My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1090: One sword for nine days

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

"what happened!"

Relevant departments in various countries have all discovered anomalies. They discovered through satellites that almost the entire Pacific Ocean was overturned, and the sea water was scattered all over the world. The vision was amazing.

"It's him!"

"Chu Yan!"

Some satellites captured the picture, although it was blurry, it was still recognizable.

It was King Chu Yan. A few days ago, the Twelve Temples were destroyed, and then he fought with a strong man, affecting most of China.

It didn't take a few days before something changed again, and this time, the impact was global in nature.

"How did you fight again?"

Qing Changhong and others were speechless and frightened. They were really worried. Chu Yi's people would fight if they didn't move, and the earth would be completely destroyed sooner or later.

"Like a miracle!"

"Fear of being a god, nothing more."

But when they saw the pictures, they were stunned one by one, and could no longer speak.

The Buddha and the Devil split the sky with a large sword.

On the other side, a huge flame spear, carrying the Pacific Ocean, is going to overwhelm the world.


Chu Yi's robe hunted, standing on the spot, unstoppable.

The flame world was split directly into a huge pit.

The endless power of the world suppresses it along the waves.

The demon disappeared, and Chu Yi held the devil sword, standing proudly.

The Long Yu King's eyes were dignified. The sword just now looked fierce and irritated, but the sword came down, unbiased, and fell on the weak point of his attack, otherwise, it would not be so easily. Defeated.

"Peer of the fairy world, what is your ranking?" King Long Yu asked.

"the first!"

Chu Yi laughed, "If you defeat me, you can be called the first in the fairy world."

"First?! Good!"

"It seems that Immortal Realm is lonely, and the first is nothing but see me defeat you!"

The dragon feather king breathed magnificently, and the dragon gas on his arm skyrocketed at an alarming speed, forming a dragon gun.

"This gun is made from the torso of the Hellfire Dragon. Follow me to fight the corpse world, the dragon soul devours everything, and you will be the next prey."

The dragon feather king came out in one shot, and in an instant, an overwhelming gun shadow fell from the sky, just like the Himalayas fell down.

Chu Yi waved his hand, and the Demon Sword rang the dense sound of bells and drums.

"I will blaze with a sword."

Jianguang is like water, sweeping up, Jianmang is vigorous and splits the void.

He used the realm of eternal sword territory. This world was sullen, the sword was awe-inspiring, and the air collided like a sword sea whistling.

No one can describe such a scene as heaven and earth, as the sun and the moon contend for glory, as the might of the world.


The two collided, making a sound like a meteorite impact.

A shocking scene appeared, and I saw Chu Yi's sword mandrel, which struck each other's attack, and immediately cut off the other party's attack, and immediately did not weaken, turned into a sky of sword rain, and fell again.


The crown above the dragon feather king's head suddenly burst into glory, how brilliant it was, but under the glory, it was a huge silence.

"The origin of the avenue!"

Chu Yi's pupils condensed, because the Kunyuan encountered before, all the attacks have a breath of life, and this dragon feather king is a breath of death.

"Earth, contains the origin of the avenue. I am afraid that in the four worlds, there is really a real avenue, even if it is not found, but there will always be gains if it grows there."

Chu Yi's awe-inspiring, how horrible the origin of Dadao is equivalent to the rules of heaven and earth.

Just like the heavenly court, on the bright side, Chu Yi knew that they had mastered the rules of thunder, so all thunder penalties were under their control.

The Yanhuang that year was the source of fire.

The fire in the world is controlled by the Yanhuangs.

In the air, the crown was shining brightly, turning into a dead zone, just like a ghost town, rolling towards Chu Yi.

Chu Yi laughed and stepped up into the air. His sword made a perfect arc in the air, and the light was flowing.

Only hearing the buzzing sound, Chu Yi's sword stood on a gray chain.


Endless chains fell from the dead city, and every chain was covered with skeletons.

Chains of chains, flying continuously, splitting the material space, which has reached the critical point of the power.

