My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1017: Kill the leader

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

The gods and gods were born, and the ancient and modern times, this force from the early days of Taikoo, will finally show its edge.

The atmosphere was depressed, and countless people looked at the fairy deity, who was horrified.

"You don't need to look at me, at this moment, you should look at the Zhutian monument."

Pang Guxianzun smiled, only a pair of eyes, but no smile at all.

The abbot converged, like an ordinary elder: "Since this is the case, then according to the usual practice, it will be hosted by our Xitian Temple."

Everyone agreed.

Many monks can’t wait to take a look at the heavens and the peerless evils.

The abbot stepped into the air and came to the stele of the heavens, pointing at the past.

In an instant, the steles of the heavens were shining brilliantly, and a stream of light rose continuously, shining on each name.

San gallo.

Son of God... Buddha...

One hundred and eight pictures appeared constantly, and filled the sky.

Only those who are listed in the general list of the heavens are eligible to be seen.

This is a glory, unless it is deliberately shielded by itself.

From this moment on, the Heavenly Monument, once a strong man is defeated, will be replaced immediately.

The higher the ranking, the better the luck in the final place.

Ye Tian also looked in the past, Shen Nian's doppelganger was not counted in the ranking of Zhutian Monument, so he could only see other people.

Many creatures appeared on an altar, and the altar, across the sky and the steps, continued to extend to all directions.

The steps are mottled, and there is even ancient blood, exuding the vicissitudes of life.

"This is the heavens?" Many creatures saw their eyes wide for the first time.

Countless steps, countless corridors, layer by layer spread out.

In the picture, those Tianjiao people seemed to feel something and looked over.

"Well? The identity of the Divine Son and the Buddha Son is back, and it seems to have been completed." Ling Jue Xian Zun said with a satisfied smile.

The abbot said to himself: "There can be long biomass."

There is no verbal communication between the two sides, but it can still be seen through the mouth.

God Son looked over, shook his head, and said a few words.

At the next moment, countless people fell silent. The whole planet clearly had tens of thousands of Tongxianzun, but at this moment, no one spoke.

Because the Son of God is revealing information, there is no growth biomass here, only death matter.

"How can this be!"

"There is a kind of death substance, harvest life, in the end, the Immortal Venerable for thousands of years, even the Supreme can only live for ten thousand years?"

It’s an abbot, and he can’t help but be surprised.

Mokun rolled and turned into a real body, falling in front of the leaderboard.


He was calling, and the demon sensed, and said the same fact.

"Son of Nine Nether!"

Nine Nether is horrified, and the news available is generally the same as that of several others.

Whether decent or villainous, all are silent at this moment.

There is no long biomass, there is dead material inside, once escaped from the heavens, I am afraid that the entire fairy world will suffer.

It will be the darkest age, the Supreme falls, the Immortal Venerable is difficult to appear, the highest, I am afraid that there is only the psychic, and the number is very small.

After all, how many people can achieve Immortal Venerable within a thousand years?

"It's in trouble!"

"Inform Supreme Master immediately!"

Although the immortals were shocked, they immediately reacted.

A moment later, when the news came, the abbot opened his eyes.

"You don't have to panic, the Supreme Speaks, there should be a method of containment in the final place, and even if it is not found, with the strength of our fairy world, we can ensure that the heavens are not broken."

"Since it is material, there must be a way to be restrained. The heavens are closed for too long, but our immortal world is different from ten million years ago."

The abbot made a remark and made everyone feel at ease.

"Now, let's focus on the heavens."

"A total of 108 people in the list, who can win the chance!"

The voice of Ling Ju Dao Ren spread lightly.

Because, coming out from here, and ranking in the overall list, there is a high probability that he will be able to achieve supremacy in the future.

The human wise man and the human demon wise man dangled from the mouth of the ancient crocodile and stood beside Pang Gu Xianzun.

