Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

The old banyan tree scattered and flirted, gently fiddled with the Bitan water, making it more radiant.

Gao Wenxian also produced aura in his body. If he lived in these places for a long time, he would naturally become a warrior.

He looked at Chu Yi respectfully. In his eyes, Chu Yi was the first in the world a few years ago. Now even if the strong come out, the owner of Qianlong Villa is still the first in the world.

"Under the four major rivers, four worlds were bred, namely the Yanhuang Realm, the Ganges Realm on the Indus River, the Nile Sinister Realm, and the Shengqin Realm."

Gao Wenxian said that although he is not a senior member, because of Chu Yi's reason, he has known many masters and congenitals, and knows a little inside.

"Among them, the remaining three worlds did not come out of life, and it was only a short time ago that after Mr. Hou's group entered, there was no news, and no news had been reported, so the situation on the opposite side was not understood."

"But the corpse world over the Ganges is a bit different."

"Over the years, there have been corpses floating out one after another. At first, countries did not find any difference in the study of cadavers, but they decayed slowly, but later, they have changed."

"The corpse, all stood up and started attacking others, their lives became more radiant, and in the end, they became alive again."

Gao Wenxian was horrified, but it didn't happen in China.

"Autopsy!" Chu Yi instantly thought of a certain technique.

"A horrible spell that converts living people into corpses to prevent time from having too much impact on themselves, and seals them for tens of thousands of years, and once they come alive, both talent and strength will grow significantly. , Where are those bodies now?"

Chu Yi asked seriously.

Gao Wenxian replied: "Some returned to the corpse world, and some are still on earth, and established a sect called Fu Zongzong."

"Every country is watching so openly?" Chu Yi believes that this kind of sect that affects the entire earth will not be so easy to establish.

"In addition to watching, what can be done, even the nuclear weapons are easily blocked by them, and they can only let them grow bigger."

"However, over the years, nothing has happened."

Chu Yi understands that this is because for the opposite world, the outside earth has not yet attracted enough, otherwise, it will not be the case.

Even corpse surgery can be performed, I am afraid there is at least a level of psychic existence.

"Are they foreign, or are they native earth creatures?"

Chu Yi wondered.

The earth is more complicated than he thought.

He originally wanted to return to the earth, meet family and friends, upgrade their cultivation, and then look for the ancestors of the Yanhuangs who were left behind. Unexpectedly, such terrible changes have taken place on the earth.

As a result, he had to take a trip to those four worlds.

"How do you rank in the black list today?" Chu Yi asked. I am afraid that this is the quickest way to understand the overall strength of the earth.

"The black list has been updated several times, and the number one in the black list today is the master of the corpse sect, known as the soul chaser."

"Some people claim that he has transcended the Tao and reached an unprecedented level."

Chu Yi nodded, not caring.

"Also, there is a resurgence in the twelve temples of Europe, but it seems that it is because of the relationship of the sacred piano world. It is said that there are spirits in it. They are vigorously supporting the twelve temples. Today's Europe has long become the twelve temples of Europe. "

"The North American Alliance was also re-established a few years ago, but it seems to be supported by a force in the realm of evil."

The growth of monks will inevitably lead to changes in the entire international structure.

"However, there is too little news to come out, and even the top spy can't invade." Gao Wenxian shook his head, and since Hou Jie left, he got less and less news.

Chu Yi smiled and said: "This is nature, those are powerful monks, and the means of the earth are not worth mentioning in their eyes."

Gao Wenxian nodded: "The second beginning of the black list is the realm of cultivation. I don't understand this realm. I just heard that it is very powerful and has the ability to move mountains and fill the sea."

"The leaders of several major forces are all in that state... the top 100 of the black list are all in the realm of cultivation, as for Mr. Chu... you have not been on the black list for a long time."

"Is there any danger to us?" Chu Yi asked, not caring about the black list.

"That's not true, but I heard that there have been some changes recently, because on our China side, Yan Huangjie hasn't moved for a while, and several major forces have signs of intrusion, and it's a headache."

A group of strong men in China in those years had no news since they entered the Yanhuang Realm, so that some masters were missing here.

"It's okay, let me sit down." Chu Yi simply said something, but Gao Wenxian was relieved.

He knew that once the person in front of him came back, then everything was no longer a problem.

Suddenly, at this moment, Gao Wenxian received a call and his face changed suddenly.

After he put down the phone, he quickly told Chu Yi: "Teacher Chu, it's not good. The Northwest Tianyao Group forcibly wants to demolish No. 3 Middle School and take this place as its own. Now all kinds of equipment are on, but No. 3 Middle School Some teachers and students are still protecting the school..."

Chu Yi's expression narrowed: "I'm so brave, don't you care about it?"

"You can't control it, this Tianyao Group has invited a congenital pinnacle to sit on the town. Most of the strong people above are in the Yanhuang Realm. This can only be compromised, but many teachers and students in the third middle school disagree."

Chu Yi nodded slightly. He put down the teacup and gave the pig Bajie to Gao Wenxian to take care of it. He got up and left.

Gao Wenxian suddenly discovered that the cup of tea did not know when it had frozen.

Then the layers of tea cracked and the whole cup burst suddenly.

Gao Wenxian wiped the sweat and secretly prayed for those people.


But he said that on the other side, the old man, Gu Tian, ​​fled all the way and waited until there was no one there. He stood up quickly, and the wind was on his feet. He came to a mansion with great speed.

This mansion is extravagant. The bodyguards inside and out have no more than a hundred people, and all of them are warriors.

In the mansion, a large number of spirit mines are embedded in the walls, and the aura is abundant.

Although it was dim, it was brightly lit.

As soon as Gu Tian entered, he saw a middle-aged man, Qi Yuxuan, meditating cross-legged.

Surrounded by layers of mist, this middle-aged man was clearly in front of him, but as long as the old man closed his eyes, he could not find it at all.

He beamed his hands and stood aside, his eyes more respectful.

After waiting for a while, the middle-aged man finally opened his eyes. He first touched the gem on his chest, and then slowly opened his mouth: "Aren't you going to the school, how come you are so embarrassed?"

Old man Gu Tian hastily recounted the causes and consequences of the matter.

The middle-aged man frowned.

His name is Shen Ru. Before the earth's upheaval, he was a hidden master, rarely appearing in front of everyone.

Later, because of the appearance of Yanhuang World, he gained many benefits at the beginning, and he quietly became a realm of seed.

Of course, this kind of Dao realm is completely made up of treasures.

Even with the methods of Chu Yi today, it is enough to easily cultivate the Tao.

However, Shen Ru has been very low-key, silently developing his own forces.

"Chen Zhantian and others went to Yanhuang Realm before idiots would go there. What a danger, I was just peeping into a corner and almost died."

Shen Ru sneered.

He was calm and calm, and after listening to the old man Gu Tian, ​​he slowly said: "It seems that there are still masters in China. With his strength, he has at least three steps in the sky."

"That place is the one that I'm looking for. I want to see who is in this place, who has the courage to **** things from this seat."

Old man Gu Tian was overjoyed.

He knew that the predecessor in front of him, Xiu waited for height and depth, even though it was not much worse than the existence on the black list, it was the legendary state of seeding.

He had seen it with his own eyes, and as soon as the opponent waved his hand, large tanks collapsed.

Innately, on today's earth, it can only be comparable to the military commander of the year.


Shen Ru cross-legged, rising from behind him, rising clouds, dragging him, floating in the void.

As he went out, nearly dozens of generals and even masters also followed.

This group of masters was dispatched, fearing that it would disturb the entire Jiujiang city.

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