The Taixian Taoist was surprised, but not worried: "It is indeed a genius in the fairy world, who was able to force my husband to use this trick."

"Unfortunately, this move represents the end."

Countless people are watching this battle.

In the unknown void, there are two figures standing quietly.

"Son, this person in the fairy world, there are some means. The dragon feather king even used the dead domain." The old man's beard dragged to the ground, and his voice was very old.

The young man smiled, his eyes bright and full of strange light.

"The Undead Crown is from that place. At that time, my parents wanted to win over and study it, but after all, we have to be careful."

"The Dragon Feather King is so talented that he can't study much and put it on him. It's a pity, but it can be exerted to such a degree that even those in the fairy world can't resist it."

The old man plucked his beard and smiled: "The son's shot, these two are ants."

"For ants, why should I shoot?" the young man asked rhetorically.

"What I need to worry about is not the power of the Immortal Realm. After all, it is difficult for them to enter the earth. Instead, they are the other three realms, the Shengqin Realm, the Yanhuang Realm, the Celestial Realm, especially the Yanhuang Realm..."

"Yanhuang is not simple, and the royal family is even more extraordinary. At that time, their family returned from Immortal Realm and did not know what happened and suffered too many losses. Otherwise, we would have been destroyed long ago."

"Yanhuang, master the source of fire."

"It is said that this universe originated from thunder, in fact, it is flame."

"Life is due to fire, and there is an indestructible flame in the flame, and the flame is in their hands, and they will be passed on from generation to generation."

The young man murmured, quite envious in his eyes.

Only at this moment, suddenly the world roared, the vast Pacific Ocean was cut in half, the horrible sword gas swept the sky, and the sword split the city.

The dead city was collapsing, many ghosts roared, screamed, and collapsed inch by inch.

"One sword for nine days, one sword for one day!" The young man started with a meal, and then erupted.

The sword just now, from bottom to top, turned into a real sky after another.

The king of dragon feathers suppressed people with city, and Chu Yi suppressed the city with heaven.

The young man's eyes were full of sword shadows, and his eyes were fixed. He asked, "Researcher, who are we masters in the corpse world?"

The old man replied: "Kendo is too difficult, too hard. The more difficult it is, the difficulty is several times that of swordsmanship. When it comes to psychic, it is almost a hundred times that of swordsmanship."

"However, Kendo's attack power is also extremely powerful."

"There are three swords in the corpse world, a sword that is in the realm of the gods for three lives, and two is a young man. The sword is infatuated, and the name of the sword changes with the sword."

"The third person is a sword Xiaohe, with the sound as the sword, and the free sword."

"The kendos of the three people are completely different, and the kendos of this person in front of them are completely different from those of the three people."

"After all, Kendo has never finished, and no one knows which path is correct."

The young man nodded: "This man's swordsmanship also has a great trend. I look away. He can overcome the dragon feather king by entering the realm of the gods for the first time."

"It's not much different than when I was."

The old man was shocked: "The young man was slashing the Immortal Venerable with Tongshen. Was he only weaker than the young man of the year.

"After all, it's the fairyland first, what's so strange." The young man didn't care, he had invincible confidence.

On the other side, Chu Yi fell with a sword, and the body of the Dragon Feather burst apart, blood splashed.

And those blood became Chu Yi's flying sword, attacking the dragon feather king.

"How can it be?!"

"I am the Dragon King, will I be defeated by a little devil?"

He couldn't believe it.

The people of Fu Zong Zong fell silent.

Taixian Taoist wanted to shoot, but Pig Bajie and Pig Trotter stopped him.

The Taixian Taoist retreats one after another, and his wrist is in pain.

Chu Yi chuckled, suddenly, he paused.

I saw a sudden sound rang out in the void: "Dragon Feather King, you are not his opponent, give up resistance and return to the corpse world."

The voice dangled, and at the end, a huge sky was formed, squeezing Chu Yi's sword gas out.

Chu Yi's eyes narrowed as if he was facing an enemy.

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