My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1053: Reproduce the glory

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

"Yun Luo Xianzun!"

Chu Yi appeared bright and upright here, his eyes were indifferent, with a smile, he had no fear of everything.

He was closed for a year. These evil spirits were speculating about the extent of his cultivation, but they forgot the most important thing. They didn't even know that Chu Yi had a law of food.

This is why, even if Chu Yi does not concentrate on improving his cultivation base, but rather lays a solid foundation, his strength recovery is at an amazing speed.

All the monks in the entire restaurant were shaken, stunned one by one, but did not expect that Yan Luo Xianzun would dare to appear in such a situation.

Ding Li was still sitting, his cheeks were white, but when he saw Chu Yi, he gradually became crimson.

Her figure is voluptuous, but her face is like a girl, her eyelashes are pretty, and Gu Pansheng smokes.

Jiang Wu was shocked, the smile on his face gradually widened, especially when he felt the breath of Chu Yi, he did not enter the realm of psychic, he seemed to see many treasures waving to him.

"Yan Luoxianzun, it's an honor to meet you. If you're not in a hurry, please come with me. Presumably you also want to see God Son and others."

"There are still many evildoers, but I will never forget my predecessors."

What I will never forget is naturally the treasure in Chu Yi's hands.

Such gains are too amazing, even if they are taken away by the Son of God, but the family of Wanshen Township cannot swallow it alone, and they must be separated out, otherwise, they will be attacked by the group.

Chu Yi stood proudly, and looked around: "You are not qualified to ask me to ask the Son of God and the Buddha to come in person, otherwise, I am not ashamed."

Jiang Wu angered slightly: "Yan Luo Xianzun, do you really think that you were the Xianzun of those days, now you are just a Yuanying, and Yuanying holding huge wealth, the whole final place, plus the fairyland , Many people are staring at the wealth in your hand, you have nowhere to escape."

"These people alone are enough to make you crush your bones."

Jiang Wuqi Yu Xuanang, behind him, ninety-nine swords soared into the sky, directly overturning the entire restaurant.

The endless seawater accompanied by the sword turned into water dragons.

"Nine Nine Dragons!"

The terrifying water dragons, each of which is more than a hundred feet, wrapped in sword spirit, and some weak realm of God, did not dare to approach at all, and retreated one after another.

But Chu Yi was still indifferent. When the sword array was about to kill him, his eyes were stunned.

In an instant, the sword array stopped.

The next second, the long sword in Jiang Wu's hand fell off and he directly cut off his body.


No one dared to talk around, even Ding Li, the chopsticks in his hand fell quietly on the ground.

Her pupils are full of Chu Yi's figure.

When was he so powerful that although Jiang Wu was not as good as this prince, he was at least the character on the overall list, but it was so easily beheaded.

"Even if Jiang Wu practiced kendo, he was restrained by Yan Luoxian, but the result was too horrifying."

Baidao Water Dragon broke apart, exposing the long sword inside, which was easily taken away by Chu Yi.

In the eyes of everyone, how terrible was Chu Yi, as if he were really the master of kendo.

"You must not use the sword in front of Yan Luo Xianzun." This is the conclusion of all witnesses.

They watched Chu Yi leave, and they were awe-inspiring toward the island.

"There, evil spirits gather, the Son of God, the Son of Buddha, the Son of the Nine Nether, the Little Sage, the Nine Heavens Mysterious Girl, and the Devil are all there. He still has such a loyal past. Is it really necessary to pick the heroes?"

"It's not impossible. In the last life, Yan Luoxian Zun worked once, and he challenged several masters at the same time, and he also won. In this life, he will regain his glory."

"Not the same!" Someone shook his head. "This time is completely different. I have experienced the final place. The God Son and the Buddha Son are much more powerful than before."

What's more, the talent of this generation is even more terrifying than the previous generation.

The news here, spread ten to ten, hundred to ten, and soon it became known to everyone.

"Go! Go and see, Yan Luo Xianzun, challenge the heroes."

"Does he really want one person to respect an era alone?"

There are many monks boiling blood, they are not like the gang of wicked demon, they have become a **** in hundreds of years, most people, in the realm of Tao, experienced the age of Yan Luoxianzun, but only learned from the elders There is a genius who has upset the whole fairyland.

