My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1032: Fu Shen and Tian Tian

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

The handwriting on the stone wall flashes indefinitely, constantly changing, and the speed is very fast, because this is an extraordinary skill, just the first seal, contains a lot of information, this light is the inheritance of words, enough to let a Tao The state of the government collapsed.

Even the strong infants in the infant period cannot keep up with this rhythm if their talents are not enough.

Although the devil needs Chu Yi to rescue him, he also has arrogance. Only peerless evildoers are worthy of his skills.


Chu Yi's heart roared like a big drum, and countless thunders murmured.

The sound of the gods and demons in his body seemed to be affected, constantly boiling, and finally more and more of the glow of light circulated.

"Fu Shenlu, actually evoked the voice of my devil."

Chu Yi's eyes were shocked. It seems that this was not created by the Demon King. It should really be a descendant of the God and Devil Ancestor. The exercises bred in the body are not only Yuyuan scripts, but degraded to Xianwen.

At this time, Chu Yi, the left arm is the **** pattern, and the right arm is the magic pattern, just like the two giant gods and the devil's door god, guarding him.

The devil looked at all this in shock. His Fu Shenlu naturally surrendered to the Protoss, but he didn't expect it to be placed in the hands of the other party and made more changes.

Originally, he only wanted to teach one form, but when he saw Chu Yi, he felt itchy.

"When he succeeds in cultivation, I will devour his soul. At the end, I will have the voice of the gods and devils. Gee, is it really so good to take things that are the devil's king."

"In his body, there are the Eight Commandment Marks that make the Supreme crazy!"

"Look, this is the second seal!"


On the stone wall, the endless handwriting circulates continuously, becoming more and more crazy, like a black gust of wind has blown, and the thunder flashes inside, like a ghost.


"Sure enough, the devil, began to greedy my voice of the devil, really thought I was a child."

Chu Yi sneered in his heart, but the surface was sincere and fearful, bowing deeply to the devil.

"Magic King, this is your unique learning. I don't need to teach so much. I only need one."

"How can that be!" The devil quickly shook his head. "The king looks at you with sincerity and has a relationship with the king. In this way, naturally you must teach you wholeheartedly, not to mention, you can rescue the king after you are strong."

"Boy, you only have to learn, if the speed is too fast, then the king will slow down." The demon persuaded, seeming to be afraid that Chu Yi would not learn.

"The devil, you mean guy!" Taikoo Kanlong scolded. It originally wanted to teach the first layer of Zhu Bajie. As a result, the devil had to do so, and he had to teach the second layer.

Taikoo Kanlong was bleeding.

"Swallowing Tiangong, that's the true Taiko Kung Fu, but it was born out of Heaven, why should I give it to this pig?"

It is extremely unwilling.

"Forget it, when I get out of trouble, I swallow it directly."

Pig Bajie glows all over the body, it sits in the void, the body is filled with dragon spirit.

The dragon is terrifying in flesh and has immense power, but the world is not invincible.

There are also many ancient and chaotic creatures that are more powerful than dragons.

And the first layer of this gate to swallow the power of the heavens is that the dragon gas enters the body. One can imagine how terrifying it will be next.

It is no wonder that Taikoo Kanlong is not willing to take it out.

"Second seal, so hard!"

Chu Yi frowned. He didn't learn it immediately. This was impossible for Immortal Venerable. At this time, he only had to memorize these immortal symbols in his body, and then learn to operate the Fa.

Waiting for real proficiency requires constant understanding in the future.

His eyes were already showing black flames, like thunder, terrifying, and the whole person was possessed by a great demon.

This is not a fushenlu, but a change in the voice of gods and demons.

"Fushenlu, I am afraid not to be called Fushenlu, but the guiding method of the real voice of gods and demons!"

Chu Yi showed a surprised expression on his face, he deliberately did not converge, let the devil relax his vigilance.

"Curious changes!"

"The demon ancestor has already appeared, shouldn't it, next to the **** ancestor possess!

The devil laughed three times, and he looked forward to Chu Yi's exercises more and more.

"Taiwan Kanlong, this king can't see you, so reluctant, this king will give up."

"Boy, see clearly. This is the third seal. If you succeed in cultivation, you can become a killing trick in the realm of Immortal Venerable!"

