My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1083: Sword species and the Yellow River

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Both stood, and the surrounding air was sometimes hot and sometimes cold.

Qing Changhong, Zhao Peng and others only felt that even time had become chaotic.

This is obviously just two people, in their eyes, like the collision of two worlds.

"The world of Shengqin is vast, and geniuses come out in large numbers. I don't know that Brother Kun is ranked among his peers," Chu Yi asked.

Kun Yuan smiled proudly: "My Tian Yunzong, although not as powerful as the Immortal Venerable, but I can still rank among the top 100 gods in the entire Shengqin world."

Chu Yi was amazed, horrified in his heart, Shengqin Realm, I am afraid that it is only the size of a star field in Immortal Realm, and this person's talent is at least comparable to the top 20 geniuses in the total list, but in the entire Shengqin Realm, only the front One hundred.

But when he thought about it, he understood.

This is the land of eternal life, the origin of this universe. The four worlds also belong to the earth. At that time, even the Yan and Huang clan appeared. Although these people are only outsiders, they can reproduce here for generations. The earth is alive.

Their talents can be imagined.

Kun Yuan said with a smile: "I heard that immortal world is vast and endless, and even the supreme are endlessly explored, and genius is endless. I dare to ask Brother Chu, you are among immortal world and peers, ranking geometrically."

Chu Yi grinned: "First, no one can beat."

Hundred yuan meal, some unexpected this answer, but did not believe it, only when Chu Yi was a swollen face to become fat.

He didn't believe it, and he casually met a person in the fairy world, which is the most powerful genius in the fairy world.

He took a step, and the music behind him changed instantly, like a thunder exploding. The entire Jiujiang city was originally clear sky, but at this time, the clear sky suddenly thundered and a gust of wind was blowing.

Babies and children cried, animals and animals screamed, and the mountains shook and became a mess.

He sprang up, and a spear appeared.

The spear is about two meters long, split in two in the middle, and connected by fairy scriptures.

He is fast and Chu Yi is faster. The opponent has condensed five small worlds in his body, at least in terms of energy thickness, which is much stronger than Chu Yi.

Chu Yi's body is surrounded by layers of sword patterns, like mountains and water, and clouds and mist.

He spit out a golden bell, which was obtained from other strong men.

Jian Qi revolved around the golden clock and went towards the other party.

At the same time, Jinwu carried the flame of the sun and swept through it. The terrifying momentum was like the arrival of the little sun, burning everything.

His Sunshade Eucharist's second weight has reached its limit. If you go further, you must practice the third weight, but you haven't got enough ground fire.

Although Chu Yi is arrogant, he has no intention. If it is the origin of the entire universe, it must be different. The creatures coming out of the Shengqin world may have more extraordinary means.


The air burst, it seems to explode, the airflow is rolling, forming thousands of miles of clouds, and the entire Jiujiang city has an amazing sight.

The flame burned, the golden bell roared, and the sword was like a dragon.

At the moment when Chu Yi's attack broke out, Kun Yuan's gaze also suddenly froze.

He wields his spear, the tip of the spear rotates at a rapid speed, and the overlapping gun shadows form a dazzling world.

His every move implied the way of heaven and earth. In the attack of the other party, Chu Yi seemed to see a small world born.

The gun shadow formed a gate, and behind it was a world.

His magnificent gunshot was not to defeat Chu Yi's attack, but a kind of tolerance, turning Chu Yi's attack into his own things, which was wonderful.


The two's attacks collided, the world was silenced, and the atmosphere of terror suddenly erupted at a certain point.

They are like volcanoes, and the billowing clouds are flying in all directions. Not to mention Jiujiang City, even the entire Jiangnan Province is clearly seen.

Kun Yuan received the gun and then came out. As a result, the gun seemed to be a wicker, constantly whipping, and getting bigger and bigger.


"His attacks are full of vitality."

Chu Yi waved his hand, condensed the poisonous mist, and the wicker continued to wither, and his sword followed.

How venomous his eyes were, and it didn't take long to find the weakness of the other party's attack.

This sword seemed to hit the snake seven inches.

