Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiuxian on campus!

The figure of the man appeared on the battlefield, which was incompatible with the atmosphere here. He seemed to be a world of his own. Or, the dignified atmosphere here was completely different from the indifferent smile on his face.

Everyone just felt like a beggar and saw an emperor.

Chu Yi understands that this is too different in realm.

"Yan Emperor?" There was a smile on the man's face. It was a sincere smile. Even his eyes were laughing. He looked at the sword in his hand and Chu Yi.

"It seems that you have been stricken by the kid, I didn't teach him well."

Chu Yi stood up reluctantly and said respectfully to the man: "Senior Huang Di, the boy Chu Yi."

"You have my **** yellow blood, surnamed Chu?" He suddenly showed a weird look. "Good surname, it is really cheap for us."

Chu Yi was puzzled.

"It's okay... some things, when the time is up, you know, don't worry."

"Before I was dying, I scattered a little thought and scattered it on this land. I didn't expect that one day I could converge."

He glanced at him, his eyes full of sighs, he saw the broken land, the broken body of millions of future generations under the blood, his eyes kept looking far, as if to see through the universe.

"This breath!"

Outside the sin territory, a figure flashed, it was Xie Wushuang, who had lived from that year to now, and at this moment, his body was all hairy.

He is an immortal, cultivated as a heaven, hidden in the darkness, doing things for the destiny.

Xie Wushuang's face showed a horrified look: "This guy hasn't died yet? At that time, I probed the six major sins and determined that there was no breath of the Yellow Emperor before leaving. I didn't expect to be deceived by him."

Yellow Emperor!

A generation of legends, comparable to the existence of gods and demon.

"Fortunately, it's just a spirit body. It's just a matter of today. It's in trouble."

"Yellow Emperor..." At the mysterious place, in the chaos, a fuzzy figure wobbled slightly.

"It's really a long-term memory. It's a pity. It was a pity that I couldn't fight you back then."

"It's all dead people, why are you still tossing like this." On the small island in the heavenly court, Tingtian, who was watering flowers, was a little surprised, but it quickly calmed down.

"You are dead, I am still alive, this is my victory, and you are going to disappear."

He was still watering the flowers, but they were all outside the pot.



On a small planet, a wooden fish sounded.

The great elders of the Yan and Huang clan sat in front of the temple and looked at the incense rising up.

Behind him, there were many Yan Huangzi kneeling.

The elder is silent, beating the wooden fish, but the sound is mechanical and distant.



"The ancestors of the Yanhuang family, the Yellow Emperor at that time!"

In the city, countless monks were horrified, their eyes wide, looking at this peaceful man.

"This is the Yellow Emperor?"

The dark flame demon glanced around and muttered to himself, "It seems nothing special, but like Chu Chu, black hair and black pupil."

"This man is very strong!" The sword worm shook his head. "Even if it is just a spirit body, it is terribly strong. His realm may have surpassed the immortal."

Even the sword worm said it was powerful, it was really powerful.

"Yellow Emperor..." Tianzi, San Galo and others looked dignified.

They could not feel the breath of Huang Di.

But at this moment, the six-law supreme in the sky, after a pause, showed a smile.

The six big roulettes moved slowly, making great achievements.

"Yellow Emperor, although I admire you as a strong man, but now, you are just a spirit body. Even if you were an immortal in your lifetime, you can have a certain amount of strength in the spirit body. I am afraid it is only a supreme level."

"In the supreme level, you are not my opponent."

"If the Shenqiao is still there, I can become a fairy, and my qualifications will not be worse than you."

"Today, I will love the fairy!"

"Yan Luo Xianzun, I said, no matter who comes, I can't save you today!"

The Six Ways Supreme took a light drink, and immediately, above a roulette wheel, an endless symbol formed a huge vortex, and a long river rushed out of the vortex.

Looking at the long river carefully, all kinds of weapons and ores, and even precious treasures were floating on it.

