocking enough. With the power of the previous three factions, after a complete recovery, I am afraid to shock the world."

"The leader can only be stronger, no, only become the strongest in order to serve the crowd."

"The strength of our faction is mainly concentrated in Baizongtang. As long as the leader can get our support, his position in the gods and demon religions will be stronger."

"He is strong, naturally the best, he is weak, it is better to quit now, so as not to attract greater scourge."

Everyone nodded.

Wang Ying glanced and was equally shocked.

"It seems that there is really a big attempt, but with the talent of Yan Luoxianzun, to be a leader and suppress the Quartet, it should be no problem."

However, when thinking of Chu Yi being the king of sin, Wang Ying felt sorrowful for the gods and demons.

"Three people together?" The astrological Taoist heard the words, and his eyebrows gradually cooled down, "The **** demon leader seeks death, let's complete it."

"Church Master Chu, we've been bullying too much." His robe, automatic without wind.

Chu Yi shook his head and smiled easily: "This is fair, after all, in my identity, it is a big bully."

The wolf's fighting intentions were aloof: "God demon master, you are too arrogant, even if it is the Son of God, we dare not let the three of us join forces."

"Then this year's God Son is so weak." Chu Yi sneered.

The pupil of the blue wolf shrank, and the chain on his body rattled, like a long dragon swept away. The blood above was holy blood, and the horrible coercion was blooming. That was the blood of the holy beast. The weapon next to the holy weapon.

The divine pattern on Jianchen's forehead melted like a candle, slowly dripping into the void, and within a second, a huge stone pillar was formed.

On the stone pillar, there are various swords, surrounded by thousands of long swords, and then at a certain moment, the stone pillar rotates, and the sword is like a hurricane.

Xingxiang Taoist shot, even more spared, he opened his mouth and spit out a hanging canvas, a little bit of stars on it, like a galaxy, encircling the heavens, wrapped in sword Chen and the attack of the blue wolf, down the trend.

The three major attacks complement each other, and the power of the roar is soaring.

"I'm in the Gods Township, and it's really powerful. This blow can be used against the gods!"

Everyone showed a happy face, as long as the **** demon leader was killed, they had the hope of survival.

"Brother Chu, it's not easy to deal with, or we two will join forces to kill them, they are three repairs, we double repairs, it's not unfair." Fatty said solemnly.

But I saw that Chu Yi had drawn his sword.

In an instant, the whole sky dimmed.

Wang Ying's pupils shook, and the Xuan-vaginal people seemed to see the streamer under the night.

It was half dark.

Everyone raised their heads in horror, and the whole sky was like a huge yin and yang array.

Chu Yi is the force that spurred the market.

Everyone seemed to see a sword river and turned along the array. Each sword formed a "hexagram", extending everything, like when the flower was blooming, and paved towards the surroundings.

Jianhe defeated three attacks, bursting into endless fireworks, and shimmering.


Everyone was unconsciously intoxicated.

"Oops, wake up soon!" Astrology Taoist reacted first, but it was too late, Jianguang flew over his body.

With a bang, his chest exploded, his head collapsed, and the blood was chopped into powder.

Jianchen's eyes were terrified, but he was too late to avoid them.

Silently, everything is wiped out, not only these three people, but also all disciples of Pantheon.

The most beautiful time is the time of destruction.

The fat man was so shocked that he couldn't close his mouth at all, his finger pointed at Chu Yi.

"you you you……"

Wang Ying looked complex, and looked back at that figure: "He had been suppressing his own strength before. Now, when he reaches the heavens, he can finally let go. At that time, Yan Luo Xianzun was already terrified, crushing the fairy world, and now he has arrived. To what extent, in this life of mine, I’m afraid I can’t keep up with him."

He wants to create brilliant Kendo again!

"I'm afraid this guy, in these heavens, is about to reveal his identity. Nowadays, the highly accomplished Kendo, once seen by the outside fairy, will definitely have doubts."

What's more, Chu Yi used many of the sword moves of Yan Luoxianzun.

However, with his understanding of this life, these sword moves are more terrifying than the previous life.

The sword of the sky slowly dissipated, and the people of the three major sects only felt a little bit reluctant, and when they came back to God, each body was chilled.

Several big men took a deep breath, and their eyes were full of shock, and when they looked at each other, they were all horrified.

Three people?

No, even if the people on the opposite side are all up, they are not opponents of the present leader.

"This sword is so beautiful. It is a combination of Tai Chi and Kendo. I have seen a similar trick in a volume of sword spectrum. The master of the sword trick is Yan Luo Xianzun."

"The leader, maybe it can be comparable to the former Yan Luo Xianzun, the king of sin land, and the sword half-xian. In my opinion, the sword of the leader is the first in the world. I am afraid that many swordsmen's swordsmanship is not as good as the leader. "

"Unparalleled in the world!"

The Cliff Dao Ren looked directly at Chu Yi, "The leader has such strength, don't worry at all. Once you enter the Immortal Venerable, the overall situation of the **** and demon religion will be fixed in the future, even if there are three young masters, it is difficult to turn over."

Chu Yi put away the long sword, and the sword was still around him, and the wind blew over, and they were all cool swords.

Everyone saw that Chu Yi looked over and quickly bowed his hands. The disciples of the three major schools were all fanatical and full of worship.

This force is enough to deter everyone.

"The leader is mighty!"

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