Kun Yun was shocked. This battle was not his most embarrassing battle, but it was definitely the most unnatural battle for him.

He stepped back a few steps, his eyebrows opened sharply, and a silver beam shone through the sky.

Chu Yi's pupils shrank, and in this beam, he saw a certain way and felt a source of power.

This is so fascinating, there are fairy tales all over the place, and it's gorgeous, and it's intoxicating after a little look.

On the other side, the people of Qing Changhong have been completely dull for a long time, and their eyes are dazzled, attracted by this beam of light.

"It seems that there are a lot of secrets in those worlds, so I have to go in person."

Chu Yi cleaved a sword, and the Yin and Yang swords glowed brilliantly, and the sword light was like a mountain.

But this time, something different happened.

Chu Yi sensed that a large river came turbulently, descending from the north and rolling continuously.

It was the Yellow River, roaring like a fierce murderer, even merging with Chu Yi's Jianguang.


Chu Yi froze for a moment, but soon found out.

"When the sword species of the Yin Yang sword appeared, it was when the Yellow River was flooding. Could it be said that the emergence of the sword species is related to the Yellow River, so this time it will provoke the Yellow River."

That is not the real Yellow River, but the soul of the Yellow River, which ordinary people can see but cannot touch.

Kun Yun's face changed.

His beam attack was cut off, his eyebrows were bleeding, his eyes were stinging, and he couldn't help squinting.


But at the same time, beside Kunyuan, the pillars in the hands of the four great men suddenly became larger and went straight to the sky.

"Four Pillars!"

On each pillar, there are the green dragon, the white tiger, the suzaku, and the Xuanwu.

Endless coercion spreads, this time, it has spread to most of China.

Countless people were frightened. Even if they were separated by thousands of miles, they could see the four horrible pillars.

The four people are all in the realm of God, and how terrifying is the power of using this sub-holy weapon.

"No, this attack, even if it is blocked, but the entire Jiujiang City, and even half of Jiangnan, will be destroyed!"

Qing Changhong was horrified. They could feel that the power of terror was enough to destroy the world.

Chu Yi's face didn't change, and the Yanhuang suit on his body rattled and detached, and pieces of metal kept expanding. In the end, a huge defense was formed above the sky.


The announced attack landed, but was scattered by three thousand metal blocks, and only a few aftermaths fell, but Chu Yi disappeared one by one.

"Immortal Realm!? Is he really Immortal Realm first?"

Kunyuan can no longer keep calm, he turned and fled.

Chu Yi just wanted to chase, but saw thirty-six fairies holding musical instruments, waving into swords, each piece of sword light was a note, combined into a tune, but it was an extremely terrifying trick.

"Eternal Sword Domain, kill!"

Swish swish!

Countless sword qi cut through the sky, the killing trick can't be broken by itself.

The four great men and thirty-six fairies are about to retreat while fighting, but they are shocked to find that the air around them has become sword qi.


The blood in them kept splashing, turned into sword light, and cut off their own bodies.

Kun Yuan looked more and more shocked, he had never seen such a sword, nor had he ever seen such a horrible person.

"Very good, can it be so powerful?"

"I'm not his opponent, the earth is too dangerous and must leave as soon as possible!"

He burned his life at an extremely fast speed, even briefly breaking through the void on the earth, slamming into the Euphrates River and disappearing.

The smoke disappeared, and the bodies were cut off by Jianguang, leaving only a few treasures and cheats.

"It's really decisive, burning life ran away, and his life together is too special, and the vitality is also several times stronger than the magical power of the fairy world. It's really strange."

Chu Yi stood proudly in the sky and didn't care too much. Many things he had to know were already known, but more specific, I was afraid to find the immortals and even the supreme in those worlds.

Chu Yi reached out and was about to take away the Four Pillars, but saw Pi Ba Jie taking the lead.


Chu Yi smiled helplessly and returned to Meishan, everyone still looked at him in horror, looking at him like a monster.

"Relax, it won't destroy the earth, not to mention, the earth is not as fragile as you think."

After hearing that, several people were even more worried.

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