The long river rolled, and it suddenly broke apart.

"Do you use genius to treasure rivers that are refined... good means, it seems that time has passed a long time and the Fa is also innovating."

Huang Di said softly, and turned to look at Chu Yi again, "Have you ever seen the flaw of this attack method?"

Chu Yi’s Eclipse Dragon Eye has been open: "Many treasures reflect each other, entangle each other, and use the long river to contain their repulsion, so there is this method."

"I can't see the flaw."

"I can't see..." Huang Di laughed. "But the biggest flaw, in my opinion, is too weak. No matter where it is attacked, it moves the whole body in one stroke, but as long as it is broken with force can."

"Too weak!"

Chu Yi was stunned, but saw that the Xuanhuang sword in the hands of the Yellow Emperor had been cut over. That sword, but Chuyi's swordsmanship was different, and it was Xuanhuang's spirit that inspired it.

An air of mysterious yellow landed on the surface of the river. At the next moment, a sharp voice flooded the world. The whole river disintegrated directly, and various treasures splashed out, like dead fish.

"In my homeland, bully my tribe, kill!"

Huang Di was peaceful, but his voice was not angered, and the crown of the gods rose to the sky. The inscription on it fell, and in an instant, the daylight was blocked, so the sky above the city was transformed into a starry sky.

The Supreme Master of Six Laws was frightened. He urged six roulette wheels and six huge beams of light to guard the whole body.

"After all, it's just a spirit. I see how much energy you have."

The divine crown turned into a starry sky, shrouded down like a universe.

Everyone only felt that the whole body was flickering, Yuan Ying was drunk.

The Sixth Supreme Master in the center, Yuan Ying was directly pulled out of the body.

Huang Di said: "Yuanying stays in the flesh because the body can protect Yuanying, but what if there is a more suitable place for Yuanying to stay?"

"It's as if some strong men will seize better flesh. You can treat the seal of the **** crown as a flawless flesh, and use some means to attract the enemy's Yuanying and then seal it."


The words of the Yellow Emperor fell, and the entire starry sky shrank and became smaller, and in the end, it became a seal of God.

Above the sky, there is only one dead body.

Everyone was silent and dared not move.

An immortal spirit body, powerful and terrible, the pinnacle supreme in front of him, can not turn any storms.

"Small..." Niu Niu wanted to swear, but quickly changed her tongue, "Little heart, so strong."

The Yellow Emperor exhaled a breath, he did not leave, but walked towards them.


The Great Sorceress moved, and quickly knelt, but found that they could not kneel anyway.

The emperor Huang embarrassed and said, "This land, called the land of sin, is named after me, because I am the sinner."

Part of the curse that year was attributed to him, and the defeat that year was also caused by him.

He died here, calling it a land of sin, and burying himself in the abyss of sin.

"What happened back then was that I was sorry for future generations. You don't have to kneel me or burn incense for me every year."

In full view, the supreme being, bowed down to his children and grandchildren.

"Ancestors can't!" Big Soul Witch is anxious.

"We can't stand..."

"Hurry up."

He just knelt gently, but it was like an explosion of stars. This scene was too shocking.

Chu Yi did not expect that Huang Di would act like this.

You know, some strong people, even if they make mistakes, can't apologize, let alone to their descendants.

The Yellow Emperor has reached the highest level.

This kneeling caused countless monks to numb their scalp.

Many people even wept bitterly.

"Unfortunately, he is dead. If he is alive, this state of mind alone can achieve supreme achievements." Sword insect sighed.

Yellow Emperor got up: "I might have done something wrong before, my grandchildren have their own grandchildren."

After the Yellow Emperor finished speaking, a mysterious wave spread out, and the Great Soul Wizard discovered in amazement that the curse on themselves had disappeared.

Those who broke their hands and feet have grown hands and feet.

The same thing happened on the other five distant sins.

"Sin soil is my own sin land. Sinner is my sinner alone." Huang Di sighed.

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