My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1200: Sword and Sword

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Pig Bajie's speech is still a bit vague, milky and milky, but the momentum is not weak at all.

"What a terrible physical strength, can't fight against him."

Mo Yu instantly changed his shape. His huge wings continued to shrink, and finally turned into two sickles. The body of the knife was covered with frost.

"Yan Luo Xianzun, you are really deep-hearted. You have hidden such a monster around him, but he did not reach the Supreme Realm after all. As long as he didn't arrive, I would dare to fight even if the emperor was opposite!"

Behind the sword saint, a handle of sword light flew, just like a blooming lotus, all heaven and earth, all are swords.

"People of sin land are full of iniquity. At the time of the war, if they were not the timidity of the people of sin land, the hidden world would become the territory of our immortal world."

In the large formation, the bodhisattva sat cross-legged, and the Buddha's light on him turned into a giant Buddha, each with a thousand hands, squeezed toward the formation.

"Today, the Juggernaut cut the sinner."

"Why do you want to add to the crime?" Chu Yi said coldly.

"In any case, if Yan and Huang lose, it is guilty."

Bo Zizi's eyes were deep, "Relax, after you die today, I will save your corpse, and then burn your millions of waste soil, turn away the sinful flesh, burn out the filth in the bloodline, you come Hell will appreciate the little monk."

Chu Yi slowly raised his head, his gaze sweeping lightly over the four, with a pity, sympathy, indifference and ridicule.

Juggernaut was looked very uncomfortable.

"You think you are in charge of everything. Heavenly court and mystery think it is high, but in my eyes, you are just slaves."

"I can watch the sacrifice of many tribes, if you are willing to stop this war."

"But in this way, it is impossible."

He gently held the sword, Xuanhuang sword contention.

"I will say it again."

"I am innocent!"

"There is no truth in this world, I will use the sword to kill a truth."

"There is no truth in this world, my sword is truth."

"There is no peace in this world, then I can only kill by killing!"

When the last word came out, the sword in Chu Yi's hand made a terrible roar.

The Xuanhuang sword swept towards the sword saint, the void was like a foam, and it shattered layer by layer.

The endless sun, moon and stars manifest, like the Milky Way, which has been extended towards the sword saint.

Make a sword with Tianhe and slam the sun and moon stars!

The Xuanhuang sword finally showed its power. This long sword was the real Xuanhuang sword after it was opened by Yan Emperor.

Xuan Huang, the first qi of heaven and earth, can be as light as hongmao and as heavy as Mount Tai.

At that time, the Yan and Huang clan, using the Xuanhuang sword, was still an incorrect sword, and now it is placed in the hands of Chu Yi. What a power.

At this moment, countless people looked up, terrified, sword energy manifested the stars and moon, apparently has reached the point of peaking.

"The two swords are finally fighting!"

Some people murmured that they could not hear what Chu Yi was saying, even because they were too far apart, the picture was not very clear, and even the mouth shape was not clear.

But everyone understood that these two men finally decided who was the king of kendo.


Sword robe of juggernaut threw away, and suddenly countless flying swords swept out, burst into flames, and turned into a tornado.

Every flying sword makes a violent collision with the sun, moon and stars, and the harsh sound is like a nail rubbing against metal.

The collision between Kendo and Kendo makes this world seem to be transformed into the world of Kendo.

Pig Bajie was dissatisfied and stomped his feet, feeling that Chu Yi had snatched its invincible style, so he opened his eyes and thieves looked at Mo Yu.

Then, it exploded violently, and the spear fired.

It is smart and not dull. Although the body is strong, it must be hit. The other party obviously does not intend to fight it hard, so Zhu Bajie immediately used the gunshots taught by Heaven Shadow Supreme.

Mo Yu narrowed his eyes, and immediately faced the battle.

Jianhe and Jianlongjuan are still colliding, but Chu Yi and Jiansheng have already made another move.

Juggernaut pointed it out and turned it into a long sword.

Chu Yi shot with a palm, and the wind became a long sword.