"Sure enough, there has been a change, but this era is inherently uncertain. In ancient books, it has also been recorded that there will be a huge change." The man, the demon, and the wise man smiled, and then looked at the heavenly steles.

"One hundred and eight screens, the leader... well? The leader stayed with the king of sin?"

The **** demon was the popular candidate this time, but it was not included in the overall list, but everyone was shocked to find that he and the king of sin land went together.

"..." The human demon wit shuddered and jumped anxiously.

"How can this troublesome guy walk with sinful people? Doesn't the outside world think we are with sinful people?"

"Interesting." Pang Guxianzun smiled.

"Is this the leader?"

Soon, everyone communicated across the air and learned a lot of news, such as the defeat of the Son of God and the Buddha.

It's just that Xitian Temple and Pantheon Town have no displeasure.


In the final place, Chu Yi took the pig bajie and stood at the altar.

In order to prevent exposure from now, he had to act with the avatars, otherwise everyone would investigate the king of sin, and the heavenly steles would be reflected directly on himself.

He ignored the outside world, but looked around.

Fatty and Niuniu fart ran far away, Wang Ying has nowhere to go.

"I heard that this altar has continued to grow and there are thousands of passages. Each passage will lead to a place in the heavens. There are treasures hidden in it. Of course, there are many risks."

"However, with the strength of the three of us, we are invincible."

The fat man also knows that the outside world should be able to see the inside at this time, so he paid attention to it.


Suddenly, the entire altar shook, and every step radiated supreme light.

"what happened?"

"Look at the top!"

Chu Yi raised his head and saw that the void was broken one by one, and there were ten figures appearing, exuding a terrifying breath.

"It's a fairy, and there is not much life. Ten of them want to join forces and rush into the final place!"

The energy of the altar is surging and blooming like fireworks. In a flash, ten figures were engulfed, leaving only infinite black holes.

Everyone sighed.

In the end, no matter how terrifying it is, it has its own rules. People from outside will enter into destruction more than psychic entry, and it will be destroyed, even if it is impossible for the Supreme.

If these ten people, it is not that the lifespan will be exhausted, and it will not be fatal.


Chu Yi shook his head.


At this moment, there was a noise in the distance, and Wang Ying fled wildly, only because a demon mirror shot him.

"Brother Chu, you and I are destined to meet again."

"You said that I am not the king of sin, why do these people keep holding me up." He looked at Chu Yi's avatar again.

Chu Yi was speechless.

"You can rest assured that I have calculated that today I will still not suffer from bloodshed."

The fat man heard the words and flew a foot, kicking on the head to win.


But in the blink of an eye, the back caught up with a group of people, frowning closely at Chu Yi and the King of Sin.

"The **** and demon master, we meet again." Luo suddenly smiled, "It seems that the **** and demon religion, and the land of sin, are inseparable. At this moment, the outside world should see something."

"So what?" Chu Yi glanced.

"No, it's just my brother, who is very interested in the two and wants to see them."

The group of people split up, and from the rear, a young man raised his sword.

Outside, it is difficult to calm, and many great powers have set their sights on this.

The **** son Buddha and others have long disappeared, and the objects with shields on their bodies have gone to retreat, and they must first enter the god.

Chu Yi's side was about to start.

"My gods and demon religions, when there is a relationship with sin land, this is simply a big misunderstanding." The human sage slammed the cane.

"It seems that our leader, we do not want to make our gods and demons better."

In the rear, Heavenly Sky Immortal Venerable and Yuyu Immortal Venerable appeared.

"However, no matter what, the leader may not be beheaded by others, and he will die in his own hands."

The human, demon, and wise man is sweating, and the human, deity, and wise man is not much better.

Since the revival of the Supreme and Immortal Venerables, the status of the wise men has also declined.

His voice just fell, and there were several figures in the picture.

It is the three young masters of the gods and deities.

"Amitabha, kill the leader, **** demon, really cult." The abbot murmured.

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