The handwriting on the stone wall becomes more and more crazy, just like a group of demons dancing into a demon.

The Shibi earthquake caused Chu Yi to suspect that it was about to crack.

"Devil, you, you!" Taikoo Kanlong's nine heads spoke at the same time, roaring in rage, and the whole little secret realm was shaking.

"Taiwan Kanlong, it's okay, you don't need to ignore this king. After this king is out of trouble, he will take your dragon's guts to drink wine and pick you up." The devil laughed.

"Who is afraid of who!"

"We have fought for tens of thousands of years, regardless of the outcome, this king will not be killed by you!"

Taikoo Kanlong gritted his teeth, its nine heads glowed at the same time, a more terrifying breath appeared, turned into dense text, and formed a giant beast.

Five layers of Tiangong.

The first layer is the dragon.

The second layer is the moonrise, this is a terrifying beast, its shape is like a raccoon, and its white tail has hyenas.

The third layer is the snake.

The snake has four wings and sounds like chime, which evaporates everything.

This is a horrible Archaic fierce, fiercer than a dragon.

Pig Bajie greedily absorbed this exercise, it was not afraid at all, because the body had the power of engulfment, and its body was extremely powerful. In this way, the hair was brighter and the eyes were clear.

The chains were shaking, the stone walls roared, the nine-turn green lotus was waiting to be released, the fairy dew was almost going to escape, and the spirit of the entire small secret realm was also more active.

This time, the shadow of Shenzu has appeared on Chu Yi's body.

"Sure enough, what will happen next."

The devil is curious, and his heart is even more excited. The voice of the other party's demon is obviously more precious than his Fu Shenlu.

"This is the fourth seal." The devil's voice was magnificent.

Taikoo Kanlong heard that nine heads would vomit blood.

"Demon King, are you really going to fight with me, this is your mastery!"

"This Taoist is so kind that he wants to save this king out, and this king naturally has to work hard, unlike someone who has a small belly." The demon stimulated Taikoo Kanlong.

"it is good!"

Taikoo Kanlong also evolved the fourth layer of Tian Tiangong. In an instant, the sky was dim and the sun and moon were dark. A female corpse pulled the coffin out of the void.

"The female ugly corpse, an ancient beast!" Chu Yi suddenly looked up and was shocked.

Zhu Bajie's eyes widened even more, his expression more serious.

"It's extraordinary to swallow heaven, and so is this Fu Shen Lu."

Chu Yi converged his mind, and on the fourth floor, a large number of divine patterns appeared on the stone wall. These divine patterns turned into a **** clan, extremely powerful, but all were killed by thunder.

Chu Yi's pupils changed color, his right eye was a god, and his left eye was a demon. The gods and demons on his arms were raised, and the two door gods were almost turned into real objects.

"it is good!"

The Demon King was very excited, but after a few days, when Chu Yi absorbed the fourth seal, Shi Bi was quiet.

In another place, Taikoo Kanlong no longer manifests the exercises.

"Two, what's wrong?" Chu Yi asked respectfully.

The demon phantom reappeared on the stone wall: "We have already taught most of your exercises, only the last 10% will be taught after you compare."

"No matter winning or losing, it will be taught." Taikoo Kanlong added.

They are confident that after experiencing the previous exercises, some people can bear the temptation.

"It's gone..." Chu Yi touched his head. "That's a pity, pig bajie, let's go."

"The two seniors, Zhu Bajie and I are good friends. How can we fight each other? We love and respect each other, and we hope the two seniors understand."

After finishing talking, Chu Yi strode toward the exit. Although he and Zhu Bajie wanted the last layer of exercises, they knew that they should not be too greedy.

The Demon King and Taikoo Kanlong froze, and an angry roar sounded.

"You lied to me!"

The Demon King was furious, the shadows filled the stone walls, and the whole space began to crack.

Taikoo Kanlong rises to the sky, and the iron chain rattles.

Chu Yi turned around and blinked: "How can this be a cheat? It's a willingness. I and Zhu Bajie have a psychic spirit and roughly deduced it. With our strength, it's still half a catty, even if the fight is even, so I am very It’s embarrassing, you can’t save both."

"But the two predecessors are at ease. After all, my mind is simple and not a bad person. I will go out and help you find other people."

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