My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1081: Go to China

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

Above Meishan, there are many acquaintances of Langfang.

A group of students at that time also all grew up. Before Chu Yi came back, it was because of the spikes that Huaxia could not be invaded.

But nowadays, everyone who looks at Chu Yi with a smile on his face is all hairy, even Qing Changhong is a bit dazed.

"Are you a man or a god?" Admiral Zhao Peng couldn't help but ask, he and Chu Yi hadn't seen each other for several years, but found that the other side was getting younger, but he had a few more white hairs.

Chu Yi smiled, he was amazed, suddenly the boiling water of Bitan water turned into a stream of water, hovering in the air, and then did not enter the body of everyone.

Zhao Pengmeng's shock, the next second, his eyes widened, because he found that all the dark wounds in his body disappeared, even the painful spots left by some repairs were completely gone.

His talents were average, and he did not succeed as a warrior, but now he is only a warrior, but now, Xiuwei has been directly promoted to guru.

His hair was dark and his wrinkles disappeared, as if he was fifty or sixty years old, and then suddenly returned to thirty years old.

On the other hand, others have made a lot of breakthroughs, and the black rickets' backs have become upright.

Qing Changhong screamed, the whole body was flying, and the momentum in his body was rising.


"I also broke through innate..."


"I am about to enter the realm of planting..."

Everyone is dumbfounded and dumbfounded. What is this means?

They also know that this pool of water is not a panacea, but only to prolong life.

Chu Yi smiled: "Do you say I am a **** or a person?"

Zhao Peng is speechless and his face is entangled. Can these methods be called human beings?

The gods he can imagine are nothing more than that.


Near Bitan, the old banyan tree rolled over a lot of vines and turned into a table. This scene also looked at everyone.

They sat down and felt that this place was not on earth, but a fairyland.

"Ms. Chu, I haven't seen you for many years. It seems that you have made a lot of progress. I thought that at least you can catch up with your pace. Now, it seems that it is too far behind." Qing Changhong sighed.

Chu Yi laughed, if the people on the earth can catch up with his progress, I am afraid that they are all geniuses in the ranking.

"Teacher Chu is afraid that he has reached the realm of Taoist government. It is rumored that the master of Na Fu is the realm of Taoist government."

The dark ink sighed and admired a little: "I have seen that master from afar, it's terrifying, but at a glance, I almost died. The nuclear weapon is in front of him, which is not as good as a child's toy."

"Teacher Chu, you are not doing right this time. Although there is a lot of people's hearts, you can pay attention to the dead body."

Chu Yi didn't care: "That man is not in the realm of Taoism, why should I care?"

"But Daofu?" Qing Changhong's heart jumped.

"There is a realm above the Taoist House. The Eleventh House of the Taoist House, and the Eleventh House of Yuanying.

Everyone was awe-inspiring, because they didn't get much information, so they didn't know, no matter the specific situation.

"Teacher Chu is in Yuanying?"

"Yuanying? Above Yuanying, there is the psychic spirit, and the psychic realm is the real powerhouse."

"You know, I just came back from the fairyland, Yuanying is in the fairyland, and I can only protect myself and become a planet's overlord.

"I'm so good."

Zhao Peng shivered, and the tea cup fell unsteadily, but was caught by the vines of the old banyan tree.

Daofu, Yuanying, Tongshen...

Chu Yi has already reached the psychic.

The atmosphere was a little dignified, and everyone was air-conditioned. In their eyes, the way to grow was the strong, the house of Dao, that was a god-like existence, and upward, they didn't even know.

And the people in front of them have already transcended the level they can understand.

"No wonder... Teacher Chu, you can sweep the Twelve Temples." Zhao Peng murmured.

"No wonder, you dare to shout the whole earth, because no one is your opponent at all!"

"Haha, as a result, you don't have to worry about anything at all. Teacher Chu sitting alone is invincible." A smile appeared on everyone's face.

