My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1094: Older gingers are more spicy

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

The wind rolled up, and waves of waves rushed over.

"Teng Tianlu, broke..." Chu Yi was speechless, he didn't know what was going on, but if someone told him that Immortal Venerable was the end, he wouldn't be able to enter the Supreme during his lifetime, then he might also be Will not be reconciled.

Chu Yi knows how powerful Tianying Supreme is. He is the most top group of people in the fairy world, and he is at the top of the world. He is stronger than the peers. Even the Green Emperor and the White Emperor have never reached his level.

"The road is broken, I naturally have to find the way. I will spare no effort to divide the deity into countless avatars, and even erase all the memories. Only when the avatars reach the state of communicating with God, will they recall."

"Hundreds of millions of avatars are scattered throughout the universe, looking for opportunities. In the middle, countless avatars have died, and now there are only ten remaining to reach the realm of communion."

"This doppelganger was a coincidence, and came to the earth through the reincarnation well."

"Seniors are really persevering."

Because this move is too horrible, it is almost certain that Sky Shadow Supreme is difficult to restore to the level of the year, and even the Supreme may not be able to enter.

This is a huge gamble.

"Great perseverance?" Tianying Supreme's hair was yellow, like dried straw.

"I can only say that I am not willing, or that we are too weak to fight against that kind of existence."

Chu Yi heard the other person's words and couldn't help being silent, and finally murmured: "Heaven's Court?"

Sky Shadow Supreme is the pinnacle Supreme, naturally knowing many secrets.

"Shen Demon, I'm afraid I will know more, Yan Huang, but I know, but that group of people in Yan Huang were almost dead."

"You should know that Xianzun didn't have to cross the robbery during the ancient times."

"Xianzun crossing the robbery seems to be crossing the robbery, but there is a crack in the Shenqiao. Those thunders are hidden in the Shenqiao and penetrate into the small world. The higher the upward, the more security risks will be."

"Xianzun step by step, too difficult, Xianzun to supreme, the probability of success is getting lower and lower."

"Shenqiao is unstable, once the sea of ​​supreme heart appears, it will be washed away, and the small world will collapse, which is why the supreme is so at least."

Chu Yi awe-inspiring, all of this is done by the fairy world?

"Xianzun to Supreme, although difficult, even if it can't reproduce the glory of the ancient times, at least it will not be lonely to such a point."

"A large part of this is that Heavenly Court has moved its hands and feet in it, and Hidden Realm has no such concerns, so that the Supreme of Hidden Realm is more than my Immortal Realm."

"Of course, this is not the most absolute. Xian Zun can still become the Supreme, anyway, but the way to the Supreme is completely broken."

"I'm afraid, apart from heaven, there is no such thing as transcendence."

Chu Yi was depressed, he heard from the capture of the Dragon Supreme, he was the only one in the world, mastering the Thunder Tribulation, and in the realm of the Immortal Venerable, he lowered the thunder penalty.

From ancient times to the present, there has been the Supreme Tribulation.

"The Heavenly Court has lost my way, and all the paths of the Supreme..."

"Since then, there are no more immortals in immortal world."

Jiang Feng rolled, like a bone scraping knife, the temperature was obviously not low, but Chu Yi still felt very cool.

Heavenly court alone is too terrifying. If there is a fairy, even the gods and demons will not be their opponents.

The whole fairyland united, it is difficult to contend with heaven.

What's more, they still hold the origin of the Thunder.

"Before I turned into a billions of avatars, I launched an attack on the heavenly court, trying to shoot down the high presence, but unfortunately, I was cut off."

"I saw a great move, that person should be an immortal. I tried my best to save my life, but my arms could never grow again."

"I was enlightened by a gun, but my arm was cut off by a gun."

That was a gunshot wound!

Sky Shadow Supreme exposed his wounds, filled with the power of horrible rules.

This amazing talent, the existence of the top few people in the fairy world, now looks like this.

There is no good ending to the sword.

"I have seen immortals, seen such god-like means, and seen each other's marksmanship. I am naturally not reconciled."

"I have seen a wider world, how can I endure staying here."