When they come to such a level, they are even related to their own swordsmanship, not to mention, everything around them is infected by the swordsmanship, and it is easier to become a sword.

The two have left the rocky ground and confronted each other in an oasis. The whole oasis has sunk down, and a huge current under the ground soars into the sky, turning into a long river.

The drums of the two cities continued to ignite, and the flames ignited, turning into illusory and idyllic statues to defend the cities.

In order to improve morale, it is also a formation method to prevent being attacked by others at this moment.


Suddenly, Jian Sheng stepped back involuntarily when he was in contact with Chu Yi.

As kendo geniuses, the moment they met, they already distinguished the realm of strength.

Juggernaut clearly felt that the opponent's kendo stabilized himself, and his kendo seemed to be like a child seeing his parents.

"How can this be!"

"My realm of kendo is obviously stronger than you."

Chu Yi smiled: "You said it was decades ago, at that time, my sword is really not as good as you now, but these decades, not only you are improving."

"Speaking of Kendo, you are far away!"

"I don't believe it!" Juggernaut's eyes showed a crazy look, "Even if your realm is stronger than me, my sword skills, swords, and sword moves are stronger than you."

"I will see through your realm of kendo, kill you, and then complete the avenue!"

He roared into the sea, opened his mouth again, and became a sword mountain again.

In this regard, Chu Yi just returned a sword.

The sword light is getting bigger and bigger, and at the extreme, it explodes like a star, each ray of sword light has its own trace.

Within the sword light, there is a flame beating, this is the fire of silence that Chu Yi used the final land devil's skills to extract.

His swordsmanship is not just swordsmanship, it is ever-changing, and it blends with everything.

Jian Sheng's pupils coagulated, his hair was weakened, and a bloodshot streak appeared on his right face. Immediately after, his right shoulder dress was torn, revealing the inner armor.

The armor cracked and there was a deep sword mark.

Chu Yi sighed, he admitted that there are too many geniuses in this world, not only him.

He certainly surpassed the opponent in Kendo, but with the other party's years of groping in Kendo, maybe just by looking at it, you can know the problem.

Sure enough, the expression of Juggernaut became more and more joyful, and even he didn't want to avoid Chu Yi's attack just now, but he had to experience Chu Yi's sword way.

So he realized.

"My previous conjecture is not wrong. Kendo must become a avenue. It must be integrated with other avenues. At least hundreds of avenues are needed to promote the success of Kendo!"

"I thought of it, but I dared not experiment on it and put it on the saint's body. I didn't expect you to integrate other ways directly."

"I have to say, at this point, I lost." Jian Sheng still had a smile on his face.

However, the breath of his body is getting bigger and bigger. In the end, every sand floats in the air, and every grain of sand is full of sword.

"To be honest, Yan Luo Xianzun, I really don't want to kill you, kill you, on this path, I am too lonely, without you, even without me now."

"Unfortunately, you are too strong. I don't have 100% certainty. I can make Kendo break into the Supreme before you, so I must kill you first!"

"Now, there is already the direction of the avenue, you can die."

Juggernaut's palm gently touched the strange dragon sword.


Dragon Sword spread out completely, like a **** thunder, piercing the void.

"The sword name is undefeated, taken from the backbone of a blue dragon, and then forged with many flesh and blood with real dragon blood."

"Never failed!"

"I'm sorry, I have never lost." The Xuanhuang sword in Chu Yi's hand exhaled Xuanhuang's spirit.

"Xuanhuang sword, the artifact of my Yanhuang family, cast with the atmosphere of Xuanhuang of the world, and the forging soul created by the millions of millions of dead souls of my Yanhuang family."

Chu Yi said one word, "Shangqiangbi and Huangquan fall, and everything can be cut."

The Juggernaut held the sword horizontally, sweeping out the sword, and in the bones, the green dragon appeared, and even the dragon roared.

Jian Gang's light shone on the sky, causing the whole desert to shake.

Chu Yi also split with a sword, like a galaxy falling from the sky.

The two swords touched together.

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