My Teacher is a Rebirthed Immortal

Chapter 1319: Unable to break through

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiu Xian on campus!

Pig Bajie and Dark Flame Demon still want to make trouble here, but they are all dragged away by Chu Yi.

One has to refine the Eight Commandments, and the other has to absorb the bodies of some Supreme Powerhouses.

These two little guys are getting more and more troubled recently, all of them damaged by swordworms.

Xia You also closed down. She was injured for many years and now recovers, finally going to break the road of Xianzun.

However, there is a trace of the ancestor's mind in her body, and she will lead to the supreme in the future.

As for the white fox, it is inherently talented, and it is a well-known existence in the mystery. It is trying to break through the supreme.

Several people each sought a treasure and made a breakthrough, without worrying about the coming of the Supreme Tribulation here.

Heaven Court moved the Supreme Tribulation to the Realm of Immortal Venerable, but it does not matter if there are big elders sitting here.

So much so that the small worlds simulated by Chu Yi now become pure energy storage.

"First break through to the realm of supremacy, otherwise, next time you go out, all the powerful enemies will have spirit and all are in the realm of supremacy. I am afraid they are not their opponents."

Chu Yi didn't dare to underestimate his opponent, even if he was stronger, there were always people who were stronger than him, and even some people who were weaker than him, through various means, he could be put to death, he knew this.

"Break through the supremacy, refine the fire without borders, and then practice samsara, and if there is time at the end, then go to browse the blaze of blaze."

He made arrangements for his ten years.

This is a secret room, but when you walk in, it is an island, which seems to directly connect to an island on the planet.

The waves around him were rolling, and there was a purple qi lingering around.

Chu Yi took out many treasure medicines, all of which were born in the chaotic age, but they are rare. When they appear, the spirits here will boil.

He began to absorb and practice, and was meditating, thinking about his own way.

I don't know if it was specially arranged by Yan and Huang. The waves here are blowing in with the wind, so that people can enter quickly and have a clear mind.

The flowers and plants are fragrant, and the islands are more lush. Under the treasure medicine, many plants have appeared spiritual, chanting and chanting.

I don't know how long it has come, the sun has risen and the moon has fallen. In one of them, Chu Yi opened his eyes.

The energy in his body is rising, the bridge is built, the small worlds are connected to each other, and the ropes are connected, and they are extremely stable.

"I finally reached the peak of Immortal Venerable, which is much faster than I expected. The next step should be the Supreme." Chu Yi was a little excited. In the last life, he has not yet achieved the Supreme.

But the Supreme of that era was much more valuable than it is now.

Suddenly, the sky dimmed, and then, in the distant sky, a terrifying sun radiated against the world, and clusters of illusory flames slowly burned on the sun.

Someone achieves supremacy.

"It should be Yan Tongdao." Chu Yi glanced at the fluctuation of energy and judged.


It's just that this night was not calm. Soon, another day of radiance spread out, illuminating the night sky, and facing the lunar star in the sky.

"It's a topaz book."

Chu Yi closed his eyes, calmed his mood, and began to meditate again. He had already achieved the Supreme Sword, and the rest was to form the sun and become the Supreme Sea of ​​Heart.

The years passed away quietly. During this period, the White Fox also became the supreme, rushing here to show off.

Soon after, Xia You also looked at Chu Yi and saw that the other party was still contemplative, and left for a long time.


Snow began to drift on the planet, and thick snowflakes stuck to the ground.

The white fox rolls in the snow and has fun, but it looks up and looks at the direction of Chu Yi's retreat. It is very confused: "The son has clearly completed the kendo, why hasn't he broken through to the supreme, logically speaking, should It’s faster than us."

"I also find it strange that, with this kid's talent, it shouldn't have been a breakthrough after so many years. Is it that the talent is here?"

"Bah, ah, shit, your talent is used up."

"Stop it, this is me, not a snowball." Baihu shouted when seeing Zhu Bajie grabbing himself and throwing it towards someone.