"I want to use a gun to lift the man's head from heaven, if I become a fairy, he will not be my opponent."

Tianying Supreme said here that his spirits were fluttering and his hair was like hair guns.

"I thought there was no way, but with the mutation of the earth, I found the way again."

Sky Shadow Supreme obviously has a long memory recovery.

"This road is above the earth!"

"Tianting is also looking for the place of origin and the place of longevity."

"Earth and the four new worlds, it is easier to manifest the origin? Seniors want to master the origin and fight the heavens?" Chu Yi exclaimed.

If it fails to become an immortal, if Dengtian Road is still broken, then use the original source and supremely cut the immortal.

Tianying Supreme grinned, his teeth were sparse and not beautiful: "You are smart, the earth, according to the current situation, it is indeed possible to show the true origin, and the four worlds, it is estimated that there are already people Mastered a certain source."

"The more sources you have, beyond a certain level, you will naturally be able to kill immortals and destroy heaven."

"But you guessed a little wrong, that is, I am not the best candidate. I have been in my old age and I was seriously injured. Where is the power of a battle?"

"Me?" Chu Yi looked at Tianying Supreme looking at himself, and smiled awkwardly, "Senior, don't make trouble, I'm just an ordinary person."

Heaven Shadow Supreme was dumb, he stopped and looked at Chu Yi seriously: "An ordinary person can achieve the Immortal Venerable for thousands of years, an ordinary person can create Kendo, an ordinary person, can suppress the elite group of heroes?"

"Oh, by the way, it is still an ordinary person from the place of origin. The blood of the Yan and Huang clan is flowing on his body, and the gods and demon religions are playing around."

"I tell you how to master the Fa, you take this burden and open a way for me in the fairy world."

Chu Yi was stunned, and quickly shook his head: "There is a Saint Gallo in the fairy world, and the talent is superb, I think it is better."

"San Gallo comes from chaos, and has no sense of belonging to today's fairyland. He has a cold heart and kills hundreds of thousands of fairyland geniuses."

"Jiang Geng in the corpse world is not bad, even more terrifying than me."

"I have seen his phantom, he has a flawed character, and it is no problem to enter the Supreme, but it is too difficult to go further."

Chu Yi rolled his eyes, as if he wanted to enter the Supreme is very simple.

"The Yanhuang family, there are descendants on the earth, sent a group of people over that year, if the seniors are willing, I can find for you."

Tianying Supreme laughed and wrinkled his face: "Aren't you the king of the Yan and Huang clan? The Yan and Huang clan, I don't think I can find another one, better than your talent."

Chu Yi touched his nose: "Senior, can you still have fertility?"


Sky Shadow Supreme was furious.

Chu Yi smiled: "I think the predecessors are talented, and they will have a future generation. They will be extraordinary in the future."

Tianying Supreme blowing his beard glared, glanced at Chu Yi very angrily.

He is the pinnacle of supremacy, who dares to talk to him like this.

"I'm already old."

Chu Yi shook his head: "This is not a problem. I am proficient in medical skills. Even if my predecessors have kidney deficiency, they can be cured, and you will have the courage to survive."


"I really want to strangle you."

Chu Yi's hippie smiled without fear.

"If you don't agree, I will expose the position of the earth. You know, I can contact the remaining avatars. I also know the situation of the fairy world." Tianying Supreme smirked.

This time, it was Chu Yi's turn to be silent.

"Senior, you can't be so cunning..."

"Hehe." Tianying Supreme laughed.

Chu Yi had a headache: "You remind me of Senior Qingdi like this. At that time, he also threatened me and let me take over Dingtian Temple."

Sky Shadow Supreme suddenly raised his voice, suddenly furious, the river was surging, almost to the sky, endless waves were photographed one after another, just like Taishan fell.

"Good boy, you have agreed to the Qing Emperor's fellow, even if you don't agree with me, don't I have the Qing Emperor's weight?"

Chu Yi changed his face and shook his head immediately.

"That's fine, I'll take it as you promised." Tianying Supreme returned to his lazy expression again.

Chu Yi stunned, sighed in the sky: "Ginger is still old and spicy, I was pitted again."

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