This time, they were fortunate to witness it with their own eyes.

"That kid, dare to come out and see that this king will not peel his skin."

The Demon King and Taikoo Kanlong also heard the news, and went away in anger. They were pitted by Chu Yi again and again. They wished to unload this kid.

Moreover, these two men also looked at the treasure in Chu Yi's hands.

Chu Yi walked in the air, sitting on the shoulder of the pig Bajie, followed by the daughter of Tianfeng.

His eyes were like eagle falcons, and his sharpness was like thunder and lightning. From afar, he saw a group of people on the island.

Chu Yi landed on the rocky ground with ease. He looked natural and faced the strong, without the slightest fear.

"I count..."

"Son of God, Son of Buddha, Son of Nine Nether, Little Saint, Nine Heavens Mystery, Devil."

Chu Yi smiled and glanced at the nearby, there are three young masters of the gods and demon religions, but the three people have already heard the word. This time, they are no longer enemies of Chu Yi, but they are on the side of Chu Yi. .

Because Chu Yi benefited, if they went out alive, it would be their gods and deities, even themselves.

The three observed in secret. After all, there was some evildoers on the side of the Son of God, which did not appear.

"This guy, can you quietly take Yinshenlou away and make such a big move every time."

"Moreover, he has got such a huge wealth, can he hide, must appear!"

Yu Xiqing gritted her teeth, her face anxious.

Shiyou and Daqi are also secretive. If all these people join forces, even if they are all together, it is impossible for them to resist.

Although there are people of their gods and deities, but the number is very different from the rest of the creatures.

"Yan Luo Xianzun..." Shen Zi opened his eyes, with a smile and admiration, "It is really a lucky life to meet an opponent like you in his lifetime."

"However, you are still too arrogant. If you were in the previous life, it would be fine. In this life, you underestimated us."

"It's not underestimated, it's you, it's no longer in my eyes." Chu Yi said calmly, as if telling a fact.

"I have always heard that Yan Luoxian is arrogant to the extreme. I used to come to my land of Nine Nethers and wanted to fight against the Nine Nether Lords." The Nine Nether Sons were a little indifferent, but their eyes were full of curiosity.

This peerless evil that spanned two generations, this time also showed amazing luck, making them all envious.

"The Land of Nine Nethers is a good place. Next time I will be free, I will find the Lord of Nine Nethers to drink tea."

Chu Yi nodded and looked at Devil again.

The demon seldom showed up, his body glowed with scarlet blood, and his hair was wet, dripping with blood. Apparently he had killed many creatures just now.

"Devil, you are too sad for me, you know, me and Mo Kunnai are friends. When you were a devil, I still hugged you, but now you want to unite this group of people to kill me." Chu Yi grinned.

Everyone was silent and somewhat funny.

Devil originally wanted to be angry, but it is true that Chu Yi is higher than his seniority, at least equal to Mo Kun.

He spoke, his voice low and hoarse: "Master Mokun is not your friend. When you entered the Demon Realm, you slashed the magic sword and ambushed countless lives of my family."

"I'm not killing innocent people indiscriminately, I just slaughtered the demons, who let them sacrifice a life planet under my jurisdiction with blood."

The devil did not speak, but made his position clear. This time, he wanted to be an enemy of Chu Yi.

Jiu Tian Xuan Nu lifted her skirt and smiled slightly: "Yan Luo Xianzun, I wonder if you have heard, what happened to the last Jiu Tian Xun Nu?"

"She has done everything for her. For you, she was seriously injured and only had a hundred years of life. It is really pitiful. Yan Luo Xianzun, why don't you follow me to the cloud and see you?"

She said this deliberately, wanting to test Chu Yi's state of mind.

Chu Yi was cold: "It's stupid of you to shake my heart with this method."

"Sorry, this will only anger me!"

Chu Yi took a step forward, and the whole rocky ground exploded in an instant, the earth was shaking, and the seawater was not far away.

You know, this is the place where many Chaos Supreme Immortal Venerables came, and as a result, Chu Yi stepped on the surface.

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