Pig Bajie scratched his head and put down the white fox.

The sword worm wore sunglasses and a tall gentleman hat, and placed a sun lounger and a big umbrella on the beach in the snow. Youzai said: "He has a heart knot and cannot be a supreme."

"What heart knot?" Xia You has always been quiet, and only talked about Chu Yi.

"He is afraid." Swordworm said, "He is afraid that the fusion of the seventh type of basic kendo will lead to the attack set by destiny. He is afraid that he can't carry it. He is afraid of destiny."

"The son is not afraid." White Fox shook his head.

Swordworm smiled: "He saw too many things related to destiny, it seems that his will is firm, but those scenes, more or less, left a shadow in his mind, even if his heart is firm, but destiny after all It’s too powerful to make him completely carefree."

"Actually, he is not even afraid, as long as he admits, this knot can be untied, but unfortunately this guy is stubborn and does not admit that he will stick to his will."

"He is worried that once he breaks through to supremacy, he will have some comprehension of Kendo. If he promotes the seven-type fusion, it will be troublesome.

"With this heart tied together, how could he be the supreme."

Baihu was silent for a moment: "I'll tell the young man and let him open his heart."

"You don't need to go anymore, he knows it, but it's just this hurdle that he can't break."

The sword worm sighed, "He wants to break, he will break, he doesn't want to break, we are useless to say."


A huge snowball smashed over and smashed the sword worm.

"Pretend... hate..." Zhu Bajie hummed twice.

"Dead fat pig, come here for a fight!" Sword worm jumped angrily out of the snowdrift.

It attracted the sword, and the snowflakes suddenly turned around in the sky, forming a giant sword, and fell down.

Pig Bajie was unwilling to show his weakness. The trotters patted the ground. At the next moment, the snow on the whole plain was shaken.

"Snowball fight, the king likes it!" The dark flame demon also joined in, as well as the white fox and Niu Niu, who are all fearful of chaos in the world.

The heirs of the surrounding Yan and Huang clan changed their faces one by one and quickly escaped.

"Go and tell the elders!"

"These guys are going to fight snowball fights again. Last time they played snowball fights and demolished one of our palaces. Last time, they smashed Bai Mo Supreme's medicine valley..."

"However, isn't this exciting?"

"seems like it."

"Tell the elders, we also joined, and we can play snowball fights with the Supreme, maybe we can understand." A naughty little fat man said.


So a group of people hurried back and ran back.

In recent years, everyone has adapted to the existence of Chu Yi and others.

"Where is the system, what is the system!"

The quiet elder was angry.

Flying Star Supreme quickly stopped him: "Elder Qingyou, let's not pass, this is a good thing, this group of stink boys are young and energetic, trapping them on this planet, there must always be something to let them vent their energy Right."

The elder Qingyou gritted her teeth, and her eyes were full of resentment: "Since the insect came a few people, have we been calm in the Yan and Huang tribes?"

"The old man's Dan furnace was taken to barbecue!"

"They also dare to pull the beard of the elder elder, which makes the old man angry and punished by the elder elder, and the discipline is not strict."

"Bai Mo's medicine valley has been ruined. The old guy complains here every day."

"When will they leave!" Most of the descendants in the clan are disciplined by the Qingyou elders.

Nowadays, these juniors learn that worm, shouting what is born free, no freedom, rather than death slogan.

The angry elder blowing his beard glared.

Fei Xing Supreme laughed: "The elder said that as long as the kid Chu does not leave, he can stay forever."

"In fact, it's not that exaggerated. Although your pottery and medicine valley are destroyed, these little guys have tossed out several new potions."

"And their practice has made great progress."

"What did that sword worm say, it's fun to teach, as if it's teaching you younger than you."

The quiet elder's face was gloomy, but he was speechless.

On the island, Chu Yi opened his eyes and sighed, only to feel chest tight.

"I have a knot and it is difficult to be supreme. It seems that I can only let it go. Instead, I should first study Wujianghuo and sword samsara."

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