In fact, they still don't understand the horror of psychic, otherwise, it will not be digested so easily.

"Don't be happy too early, our earth is not simple, there is an existence that I can't afford in the four worlds, and even in the twelve temples today, there is still a realm of gods." Chu Yi gave them A pot of cold water was poured.

"What?!" The people shuddered involuntarily.

The twelve temples have psychic existence!


The news that King Chu Yan had destroyed the Twelve Temples, spreading wildly, whether it is a strong man on the black list or an ordinary person, was dumbfounded.

The Chu family, boiling, even the entire senior executives of China, were relieved in secret.

The arrival of Chu Yi has given China a guarantee.

The Ganges, although no longer drifting away, was not approached, only because of a horrific sect.

This sect, no force in the world, dare to provoke or even avoid it. Even the Twelve Temples are not its opponents.

Fuzong Zong, surrounded by misty clouds, is not large in scale, just because the real Fuzong Zong is still in the corpse world.

The Fuzezong Sect Master here is just a little deacon from the real Fuzongzong.

The soul chasing Taoist bears his hands on his back, standing on the edge of the Ganges River, with long, **** hair floating, and his eyes are scarlet.

"Adult, it seems that the so-called King Chu Yan has returned and destroyed the main gods of the Twelve Temples. This matter has already been violently violent on the earth. We suspect that his strength in the realm of the Tao has threatened our part. Ministry." A four-eyed demon respectfully said.

"Ignore it."

"A small state of Taoism can still be turned upside down."

Soul chasing Taoist's face remains the same, even if the other party has the strength to kill himself, so what.

The purpose of his coming here is not to fight, but to do a good job in the outside world to extradite the masters in the sect.

This is his task.

"The elders in the sect, if the lords can come out and take down the entire earth, it's all right."

"Notice. In the most recent period, the entire sect gate was closed. Without communicating with the outside world, we have to spend a little time to complete the formation."

The soul chasing Taoist fell on the Ganges, and in an instant, the whole Ganges was fogged.

Behind him, nearly thousands of demon monks, all prostrate to the ground.

A line appeared on their foreheads, followed by a split eyebrow, and a drop of blood came out, but for a moment, Ganges was red with blood.

And those demons have all lost their breath of life.

At the foot of the soul chasing Taoist, a horrible scarlet array lighted up, penetrated deep into the riverbed, and spread to the distance.

Gradually, the space here began to distort, and a ghost appeared in front.

It was a vast world. The sky was scarlet, the earth was barren, and the water of the Ganges ran from the earth to the corpse world, and it continued to spread into it.

There was a smile on the face of the soul chasing Taoist, and he looked into the distance, only to see the end of the long river.


"Twelve of them, dead?"

The Temple of Zeus, Xianle curled up, and some people kept sending Xianguo.

Kun Yuan sat on the throne, lying halfway, his eyes narrowed, but after hearing the news, he was a little surprised.

"King Chu Yan?"

"There are such people on the earth, and they should not be from other worlds."

He stood up and the Xianle in the hall stopped.

The two-headed snake coiled around the neck.

"The twelve people, although not strong, but if they join forces, even if it is the realm of Taoism, it takes some time to win."

"It seems that King Na of Chu is either at the peak of the Taoist government or has entered Yuanying."

"I was able to cultivate to such a degree on the earth that year, I am afraid that it is a genius... This kind of genius, a little guidance, is enough to achieve something, it is worth my visit." Kun Yuan laughed.

"Son, what if the other party does not follow?" a woman with a fox tail smiled.

"Twelve temples, anyway, allegiance to our Tianyun Sect, if he resists, then he can only avenge our men."

A big man spit out the chariot with his mouth open.

Tian Ma ran out of Tianma's nose.

Tianmara drove the car, and many fairies laughed and played.


This terrifying team sailed into the clouds and ran away in the direction of China.

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